New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

I have not.
Good! She might be sensitive to that Fox Farm.. I'd just roll with it.
It wouldn't hurt to send it to the infirmary and see what the forum says.
One of mine did something similar, but I was the cause.
Good! She might be sensitive to that Fox Farm.. I'd just roll with it.
It wouldn't hurt to send it to the infirmary and see what the forum says.
One of mine did something similar, but I was the cause.
I sent to infirmary and @Proph validated the direction I was leaning, in that it is too early to have a def. I raised the light a couple inches and will continue to water only. Thx for the support.
It's good to have confirmation!
Leaf tucking, taking off leaves in the dirt, bending them over little by little. Gave JH & GG a full watering and also Natures Living Soil/molasses tea. GSC is coming along. The mottled leaves, while originally concerned, is growing up.

Temp: 75f
RH: 71%
Lights: 2-autocobs @ 25" & 30"
Media: Natures Living Soil/FFHF supersoil

Day 21-Jack Herer (GHS)
Day 17-GG4
Day 9-GSC
Looking good!
Pay attention to the new growth on the baby to determine if conditions have improved for her.

Is your feeding organic?
Looking good!
Pay attention to the new growth on the baby to determine if conditions have improved for her.

Is your feeding organic?
Yes. Teas & top feeding w/Natures Living Soil & EWC
Looking good!
Pay attention to the new growth on the baby to determine if conditions have improved for her.

Is your feeding organic?
Do u run ur exhaust fan 24/0? I just moved into new tent and can't get the rh up over 50%. Exhaust fan is on low. I know that the rh is higher, I can see the air. Plants seem happy.
Do u run ur exhaust fan 24/0? I just moved into new tent and can't get the rh up over 50%. Exhaust fan is on low. I know that the rh is higher, I can see the air. Plants seem happy.
That's not really an easy answer. It's fully dependent on your particular environment and set up, but generally it's best to have an active air exchange in the tent for fresh CO2.
I have mine on the lowest running setting 24/7 blowing into my "lung room". My lung room is the walk in closet the tent is in. It acts as a buffer of sort of the environmental conditions. I set a base temp on the heater and a base Rh on my humidifier in the lung room and the lights and fans in the tent raise temps and the girls with the lights and fans affect the tent's Rh.
If you can maintain good temps and Rh in the temps in the tent with minimal exhaust setting during lights on, you're gold. If you can't maintain either, you have to either heat the lung room or put the exhaust fan on a timer to run short periods.
Your temps and Rh are doing fine at the moment. Keep doing the same if they are stable. What are they off lights? Do you have a humidistat with a remote sensor also?