Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

Unfortunately, with all this rainy, windy weather, damping off has killed Hydra Fem seedling. Was it cinnamon that helps with that? Time to pop something else before it's too late. :(


Stage 2 LST will commence tonight. Probably going to pop a Nirvana Jock Horror Auto to replace that Hydra.
I had a hell of time with damping off, for second planting I made a very well drained planting mix and used cinnamon, second planting die off rated was at least as bad as first planting, oh well, the ones that survived are resistant, and doing very well.
I had a hell of time with damping off, for second planting I made a very well drained planting mix and used cinnamon, second planting die off rated was at least as bad as first planting, oh well, the ones that survived are resistant, and doing very well.
I never use humidity dome method, prefer less than supposedly ideal conditions to death.
Have heard cinnamon helps ? also a garlic juice solution, don't know about that either.
I just had a re-start damp off outdoors, I guess there is no avoiding it completely.
I never use humidity dome method, prefer less than supposedly ideal conditions to death.
Have heard cinnamon helps ? also a garlic juice solution, don't know about that either.
I just had a re-start damp off outdoors, I guess there is no avoiding it completely.

I only use moisture domes if it's really dry out. Didn't use one with the Hydra. Another factor could be that I replaced the soil that I pulled up with the BbHb with used potting soil from my used potting soil bin, planted the Hydra in that. Definitely highly bacterial and fungal active soil. All other soil resources are focused on the veggies, taters, and apple saplings. The JoHo auto sank last night, fingers crossed it pops. It's been gloomy and rainy so no significant growth from the others. Might start the JoHo indoors for a little boost, and for environmental control until it's healthy enough to resist damping off.
I had a hell of time with damping off, for second planting I made a very well drained planting mix and used cinnamon, second planting die off rated was at least as bad as first planting, oh well, the ones that survived are resistant, and doing very well.
It sucks to lose a bean, but in the end those that survive can contribute that resistance to the genepool.

Eyeballed the shack last night pretty sure MsA#5 is male, saw a few female pistils developing on some of the other MsA's. They really are super fast little beasts.

/edit He's gorgeous and stinky, too. :D
I only use moisture domes if it's really dry out. Didn't use one with the Hydra. Another factor could be that I replaced the soil that I pulled up with the BbHb with used potting soil from my used potting soil bin, planted the Hydra in that. Definitely highly bacterial and fungal active soil. All other soil resources are focused on the veggies, taters, and apple saplings. The JoHo auto sank last night, fingers crossed it pops. It's been gloomy and rainy so no significant growth from the others. Might start the JoHo indoors for a little boost, and for environmental control until it's healthy enough to resist damping off.
gotta figure the microbial spring time population explosion will be AK EXTREME, like everything eles up here
Day 33:

Moonstone Amnesias, Regular Sex:

MsA#1, Female

MsA#2, Unknown

MsA#3, Unknown

MsA#4, Female

MsA#5, Male, soon to be extracted to seperate livingspace.

MsA#6, Female

Emerald Triangle, Blueberry Headband, Feminized:

BbHb#1, Mutant

BbHb#2 LST stage two

Greenhouse Jack Herer Auto, Feminized:

JaHe#1, LST stage two

JaHe#2, LST stage two

Royal Queen Royal Jack Auto, Feminized:

RoJa#1, LST stage two

RoJa#2, LST stage two

The Shack:

Bonfire Photo((Alphakronik SnowdawgII x Nirvana Jock Horror) x G13 Labs Blue Og) F2, Regular Sex

/edit MsA#1 is that big, beautiful lady in the lower lefthand corner of the "Shack" photo. She's an exemplary specimen of MsA, as such she will be pollinated more than her siblings. As is obvious, the MsA's branch automatically, the JaHe and RoJa seem to be receptive to LST. The BbHb are apical node dominant. That speaks to me of sativa. From my experience with various strains.

Given the 60 days remaining to the summer it is unlikely some of these specimen will pass into or beyond stage three LST. We shall see.
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