New Grower Need4Weed's Very 1st Auto Grow Journal - 5 Strains of Autoflower Bliss

Sup N4W! Yeah man you're probably pretty close (now, I've been away for days so...). I like the idea of taking a sample when it gets close. Here's the thing, I haven't even looked a the trichomes on my current grown, and I know they're ready. They just LOOK ready. IDK how to explain it, you just get to know what a plant looks like when its ready, like certain things happen in accordance with being ripe. Like the hairs turn amber and then get pulled back into the bud. And all leaves dead. If you take a small sample around this time and like you what you smoke, harvest that shit!

Also important to note that not all autos will show coloring trichomes when ready.
If you haven't yet check out Muddy's thread:
Check out this link too.

Thanks for the links BK. I had read Muddy's thread a few months ago and it was good to visit again. :peace:
Sorry I've been slacking lately, but I've been having internet problems. As of two days ago, everything has been harvested. I've had to keep everything on the down low and I'm sorry there's no pictures of the harvest or wet weight. I do have 7 jars curing and 4 more plants still drying. I ordered some bodeva packs and they should be here any day now. The buzz is still lacking, but I hope that a decent cure might help that. I will try and get a picture after everything is jarred up ... Peace!!!
Here's some pics from 2 weeks ago that I couldn't download, (not real sure there going to load now). :shrug:









