New Grower Need4Weed's Very 1st Auto Grow Journal - 5 Strains of Autoflower Bliss

June 24 Day 74
I haven't updated in 9 days and it seems like I'm nearly at the end! I had another attack of Bud Rot and this time I culled entire plants, instead of trying to cut it out. There was just too much and I wanted to try and save the remaining 6 plants. The WOS NL x BB and Amnesia and 2 each of the Short Stuff Purple Amnesia and the SamSara Thunder Bloody Mary. I'm drying what I could save in paper bags and cardboard boxes and that should all be in jars by the end of the week. Early smoke reports suggest potency still has a long way to go, which brings me to my current situation. For the 1st time today I noticed more than just a few amber trichomes, but only the very top colas. However, I'm still seeing a lot of clear trichomes too. Shouldn't they be cloudy by now since I'm seeing so much amber? I don't mind being patient since I don't mind a couch lock high! Anyways, I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow ... :smoking:
Sorry to hear about the rot N4W. That sucks. I'm fortunate that I live in a dry climate.

Last night, I was thinking exactly the same thing as you in regards to the trichomes. One of my girls has I'd say, has 50%+ but that is mostly only on the larger sugar leaves. I looked at the buds themselves tonight and I am still seeing a lot of clear. <shrug>. I was initially thinking about chopping her this weekend but now I think I'll check her again in another week. But! I don't want her to go too late and lose potency. OY!
Sorry to hear about the rot N4W. That sucks. I'm fortunate that I live in a dry climate.

Last night, I was thinking exactly the same thing as you in regards to the trichomes. One of my girls has I'd say, has 50%+ but that is mostly only on the larger sugar leaves. I looked at the buds themselves tonight and I am still seeing a lot of clear. <shrug>. I was initially thinking about chopping her this weekend but now I think I'll check her again in another week. But! I don't want her to go too late and lose potency. OY!

Thanks for the input Papa Munch! I've seen members harvest the top cola sometimes and come back for the rest later... Maybe that's what it may come too ... Still ... how late is too late???
I hear some Autos dont truely amber correctly. My crop circle didnt have any amber at the time of chop, but lots of cloudy and clear. Still got gnarly couch lock indica stone from it. Im sure it will be real potent when ever you end up smoking it. Sorry to hear about the bud rot. I never got any of that, but I have lost buds to mold. It sucks man, but we keep on growing. We keep on getting more buds to forget about the buds that have been lost haha. Cheers my friend.
I think that most people harvest too early when trying to not harvest too late lol. I let mine go long after I "think" they are ready according to trichomes and am not disappointed in that action. Don't pay so much attention to the trichomes, but the plants will tell you when they are ready, like when all leaves are dead is a great indicator to harvest soon. Hope this helps a bit bro.
Hey pal, take a small sample, and see how it hits you, I was feeding off mine from day 50 lol but it gave me a good idea where they was in regards to the stone, the Tyrone at day 60 for example was FCK ime having a pannic attack but day 67 yea nice cerebral high take another FCK it I ain't moving for the rest of night.
I hear some Autos dont truely amber correctly. My crop circle didnt have any amber at the time of chop, but lots of cloudy and clear. Still got gnarly couch lock indica stone from it. Im sure it will be real potent when ever you end up smoking it. Sorry to hear about the bud rot. I never got any of that, but I have lost buds to mold. It sucks man, but we keep on growing. We keep on getting more buds to forget about the buds that have been lost haha. Cheers my friend.

Hey Neko thanks for the info and kind words my friend! I got some of the CC to run so I'll keep that in mind ... :peace:

I wish I knew myself.

I think if I concentrate more on the type of high I want instead of trying to acquire a larger quantity, I won't have to worry about running her too late.

Papa Munch I actually had to read your post more than once to make sure it was making sense to me. I guess I really didn't care as much about quantity as I did about just having a little decent smoke. Of course I started with 9 plants too, (one turned out to be a photo), and I guess I figured I had that covered, lol ... :peace:

I think that most people harvest too early when trying to not harvest too late lol. I let mine go long after I "think" they are ready according to trichomes and am not disappointed in that action. Don't pay so much attention to the trichomes, but the plants will tell you when they are ready, like when all leaves are dead is a great indicator to harvest soon. Hope this helps a bit bro.

What up BK! You guys are coming up with some thought provoking posts, or is it because I'm not use to being this stoned, (as I blow out a nice vape cloud). :baked: 45 minutes later ... I'm back ... hmmm, I got a lot of dead leaves ... and a lot of clear trichomes ... why is it so hard to see them little stoneys???

Hey pal, take a small sample, and see how it hits you, I was feeding off mine from day 50 lol but it gave me a good idea where they was in regards to the stone, the Tyrone at day 60 for example was FCK ime having a pannic attack but day 67 yea nice cerebral high take another FCK it I ain't moving for the rest of night.

That sounds like the perfect solution HM, but my problem is stealthy way to quick dry. I currently dry in a folded envelope in the car windshield, but that only works on sunny days and it's not as quick as I like ... :peace:
What up BK! You guys are coming up with some thought provoking posts, or is it because I'm not use to being this stoned, (as I blow out a nice vape cloud). :baked: 45 minutes later ... I'm back ... hmmm, I got a lot of dead leaves ... and a lot of clear trichomes ... why is it so hard to see them little stoneys???

Sup N4W! Yeah man you're probably pretty close (now, I've been away for days so...). I like the idea of taking a sample when it gets close. Here's the thing, I haven't even looked a the trichomes on my current grown, and I know they're ready. They just LOOK ready. IDK how to explain it, you just get to know what a plant looks like when its ready, like certain things happen in accordance with being ripe. Like the hairs turn amber and then get pulled back into the bud. And all leaves dead. If you take a small sample around this time and like you what you smoke, harvest that shit!

Also important to note that not all autos will show coloring trichomes when ready.
If you haven't yet check out Muddy's thread:
Check out this link too.