New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

Monumental day for me yesterday. I did NOTHING to the plants except attempt to maintain a happy living environment for the kids. Wasn't easy, but it was productive for them AND me. Shout out to @Tom Bombadil for his input on watering and his opinion on soil layering. It was very thought provoking and prompted me to read more. Probably would have been beneficial for me to do this much research PRIOR to execution. It's funny how I HEAR what people say, but I wasn't listening. Others have provided input but something "clicked" when I read his statement about how it's difficult to overwater fabric pots. I was top watering & bottom watering and pots were drying out in 1 day. I gave them each 1/2 gal 2 days ago and that was good for 2 days. Did same this morning, 1/2 gal each. TODAYS GOAL: Leave them alone!!!

Brown spots still appearing, reached out to a couple of other growers that use NLS SuperSoil and both experienced brown spots at 35-45 days. Water only for me for the foreseeable future.

Thank you to all who are "holding my hand" while I continue to educate myself.

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Day 46-GG4
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Day 38-GSC
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The common denominator of those with issues is mixing mediums and not using water only. Always remember that these feed charts and recommendations that companies make are based on photo period plants. Im not sure if the "girl flower" product is even needed. I add coconut water during flower and that's about it with autos. You're still in good spot, I've seen much worse, with even longer to go.

Layering makes no sense when you pull back and think about it. Especially when they tell you to put the hot layer at the bottom. Tap roots grow straight down until it hits the bottom, then branches off or prunes. It doesnt stop and hang out in whichever layer it like most, lol. So a seedlings tap root is headed straight for the hot layer, or super soil.. And when it branches off or prunes, those new roots will be mainly in that bottom layer as well. By the time the roots are established well enough that roots are growing in all the layers, issues are already showing.

So in your case, that's something to keep in mind.. The issues like tip burn, rust spots etc. could be a result of the layering and not something you've watered in or added.

Also keep in mind that living soils are designed to be reused over and over again, and as you reuse them, the better they get... So the less you'll have to do. I have living soil pots that I grow autos in from start to finish without adding a thing..

Maybe looking at it like this well help those urges, lol. You basically have two options when growing.. You can feed the PLANT (bottled nutrients), or you can feed the SOIL (organics) which will in turn, feeds the plant. Feeding the soil requires far less maintenance than feeding the plant. The urges to "do something" come from wanting to feed the plant. But that's not how your growing right now. Keep growing that patience along side the plants and you'll be fine, lol. Cheers!
The common denominator of those with issues is mixing mediums and not using water only. Always remember that these feed charts and recommendations that companies make are based on photo period plants. Im not sure if the "girl flower" product is even needed. I add coconut water during flower and that's about it with autos. You're still in good spot, I've seen much worse, with even longer to go.

Layering makes no sense when you pull back and think about it. Especially when they tell you to put the hot layer at the bottom. Tap roots grow straight down until it hits the bottom, then branches off or prunes. It doesnt stop and hang out in whichever layer it like most, lol. So a seedlings tap root is headed straight for the hot layer, or super soil.. And when it branches off or prunes, those new roots will be mainly in that bottom layer as well. By the time the roots are established well enough that roots are growing in all the layers, issues are already showing.

So in your case, that's something to keep in mind.. The issues like tip burn, rust spots etc. could be a result of the layering and not something you've watered in or added.

Also keep in mind that living soils are designed to be reused over and over again, and as you reuse them, the better they get... So the less you'll have to do. I have living soil pots that I grow autos in from start to finish without adding a thing..

Maybe looking at it like this well help those urges, lol. You basically have two options when growing.. You can feed the PLANT (bottled nutrients), or you can feed the SOIL (organics) which will in turn, feeds the plant. Feeding the soil requires far less maintenance than feeding the plant. The urges to "do something" come from wanting to feed the plant. But that's not how your growing right now. Keep growing that patience along side the plants and you'll be fine, lol. Cheers!
Urges are subsiding. I would classify myself as being in "Urge Detox". Yesterday was the 1st day that I ACCEPTED an outlook of patience. Goal is to repeat that behavior today. Im literally doing this one day at a time, and I'm having the best time. Maybe I should explore a 12 step program for Canna Noobs.

