Need help, first time ever growing.

Hello all, thanks for allowing me to join your community. I kinda have a general knowledge of growing but not experienced at all. i was wondering if you guys could tell me what is up with my girl. She’s a Girl Scout cookie auto from garden of green seeds. I have her in a 5 gallon bucket with 80 percent fox farms and the other 20 percent black gold natural and organic potting soil. It’s currently 8-9 days from sprout. I have a 350w wakyme cob led on it right now with a fan blowing on it. What do you guys think is up?

:welcome: Humidity domes are a seedlings friend. They don't need a lot of light but they do need higher humidity and 76-80 degree temps. They also don't need any nutrients at first, especially with the grow medium you are using. Watch your watering, especially under the dome. Oh and check this out for optimal VPD. There is a calculator where you enter temps and humidity and you get a VPD number that tells you what the sweet spots are for different stages of growth Ultimate VPD. I used it on my last indoor grow and was happy with the results. I took leaf temperatures and used -2. You will see what that means when you look at the calculator.

Good growing to ya :smoking:
Hello all, thanks for allowing me to join your community. I kinda have a general knowledge of growing but not experienced at all. i was wondering if you guys could tell me what is up with my girl. She’s a Girl Scout cookie auto from garden of green seeds. I have her in a 5 gallon bucket with 80 percent fox farms and the other 20 percent black gold natural and organic potting soil. It’s currently 8-9 days from sprout. I have a 350w wakyme cob led on it right now with a fan blowing on it. What do you guys think is up?

domez for the win! :yay: heya @Illegaltolegal and :welcome: to afn! :toke: all seedlingz need the first week or so is the soil lightly misted, and yes -> domez :thumbsup: annnnd, when u do start waterin regularly, alwayz water in a ring, away from the stem, so the lil rootz are forced to find the water on their own, and thus -> grow :smokeit: ppp
Thanks for the welcome greetings! Currently I’m having to guess everything but tomorrow I’m getting a ph tester for water and soil and a hygrometer and temp reader to actually keep an eye on everything so I don’t have to guess anymore and do it right.
You need to get an Accurate 8 PH soil probe (or the clone) or a Blue Lab soil probe. If you go with Blue Lab be sure to get the correct one as they make several. Do not bother with any of the cheap ones as they do not work.
Buy a good PH pen and an EC meter as well. I lost an entire crop due to a bad PH pen. I have 2 now both Blue Lab PH probes and I take care of them. When they start to disagree I replace them both.

domez for the win! :yay: heya @Illegaltolegal and :welcome: to afn! :toke: all seedlingz need the first week or so is the soil lightly misted, and yes -> domez :thumbsup: annnnd, when u do start waterin regularly, alwayz water in a ring, away from the stem, so the lil rootz are forced to find the water on their own, and thus -> grow :smokeit: ppp
@420Forever have you ever seen how fast the roots actually grow? A seedling tap root can be 9 inches long in 3 days from transplant. They grow much faster in a good environment than most peeps imagine. So water the entire pot so you do not limit the root growth. Roots will not grow into dry soil.

What you need to learn about watering will come with practice. Here are the basic rules: Never let the soil dry out. Soil and or coco can become hydrophobic if allowed to dry. This means it repels water. This in turn will create dry pockets in the soil and roots there will die. If your soil - coco have accidentally dried out use a surfactant to help re-wet it. I like yucca powder. Don't let soil remain soggy by watering too much too often. Root rot, damping off, molds, fungus gnats and other problems start in soggy soil. When you do water water the entire pot. How to learn when to water starts before you plant the seed. Fill your container with fresh soil/coco and weigh it (heft it) this is the lightest weight and consider it a dry pot. Now slowly water until the soil/coco will no longer absorb the water and run-off begins; weigh the pot (heft it) this is the maximum water, the wettest the pot can get. The difference between wettest and driest is the maximum water weight, for ease of explanation lets just say the water weighs 20 pounds. When the pot loses 10 pounds (half of the water weight) it is time to water again. There is an art to watering.

I wanna thank all you guys for your insight and help! I can notice a little difference in her since I put the humidity dome on it. I’m so glad I decided to join this community, you are all so friendly and helpful. Positive vibes everyone and much appreciate the help on this new hobby and journey im starting!
I wanna thank all you guys for your insight and help! I can notice a little difference in her since I put the humidity dome on it. I’m so glad I decided to join this community, you are all so friendly and helpful. Positive vibes everyone and much appreciate the help on this new hobby and journey im starting!

I have grown for years outdoors. Last year we moved to a different country so I couldn't take my weed with me, so I wanted to grow indoors over the fall and winter. I didn't have a clue about what to get or anything else. So to keep a long story short, I basically did most everything wrong that could be done wrong on my first indoor grow. Growing indoors is a different animal than outdoors, and growing autos is different than growing photos. Autos are on the clock, with very little room for error. I didn't PH my water (got nute lockout) ended up with one hermie and 2 pitiful plants that did provide a bit of herb.

There are some incredibly knowledgeable folks on here and are more than willing to share their knowledge, even with old guys with hard heads (myself). :worship:

I switched to Greenleaf Nutrients Mega Crop and cal/mag, as I saw on here folks are having good grows with it. And they were sending out free samples that were good for a few plants. Mega Crop click that and it will take you to the web site. You may not need it with your grow medium. except for Cal/mag maybe? Just a thought.

Anyways, good growing to you to and enjoy the journey! :headbang:
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Hey m8.. thats genetic for me.. shes a little mutant.. a lil bit twisted.. ive had a few like that. Just being str8 about it.. id scrap it and plant another.. good luck whatever you do.
I’ve only been adding distilled water from store bought gallon jugs. I only been using that water, a 350w wakyme led cob light and just Recently put humidity domes on it yesterday. When I get home from work I’m checking ph of soil and going to ph test all the water for now on and adjust as needed. I also ordered a maxisun pb1000 led that will be here tomorrow and will be setting all that up
Should I let her continue to grow and she what she does or plant new one? I have another That’s the same strain and seed bank
Should I let her continue to grow and she what she does or plant new one? I have another That’s the same strain and seed bank

only u can decide, but -> why not do both ;) ppp