Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

Nice set up...... It will get hot in their in June. I dug a hole and trench and ran ducting a little ways way and that will be my vent will needs intake still but deal with that when time comes.

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run it like you have a grwo and drop a smoke pellet or something in there and watch the smoke man.see how drafty it is.its possible a 2-4" button fan would suffice for simple circulation and one for day running for the O2 transfer.if it were me id still as a safety precaution plant them sopil warming cables just in case its needed for any extreme situations.lol but Im paranoid now since this winter has been the roughest time for me growing in several years LOL suuux. looks great though man.good luck!
I managed to find a couple of solar powered 4" desk fans. I planned on either using them for agitation fans or rigging them up to the ventilation ports. By the time the hut needs it, it will be full sun and they might work okay. If not I'll have to figure something else out. I haven't been able to find barometric dampeners in 4". I had been hoping not to use 6". I could modify the gable ends if necessary, and ultimately would probably be easier and cheaper than messing around with conventional sheet metal vents. As far as artificial heating, the hut is pretty distant from the house and running power out there would be costly. So perhaps cutting in the two 4" vents low in the walls, since they have screens, and are obscure, and cutting in small, triangular vents that can be closed, in the peak of the gable will be the best bang for my buck. Looks like 39f in the hut last night. It didn't frost up last night, the exterior thermometer read a low of 34f. A five degree buffer isn't much but it's something.

/edit The thermal retention is definitely improved at higher temperatures, thus the need for ventilation. However, it seems I will have to wait until the exterior nighttime temp can stay at a relatively steady 45f before germinating.
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Do you have a place inside to germinate. That's how I do it. But I usually don't use a green house. This is my first year with one also.

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I could but it's fluoros, I didn't want to run the risk of shocking them during the hardening phase. 42f exterior, 53f inside the hut.