Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

To prevent damping off use new soil from the store. It must be pasteurized or sterilized when they make it? I get damping off sometimes when re-using peat based soil.

Way out here sometimes you gotta use what you've already got, bud. :rolleyes2:

Planted the Nirvana Jock Horror Auto in that slot. Went heavy with the cinnamon. The bucket had dried out a wee bit. Still nothing but rainy, windy, gloomy BS weather, though.
Happy Independence Day to the Americans!

MsA#2, 3, & 5 are male. MsA#1, 4, & 6 are female. That's 50/50. Not too shabby. Here's the big question: Homogenize the male pollen or pick the best male? Homogenize for use with the MsA's but best male for the feminized strains? Go crazy and mix & match? What do you guys think?
" theoretically" use the best smelling one. In reality they all are quite similar, and 3 is a small sample anyway, so probably makes little difference if you use a mix or the "best".
" theoretically" use the best smelling one. In reality they all are quite similar, and 3 is a small sample anyway, so probably makes little difference if you use a mix or the "best".

Right, I think I'll go for the best and chop the other two. Three is a tiny slice of that genepool. Looking for earliness, best smell, and size of flower clusters. That's how I pick males for photo breeding. I had just thought about maintaining the genetics of the MsA stock as best I could, was what made me think of mixing the pollen together. The hybridization of the fems, I'm more interested in up-breeding, so to speak.
Finally some sunshine!
Looks good. seems you got some longer branches than I got.
It is nice to see a similar type grow. I'm watching.
Just thinking...22,000 members, only a handful of posters...outdoors anyway.
Rethinking the sanity of my choice....
Looks good. seems you got some longer branches than I got.
It is nice to see a similar type grow. I'm watching.
Just thinking...22,000 members, only a handful of posters...outdoors anyway.
Rethinking the sanity of my choice....

Don't worry, man. The outdoor grow is its own experience. Each year is different. You're doing great! On the plus side: No electric bill increase. Basically, super cheap herb. Nothing but the cost of fertilizers, TLC, and hours spent tending. I think it's worth it. Plus, if you start to breed, they'll get more acclimated to your climate year after year.
Day 42:
The boys & Bonfire photo:

Bonfire is stuck in stasis. Might have to bring it indoors.

The MsA females:



The JaHe autos:


(Looks like I forgot an old marker on that bucket from the Lemon D photo run last winter. XD)

The BbHb autos:

The mutant.

Big sister BbHb.

The RoJa autos:


No sign of the JoHo auto yet. I looked through last years entries and I think this year is on par. Still no sex from the feminized specimen, I blame the crappy cool weather. It's back to overcast and cloudy. Still confident that I'll get a decent turnout this year. Started a 4-7-4 liquid supplemental feeding for all the MsAs given their tiny soil mass and impressive vigor. The MsA#3 male(triple cotyledon mutant) is quickly pulling away from his brothers. The cotyledons are still intact, though beginning to become depleted. May choose to hit the feminized specimen with a 0-10-5 liquid supplement. I don't want another Stardust situation.
All looking rather healthy if I may say so........good work chum..........mind if I keep an eye out now and again ?......eP.