A heartfelt thank you for your support & time. It matters.
My thoughts exactly on layering. I forgot where I read or watched a vid, but I do remember laughing.
The bad thing is that I've seen people recommending it in a lot of places.
Big Sul
Do you remember where you got the idea?
My thoughts exactly on layering. I forgot where I read or watched a vid, but I do remember laughing.
The bad thing is that I've seen people recommending it in a lot of places.
Big Sul
Do you remember where you got the idea?
It started with me reading an article about water only growing when I was deciding which soil I would use. Originally I was going to use a decent potting soil (RO, FFHF, FFOF, etc) and use liquid nutes cuz I didn't think organic growing with ZERO knowledge for a first Grow was prudent. I read about water only organics and watched a few YouTube vids. That is when I "drank the kool-aid".

Once again, when it seems too good to be true, it usually is. To be honest, I was looking for the easier/softer way. If I had put HALF the work in during preparation as I am doing now, who knows what type of Grow medium I would have used. Right now, I'm doing the best I can, with what I got. I'm very cool with where I am and extremely pleased with the knowledge I'm acquiring.
It started with me reading an article about water only growing when I was deciding which soil I would use. Originally I was going to use a decent potting soil (RO, FFHF, FFOF, etc) and use liquid nutes cuz I didn't think organic growing with ZERO knowledge for a first Grow was prudent. I read about water only organics and watched a few YouTube vids. That is when I "drank the kool-aid".

Once again, when it seems too good to be true, it usually is. To be honest, I was looking for the easier/softer way. If I had put HALF the work in during preparation as I am doing now, who knows what type of Grow medium I would have used. Right now, I'm doing the best I can, with what I got. I'm very cool with where I am and extremely pleased with the knowledge I'm acquiring.
You are putting the info you get to use and doing it quite well and learning at the same time. I think the most important thing you can learn in organic growing is prepping your media before the grow.

One of the growers here that shows his media prep is hecno. Don't worry about the specific ingredients he uses. Organics is a science, but it's not an exact science. There's lots of ways to do the same thing.

Take a look around his ongoing long thread and just get a feel of what he does.

Keep on being attentive and you'll surely have a very nice harvest! :thumbsup:
It started with me reading an article about water only growing when I was deciding which soil I would use. Originally I was going to use a decent potting soil (RO, FFHF, FFOF, etc) and use liquid nutes cuz I didn't think organic growing with ZERO knowledge for a first Grow was prudent. I read about water only organics and watched a few YouTube vids. That is when I "drank the kool-aid".

Once again, when it seems too good to be true, it usually is. To be honest, I was looking for the easier/softer way. If I had put HALF the work in during preparation as I am doing now, who knows what type of Grow medium I would have used. Right now, I'm doing the best I can, with what I got. I'm very cool with where I am and extremely pleased with the knowledge I'm acquiring.

ur doin fine :thumbsup: ppp
Day 2 of LITFA

Not much changing. Bronze spots still appearing, yet plant still thriving. I watered til runoff a couple days ago and soil ph was 6.4 going in 6.3 coming out. As a self proclaimed "tweeker", I think/hope this is an over feeding issue. I'm using rainwater (6.4ph) approx 1/2 gal to each plant every 2 days (3gal fabric pots).

Looking back, I have made a lot of mistakes due to over exuberance. I fed a water only medium w/teas early on, I started LST early and continued to manipulate daily, defoliate early and often. See a pattern? BUT, I'm still here, still learning.


Day 47

Day 39

Pics of spots
I have had a great deal of success using the super soil. I germinate the seeds in a glass of water with a little clonex. I place the glass in an armoire with doors closed. Once the tail pops - about 1/2” I place directly into my 5 gallon buckets with super soil and Fox fire soil. Depending on length I either poke a hole and drop the tadpoles in, or if a little longer I will depress soil with thumb and lay the tadpole down and brush soil over it. I then place Saran Wrap over the top. 24 hour LED lights. Once first leaves pop I remove the Saran Wrap and water as necessary. They are all indoors and in grow tents. I have had 90% success rate - about 18 of 20 seeds. I just completed all my harvesting and I am getting ready to start over again.
Not much change. Raised lights, so I know plants are growing. Maintaining a height of 20" as per MarsHydro recommendations. Bronze spots still present. A couple smaller (lower under canopy) are toast. Have yet to definitively identify problem. Most likely self inflicted due to ignorant exuberance(over feeding). Rainwater only, every other day since 2/23 when I watered til run-off to check PH (it was 6.3). Will continue with water only AS WAS MY ORIGINAL INTENTION FROM THE BEGINNING. @Proph & @pop22 thank you for your continued support.

Day 49
Day 41

The ugly
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I think that over all, your looking good.