New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

Well said by both @Proph & @pop22. I will find out who I am as a grower real quick. Water only for the foreseeable future. I'm going to break it down even further. Do nothing today, except water. That will be a huge accomplishment for me.
I was wondering when you would get the rust spots showing.
Mine started day 47,but I had only given 1 dose of gfp and a couple molasses added feedings the week before.
i did zero top dressing.

Did you do the bottom 1/3 of nls in your pot?
It seems this is common when layering with nls.
I'm using the original not the autoflower but I suspect it happens with both.
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I was wondering when you would get the rust spots showing.
Mine started day 47,but I had only given 1 dose of gfp and a couple molasses added feedings the week before.
i did zero top dressing.

Did you do the bottom 1/3 of nls in your pot?
It seems this is common when layering with nls.
I'm using the original not the autoflower but I suspect it happens with both.

I'm close to harvest and just added water the rest of the grow.
Day 45 for me. Yes, bottom 1/3. Did it continue throughout? Any additional issues? Water only from day 47 - present?
Good Morning friends

Working through some stuff the last couple of days. Getting some spots on the leaves. Hindsight, I think I got a little aggressive in feeding. I soaked them with teas for 2 days, then did a topdress of GFP. HOWEVER, I did see some spots last week and didn't make anything of it. As these are in NLS/FFHF SuperSoil, I'm going straight 6.4 rainwater for the foreseeable future to see the direction. Other than that, plants are still progressing.
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Day 45-GG 4
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Day 37-GSC
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And there ya go............damn tweakers! :rofl: :rofl:
All of are guilty of it at one time or the other!
I'm pretty sure I'm finished top dressing in my grow.
Stomper and Kong have 20 or so days left and HBSS has 30 plus. I will continue to compost tea with Boost to the end. I'll probally continue with the SST also. I don't see how it will hurt and the strained material is fed to the worms. Those castings should be quite useful and effective.
" more is good and too much is just enough"..... many new growers fall into this trap. That's why I preach KISS Keep It Super Simple! There are several good soil mixes you can find here on AFN, and with any one of them you can complete a grow with nothing more than water. People just like to fuss with their plants, but it doesn't mean that your plants like it! With KISS, you have more time to study your plants, really learn about them. In time, you can often tell one strain from another just by looking at them. And this style is close to what nature provides. The only time a water only style is not the best is in small pots, anything less than 2 gallons.
The first time you grow water only organics, it will make you crazy lol, because you'll feel you just HAVE to DO something! But patience will be rewarded.

On the occassions I do top dress, I don't use nutrients. I use well composted organic soil, to provide nutrients that are already made available for the plants to use. and inch of soil will freshen up any pot quickly, just top water a couple times to get the nutrients and microlife into your pot.

Not saying you need to grow this way, but it points to the fact that organic growing should not be approached like growing with manufactured nutrients, where you have little choice but to fuss with things and do the chemistry set polka lol!

KISS for the win! :yay: ppp
Monumental day for me yesterday. I did NOTHING to the plants except attempt to maintain a happy living environment for the kids. Wasn't easy, but it was productive for them AND me. Shout out to @Tom Bombadil for his input on watering and his opinion on soil layering. It was very thought provoking and prompted me to read more. Probably would have been beneficial for me to do this much research PRIOR to execution. It's funny how I HEAR what people say, but I wasn't listening. Others have provided input but something "clicked" when I read his statement about how it's difficult to overwater fabric pots. I was top watering & bottom watering and pots were drying out in 1 day. I gave them each 1/2 gal 2 days ago and that was good for 2 days. Did same this morning, 1/2 gal each. TODAYS GOAL: Leave them alone!!!

Brown spots still appearing, reached out to a couple of other growers that use NLS SuperSoil and both experienced brown spots at 35-45 days. Water only for me for the foreseeable future.

Thank you to all who are "holding my hand" while I continue to educate myself.


Day 46-GG4

Day 38-GSC
Thank you. I VALUE ur opinion. Thanks for your continued support.
No problem! We're just typing on a keyboard, you're doing the work!
Yeah, a good dose of LITFA for a bit is probably the best bet for you at the moment.

I should be using LITFA for at least a week or so.:biggrin: :funny: