New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

Just wanted to chime in on the ppm run off thing.. Yeah.. 600 sound low from What I know has been done.. So just wanna make sure your getting the run off thing right. What you'll want to do is use about a half to 1 gallon of plain water (0 ppm preferred).. and water 1 cupful at a time directly into the middle of the pot. Right at and around the stem. Do this until you start to get run off. Collect a cupful and dump it out.. Don't check the ppms on the first two cups of run off.. Check it on the third cup. That should give you a more precise reading. The water in the cup that you check the ppms of should be a rusty brownish color..
335ppm & 475ppm as per above guidance. The 475 plant took more water and took some time to get run off. The 335 plant watering was a more concentrated watering. The 475 was broader. @pop22


Just some further info. Since my objective was to water at the base of the plant, the 335ppm plant allowed that to happen with the use of a funnel. The 475ppm plant soil was elevated at the stalk. The soil in the pots settled while the rooter that the seed was dropped in maintained its position. Therefore, even with the use of a funnel, the water spread across the pot, giving a reading of a larger sample size. In my inexperienced opinion, I think both plants MAY be similar as they were 2 days ago at 600/606 respectively. (Just in reference to the difference between the two). @Proph
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I've never had reason to measure ppms in an organic pot. The numbers may be meaningless, as those levels are going to vary according to soil life activity. I see no reason however, to not top dress lightly on the low ppm pot.

335ppm & 475ppm as per above guidance. The 475 plant took more water and took some time to get run off. The 335 plant watering was a more concentrated watering. The 475 was broader. @pop22

Your girls just don't look happy with up lifted leaves. The left one is starting to "perk" a little, but I haven't seen any pics like that for a long time.
Just an observation.
They are not. Neither am I, since I am responsible.
I've never had reason to measure ppms in an organic pot. The numbers may be meaningless, as those levels are going to vary according to soil life activity. I see no reason however, to not top dress lightly on the low ppm pot.
It should read a lot higher.. Even ocean forest alone with nothing added measures more than double the ppms. But yeah people usually get a meter and freak out when they test their soil and it reads really high. Ive not had soil test that low.. then again I havent bothered to test ppm in soil in years
Good Morning. The plants don't look worse, so that is a plus. Plan is to add a 50/50 mix of EWC & FFHF (it's what I have) topdress, approx 1/4-1/2" layer on GSC which was the lower ppm of the 2. Also going to water more often with less water(15% of pot). I had been watering til bottom of pot was wet (20%) and waited a couple of days.

Good Morning. The plants don't look worse, so that is a plus. Plan is to add a 50/50 mix of EWC & FFHF (it's what I have) topdress, approx 1/4-1/2" layer on GSC which was the lower ppm of the 2. Also going to water more often with less water(15% of pot). I had been watering til bottom of pot was wet (20%) and waited a couple of days.

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That's the first time I've seen that. Watering is one of the more difficult skills in growing canna to master.
You have to let the plant tell you how much to water and when. You have to develop muscle memory on what a fully watered pot weighs. I can't do that with your setup.

Let me just explain how I do it to my girls in the 7gal pots, but you need to get a baseline of what a fully watered pot weighs. I use a one gallon pump sprayer to top water. It waters evenly and slow enough. Once your seedling can take a fully watered pot, you top water a set amount, wait15-20 min and then bottom water the pot in a tray. To get your baseline, add a smaller amount to the bottom than the top so that it will suck up that amount in 15-20 min. If it sucks it up in 10min, add a little more water and wait again 15-20 min....eyeing how quickly it uptakes. Your media will kinda dictate the waiting time. .....some media uptakes quicker than others. When it stops uptaking the water in 15-20 min, pull the pot from the tray and dump the water. The bottom shouldn't stay soggy or water come out when you set it back in the dry tray. That pot is now fully watered and you use that weight as a gauge.

