New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

In organics, the general rule is the 10% rule. 1 gallon of water for every 10 gallons of soil, used daily. That will ensure that the soil stays well saturated. So for two 3 gallon pots, a half gallon total a day.. Two 5 gal pots? 1 gal total a day..
I find 10% is not enough and the pots slowly dry out when the plants are full grown. I experimented for a year with varying amounts of watering. 20% will bring a pot close to runoff but not quite. 15% will give you a well watered pot that will go 24 hours without drying out, unless you have a very big plant in a small pot lol, and that happens occasionally, and that's the only time I water to runoff. I have a couple 1 gallon pots right now that even watering to runoff is not enough, so I give them a little before I go to bed, or they'll be starting to wilt. We all have to be careful with "general rules" when growing, plants don't pay attention much to our rules lol!


In organics, the general rule is the 10% rule. 1 gallon of water for every 10 gallons of soil, used daily. That will ensure that the soil stays well saturated. So for two 3 gallon pots, a half gallon total a day.. Two 5 gal pots? 1 gal total a day..
Got some warm weather the next few days. @WildBill a few days ago we were talking VPD. it was also said to keep rh under 60% at this stage of Flower. My question is, if I can't do both, what takes priority. VPD or staying under 60%? Only for a few hours. I have lights off for the heat of the day, but late afternoon/early evening will be unattainable to keep temps down. Therefore rh needs to go up over 60%. Mid 80's. For next few days
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Got some warm weather the next few days. @WildBill a few days ago we were talking VPD. it was also said to keep rh under 60% at this stage of Flower. My question is, if I can't do both, what takes priority. VPD or staying under 60%? Only for a few hours. I have lights off for the heat of the day, but late afternoon/early evening will be unattainable to keep temps down. Therefore rh needs to go up over 60%. Mid 80's. For next few days
When are your off times? Make your off times at the hottest part of the day. Naturally, you want temp to your limiting factor.:headbang:
Got some warm weather the next few days. @WildBill a few days ago we were talking VPD. it was also said to keep rh under 60% at this stage of Flower. My question is, if I can't do both, what takes priority. VPD or staying under 60%? Only for a few hours. I have lights off for the heat of the day, but late afternoon/early evening will be unattainable to keep temps down. Therefore rh needs to go up over 60%. Mid 80's. For next few days
Running your rh over 60 from mid to late flower runs the risk of powdery mildew spores germinating.. Really depends on where you live too though. Some areas dont really get pm as bad as others. Ide never run my rh @ 60 on purpose when ive got large buds. I also never foliar feed ever. Ive had to throw away a whole crop due to pm in the past ....and it sucked
Running your rh over 60 from mid to late flower runs the risk of powdery mildew spores germinating.. Really depends on where you live too though. Some areas dont really get pm as bad as others. Ide never run my rh @ 60 on purpose when ive got large buds. I also never foliar feed ever. Ive had to throw away a whole crop due to pm in the past ....and it sucked
He's in the desert.
I've adjusted/moved forward my on/off times over the last week in anticipation of this week. Lights off now 1-5pm. This will help, of course. My original question should have been, while I understand that temp is most important, for short periods of time (2-4 hours) is it advisable to increase rh above 60% to maintain VPD? I anticipate that once lights come back on, temps will become difficult with ambient temps 82-84. Do I chase rh or accept the low rh for a few hours?

Is there a line in the sand that I shouldn't cross with rh while in Flower? Ambient rh was 16% yesterday.
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For short periods in a warm environment, it will not matter. PM can be a problem but if your temps are above 70F it is unlikely, at 80F I'd be surprised to see any, it just won't happen. PM like cool, temps and high humidity, that's why you see it in the fall in vegetable gardens, but not in mid summer. I also suspect that living in a desert, the pathogens many of us deal with are uncommon, they have no outdoor hosts to survive on.

We all want to tune every aspect of our grow to be the best it can be, however, life is not perfect, nor are our plant or even ourselves. So in the growroom, you need a little leeway, VPD being spot on is a good thing, it is not however, a critical component. We spend too much time fussing over such things and eventually it takes the fun out of growing and it starts feeling like a job instead of a passion. I've had one grow I feel was as close to perfect as I could get and guess what? It occurred because I kept my damned hand off of things. I watered and got the hell out of the growroom. Just like with racing, if your constantly tweaking things to make them better, sooner or later, you'll tweak it in the wrong direction! I had a friend who had a motorcycle. He got to the point where he spent so much time detailing it and "making improvements" that he wouldn't ride it!

I've adjusted/moved forward my on/off times over the last week in anticipation of this week. Lights off now 1-5pm. This will help, of course. My original question should have been, while I understand that temp is most important, for short periods of time (2-4 hours) is it advisable to increase rh above 60% to maintain VPD? I anticipate that once lights come back on, temps will become difficult with ambient temps 82-84. Do I chase rh or accept the low rh for a few hours?

Is there a line in the sand that I shouldn't cross with rh while in Flower? Ambient rh was 16% yesterday.
Since your in phoenix, I understand you should be below 50 RH ( 45 even better) to eliminate mould spores from becoming a factor, and not adding moisture for no reason? I believe this is also ideal for flowering. I'm in Tucson. One good thing about being so dry here this time of the year.
Since your in phoenix, I understand you should be below 50 RH ( 45 even better) to eliminate mould spores from becoming a factor, and not adding moisture for no reason? I believe this is also ideal for flowering. I'm in Tucson. One good thing about being so dry here this time of the year.
Living in that area for a few years, I rally doubt PM could be a problem. You'd have to try hard to get it! LOL! Even during a heavy monsoon season! That was really the only time I didn't like the weather there.
The weather in the valley at Phoenix was sure an "experience"! At least in my mind, storms moved thru the valley in strange ways. I think it was 2010 a big storm came thru in a couple directions and collided pretty much over the center of downtown and let loose one hell of a hail storm. I was at a little tire store getting some tires mounted. I could see this developing and heading directly towards me. In between me and the store was the shop. Some cell towers got knocked out, so I had to use the shop number to tell the guys to make sure all cars were undercover. I barely got my truck undercover before it hit. While not HUGE hail, there was enough to turn streets white for an hour. At least it wasn't as bad as the "95 Cinco de Mayo Hail Storm" that hit me and moved west to Fort Worth where it killed some people and sent hundreds to the ER.