Need help, first time ever growing.

What do you guys think now?


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Its hard to see in the pic with the light m8.. she looks a bit twisted to me but maybe growing a bit.. u can let her go and see what happens and if she pulls through and becomes a beast ill be happy she proved me wrong :smoking: I've had a few twisted little ladies and they didn't come to anything after a few weeks.. a good healthy start is very important imho.
Sorry to post a pic on your thread bro.. hope u don't mind.. heres my most recent plant at 8 days old..

Shes pretty healthy and about where my girls usually are at 8 days.. just for a comparison to your own little lady.
What do you guys think now?

jus me own 2 ctz here, but the way i look at it is, each & every plant is affirmation of LIFE itself, and every life dezervez a chance :headbang: it may end up bein stunted, but trust me, short of literally takin a flamethrower to em, u can't kill an auto, will grow, it will flower & it will yield, i'd keep that one goin & drop another as well...u've learned a couple thingz already that u didn't know before & it'z all about -> grow, learn, grow again
Should I let her continue to grow and she what she does or plant new one? I have another That’s the same strain and seed bank
hi growbro nice to meet you and if you have a spare seed i would pop her and least you have a couple of options then and good luck
Thanks again for all the help guys. She’s actually looking like she’s trying to grow out of the mutation and the leaves are coming on and they look like they should be. I got the other seed germin right now and will check in 24hrs to see if there is a tap root And go from there. I have already learned so much just these 2-3 days up here and I wanna thank all you guys that have chimed in. Positive vibes everyone and stay safe!
This is her as of this morning. I think she’s improved since I made this thread, thanks to all you guys and your knowledge. Much appreciated!


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