Currently, I have to pick up my pot girls every day and move them out of the way to empty the overflow tray from watering the HBSS. Muscle memory tells me when the weight has dropped enough where I know I can add a half gallon top watering and NOT fully water it.
When I actually feel it needs water, I give them each a half gallon slowly and evenly. Wait15-20 min for that water to migrate down and get absorbed.
I add a half gallon to each tray. I water a set amount to the tray for the bottom water part only to know how much water the plant actually took up. I wait 15-20 min and take them out. They're fully watered. You vary the wait time based on the "soggyness" of the pot once you put it back in a emptied tray. If it's too wet and soggy, back off the time. On your plants, I would try just 10 min, just to make sure they are not overwatered.

I hope I didn't confuse you. That's not "The" way to do it, that just my way to not overwater. I can do it consistently without really much thought to the amounts needed, but I do note the amount as a gauge of how well the plant is growing and as an indicator of a problem if the uptake drops dramatically.

Nevertheless, you will be chasing your ass f you don't develop your way of watering properly and consistently.
That's the first time I've seen that. Watering is one of the more difficult skills in growing canna to master.
You have to let the plant tell you how much to water and when. You have to develop muscle memory on what a fully watered pot weighs. I can't do that with your setup.

Let me just explain how I do it to my girls in the 7gal pots, but you need to get a baseline of what a fully watered pot weighs. I use a one gallon pump sprayer to top water. It waters evenly and slow enough. Once your seedling can take a fully watered pot, you top water a set amount, wait15-20 min and then bottom water the pot in a tray. To get your baseline, add a smaller amount to the bottom than the top so that it will suck up that amount in 15-20 min. If it sucks it up in 10min, add a little more water and wait again 15-20 min....eyeing how quickly it uptakes. Your media will kinda dictate the waiting time. .....some media uptakes quicker than others. When it stops uptaking the water in 15-20 min, pull the pot from the tray and dump the water. The bottom shouldn't stay soggy or water come out when you set it back in the dry tray. That pot is now fully watered and you use that weight as a gauge.

Currently, I have to pick up my pot girls every day and move them out of the way to empty the overflow tray from watering the HBSS. Muscle memory tells me when the weight has dropped enough where I know I can add a half gallon top watering and NOT fully water it.
When I actually feel it needs water, I give them each a half gallon slowly and evenly. Wait15-20 min for that water to migrate down and get absorbed.
I add a half gallon to each tray. I water a set amount to the tray for the bottom water part only to know how much water the plant actually took up. I wait 15-20 min and take them out. They're fully watered. You vary the wait time based on the "soggyness" of the pot once you put it back in a emptied tray. If it's too wet and soggy, back off the time. On your plants, I would try just 10 min, just to make sure they are not overwatered.

I hope I didn't confuse you. That's not "The" way to do it, that just my way to not overwater. I can do it consistently without really much thought to the amounts needed, but I do note the amount as a gauge of how well the plant is growing and as an indicator of a problem if the uptake drops dramatically.

Nevertheless, you will be chasing your ass f you don't develop your way of watering properly and consistently.
I'm doing something similar as you expressed, I just didn't express it properly. I am developing my muscle memory and can tell right away if plant needs water and I verify with a meter. Plants are in trays sucking up water as I type. The % is a guide for me, not a hard fast amount. Either way I express it, each plant takes about 1/2 gal each. I DO understand what ur saying about the plants take what they need and I agree. Another AHA moment for me. How do I know if plant needs more water if I only provide it a fixed amount. Turns out to be roughly .6 gal per plant (3 gal x 20%). I get ur point.

Keep firing away my brotha. You are making a difference. Thank you.
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I'm doing something similar as you expressed, I just didn't express it properly. I am developing my muscle memory and can tell right away if plant needs water and I verify with a meter. Plants are in trays sucking up water as I type. The % is a guide for me, not a hard fast amount. Either way I express it, each plant takes about 1/2 each. I DO understand what ur saying about the plants take what they need and I agree. Another AHA moment for me. How do I know if plant needs more water if I only provide it a fixed amount.

Keep firing away my brotha. You are making a difference. Thank you.
Say if during the tray watering, the pot takes up all the water quickly, well within the wait time. You can safely add a little more. I haven't had to do that in a while, but I cut that wait time back at that point, proportional to my first tray wait time.
If you do it consistently, you'll get a feel on how quickly takes up the water when you start the bottom watering part.

Ya just need to develop your way in your set-up where you can easily duplicate it consistently. It's an important indicator to your girls health.