New Grower Need4Weed's Very 1st Auto Grow Journal - 5 Strains of Autoflower Bliss

Welcome MrZigzag, (btw love your rolling papers lol), and glad to have you following along. I've had these girls outside exclusively for about the last week, although they are on a 3 ft table, (out of reach of those pesky rabbits). Good luck on your grow bro and if you have a journal, leave me a link and I'll be happy to follow along ... Peace!

Let me know how that rabbit thing goes! We got those too, I'm going to be worried about them and the deer, and who knows what else!

There's a link to my first grow in my sig (Star Ryder, Blue Mystic and Sour Diesel) and I just started a new grow that I'll be making a journal for shortly.
Day 40

I done some LST training today, just pulling down some side branches with garden ties. I also seen trichs today, those cute fuzzy little thc bombs, lol. I was going to cut the main cola from the one Purple Amnesia that I didn't fim/top, but it was sooo pretty I just couldn't do it. So I snagged one from a lower branch, lol. Got my blackstrap molasses and a quart of Fox Farm Tiger Bloom in the mail today, but I just fertilized yesterday, (including the Jamaican bat guano I just got in the mail). I will post some photos sometime this weekend ... Peace!
"(including the Jamaican bat guano I just got in the mail)"
You know the postman is saying to himself, "that fella is bat shit crazy". :crying:

Looking good so far.

LOL, you should have seen the look he game me when the gallon jug of blackstrap molasses arrived, lol
Day 34

Woo hoo!!! We got buds!!! No trichs yet, at least not to the naked eye, but really excited to see them little buds. So far only on the Purple Amnesia and the SamSara Thunder Bloody Marys, but it's been a long time since I've seen them little buggers. When I was younger it wouldn't be long before I would yield to temptation and start plucking them and I'm sure as they get bigger I will be like brother faded, and have to have a little taste, lol ... Peace all!

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View attachment 449974
Short Stuff Auto Purple Amnesia # 3

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SamSara Thunder Bloody Mary # 1

View attachment 449976
Short Stuff Auto Purple Amnesia # 1

Woah! Need4Weed DUDE! That last purple amnesia shot has me dreaming of my white lsd... She's got those evil lookin' sativa leaves and layers of bud developing... Real nice dude! ;)
Day 40

I done some LST training today, just pulling down some side branches with garden ties. I also seen trichs today, those cute fuzzy little thc bombs, lol. I was going to cut the main cola from the one Purple Amnesia that I didn't fim/top, but it was sooo pretty I just couldn't do it. So I snagged one from a lower branch, lol. Got my blackstrap molasses and a quart of Fox Farm Tiger Bloom in the mail today, but I just fertilized yesterday, (including the Jamaican bat guano I just got in the mail). I will post some photos sometime this weekend ... Peace!

You're like a kid in a candy store... I bet that some buds 'fall' off early... right into your pipe! LOL
Woah! Need4Weed DUDE! That last purple amnesia shot has me dreaming of my white lsd... She's got those evil lookin' sativa leaves and layers of bud developing... Real nice dude! ;)

What up Rhyce! I think your talking about the one that I labeled #1. If so, she's the one that didn't get topped/fimed and the main cola is the biggest and best looking right now... Peace bro!

You're like a kid in a candy store... I bet that some buds 'fall' off early... right into your pipe! LOL

Speaking of which, one of the small bud sites on the main stem on #1 just happened to have fallen off as I was rubbing it to get a good whiff ... must be lousy genetics ... NOT!!! :crying: I did a semi-quick dry on it and will sample shortly ... Peace!
Ok i am all caught up buddy sorry I didnt get to it last night we got some bad news so just took care of stuff and relaxed the rest of the night. Your (cheese) resemebles my sour bubbly in leafs size and structure but everything looks great glad I got a seat before the real show happens :D
Ok i am all caught up buddy sorry I didnt get to it last night we got some bad news so just took care of stuff and relaxed the rest of the night. Your (cheese) resemebles my sour bubbly in leafs size and structure but everything looks great glad I got a seat before the real show happens :D

Sorry about the bad news bro and welcome ... Peace!
Day 43ish

We've made to the 6 week point and all is good, (at the moment lol). We recently had a couple chilly nights with temperatures down in the mid 40's and I was wishing that it would cause the purple amnesia girls to start turning purple. Does anyone know if/when this might happen? Anyways, I fed yesterday with a little bit of everything. Fox Farm Big Bloom and Tiger bloom, fish emulsion, Jamaican bat guano and feed grade molasses, (which is very thin for molasses). I've also got some Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin that apparently came in today's mail, I've just got to get down to the post office to pick it up. Hopefully, with all of these I can get some pretty good bud growth. If anyone has any suggestions of what else might be good, please let me know. I 'd like to get some big hard buds with my first auto grow. Actually it would be my first big bud harvest of any previous grow. I took a little sample of the purple amnesia, which was way way too soon! Not as strong as I would have wished, but I'm by no means a conniseur, (connoisseur with spell ck, not a bad try for a hillbilly lol).
In fact, the baby bud pictured below provide the sample. BTW the 00 cheese freebie turned out to be a photoperiod, so I moved her to my HighRise photo grow, (see siggy). Also, 60% chance of rain tomorrow and most likely Tuesday too, so all the girls should get a good flushing. Until next folks, any comments, suggestions, corrections, opinion, recommendation, ect ... Peace!!!

Note: Could be the smoke is better than I thought, or more likely creeper. I just had to correct spelling flushing as glushing. The bad part about it as I has to look more than once to figure out what didn't look right, lol ... Peace!!!

Note: 2 - Please forgive my awful photos too ... Peace!!

Note 3 - I forgot ... Peace!


Purple Amnesia #1


Purple Amnesia # 1


Purple Amnesia # 2


Purple Amnesia # 3


SamSara Thunder Bloody Mary # 1


SamSara Thunder Bloody Mary # 2


SamSara Thunder Bloody Mary # 3


World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud


World of Seeds Amnesia Auto
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