New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

Theoretically the NLS should have had more than enough calcium since they put dolomite lime in it. I went back and looked through the thread but couldn't find if you used the straight nls as a top dress and for the tea or how much you used per gallon but if you did and used a bit too much, that could end up being very concentrated and hot as the dickens. That alone could have thrown everything out of whack and end up amplifying the issue you were fighting from the start with the layering method.. Best thing to use for a tea would be just some earth worm castings, a little mollases and 24 hours of bubbles at about 78 degrees. The point of the tea in a system like that would be to add beneficial bacteria as opposed to feed the plants. Best thing to use for a top dress would be buildasoil.coms "build a flower top dress kit."
Looks good and youll still get a nice harvest and next run will be a piece of cake with the right weapons.
I did in fact make a tea with NLS & molasses. 2 tbls per gal. I was so impatient it is incredible.
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This is what I THINK happened. In consult with experienced growers, we believe that original issue may have been lockout. In efforts to remedy that situation, a calcium def arose due to my use of rainwater. I have since started using tapwater (197 ppm) with calmag (3ml/gal) for a total of 310ppm. Fingers crossed.

Day 55
View attachment 1293975

Day 47
View attachment 1293974
Lock out and deficiencies are two different things. Lock out means that too much of one or more nutrients is making other nutrients unavailable for use. Deficiency means that one or more nutrients are low, no longer present in the soil. Lockouts looks exactly like deficiencies, but lockouts should treaded much differently. If you had a lock out, then the effected nutrients where still present, just unavailable. Watch carefully for any new issues now that you're adding "calmag".. If you DID or DO have a calcium issue, you should give the plant calcium, not calcium AND magnesium. The presence of too much calcium, will lock out magnesium and phosphorus.. Too much magnesium will lock out calcium and potassium... Too much potassium will lock out Ca and Mg.. So the plant could be "showing signs" of being "deficient" in any or all of these nutrients, when really, the nutrients are not actually deficient, but locked out. It's a super delicate balance that is incredibly hard to realign once it's out of balance. So keep in mind that signs of deficiencies do not automatically mean to add more of something. Especially when you're adding things already. 9 times out of 10 with new growers it's a lock out due to an excess of one or more nutrients.. Which adding more of something, will hurt more than help. Keep that eagles eye on em.
These were taken just now. First pic plant is 8 days older than 2nd pic plant.

I will pause on 3ml/gal calmag and just go to tap water which is 197ppm.

This was taken Tuesday IMG_0330.JPG
We just keep moving forward and doing the best we can. I am watering with 197ppm tapwater and adding calmag (approx 2.5ml) bringing ppm up to 317ppm.

Buds are starting to fill out.

Day 57:

Day 49:
they do look better!