New Grower Natures Living Soil first Grow.

Btw, while it may be too soon to make a definitive statement, switching lights to 20/4 seems to be agreeing with the plants. They appear a little less droopy. Additionally, In your thread, you routinely refer to VPD. Not knowing much about that, it was easy for me to maintain a higher VPD in my closet. When I switched to the tent, I allowed RH to go down and didn't think much about it. I have since put another humidifier in the tent and have rh up around 60-70%. Just based on visuals, the gals seem to be comfortable in that range. I am at 34-42 days.

Any articles/input on rh/VPD for different growth stages is appreciated. I know others say they don't pay attention to rh, however I am seeing improvement w/higher rh. I do understand that as they progress further into Flower, I need to pay attention/prevent mold. It is VERY easy to lower RH. I'm in the desert.
Here's a short explanation on vpd.

If you want more, just search for VPD and cannabis.

Like you said, just remember in late flower to keep mold out of the picture, keep your humidity down and adjust your temps to maintain a good vpd. If you can't maintain a high vpd, concentrate on keeping humidity down.

It's just a guide to grow the best canna you can. You can still grow good canna otherwise.

I've known about vpd for decades, but with growing outdoors, I had no control of it. It went to the back of my brain. Well over halfway on my first indoor canna grow, this forum brought it to the forefront of my thought process.
I found an easy way to raise the RH in my growroom....................... fill it full of plants! :smoking:

Btw, while it may be too soon to make a definitive statement, switching lights to 20/4 seems to be agreeing with the plants. They appear a little less droopy. Additionally, In your thread, you routinely refer to VPD. Not knowing much about that, it was easy for me to maintain a higher VPD in my closet. When I switched to the tent, I allowed RH to go down and didn't think much about it. I have since put another humidifier in the tent and have rh up around 60-70%. Just based on visuals, the gals seem to be comfortable in that range. I am at 34-42 days.

Any articles/input on rh/VPD for different growth stages is appreciated. I know others say they don't pay attention to rh, however I am seeing improvement w/higher rh. I do understand that as they progress further into Flower, I need to pay attention/prevent mold. It is VERY easy to lower RH. I'm in the desert.
I found an easy way to raise the RH in my growroom....................... fill it full of plants! :smoking:

I quoted your statement to my wife. Never again will we have a partially filled tent. Nothing I can do now, I need to be done growing by mid-April due to AZ temps.
I found an easy way to raise the RH in my growroom....................... fill it full of plants! :smoking:


Yup! I've had to open up the door of the growroom and fire up the dehumidifier in the lung bathroom. I can't run it in the growroom. I think it would bump up the temps too much and it would bump the that circuit over the top.
What just happened??? I hear everyone talking bout Mephisto, so I threw my hat in the ring. Oh boy am I having some fun. Why did I get so much? I have no clue. I just kept clicking and wanted to check out before everything was gone.

What's the saying? A fool & his $$$........

3 Bears OG
Super Orange Haze
Double Grape
Ripley's OG
Toofless Alien
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What just happened??? I hear everyone talking bout Mephisto, so I threw my hat in the ring. Oh boy am I having some fun. Why did I get so much? I have no clue. I just kept clicking and wanted to check out before everything was gone.

What's they saying? A fool & his $$$........

3 Bears OG
Super Orange Haze
Double Grape
Ripley's OG
Toofless Alien
You snagged some that I want.
What were tour freebies supposed to be?
I have
Double Grape
Fuge State
Sour Stomper
3 Bears OG
Northern Cheese Haze X Sour Bubbly
3 Bears OG X Double Grape
If u want something I have, let me know.

ur still fairly new, so u may not know, but buying/selling/trading anything on site is against site rulez....plz limit all such talk to pm'z only...jus a headz up ;) ppp
Here's a short explanation on vpd.

If you want more, just search for VPD and cannabis.

Like you said, just remember in late flower to keep mold out of the picture, keep your humidity down and adjust your temps to maintain a good vpd. If you can't maintain a high vpd, concentrate on keeping humidity down.

It's just a guide to grow the best canna you can. You can still grow good canna otherwise.

I've known about vpd for decades, but with growing outdoors, I had no control of it. It went to the back of my brain. Well over halfway on my first indoor canna grow, this forum brought it to the forefront of my thought process.
I am seeing much stronger development since I brought the rh up. I was in the 78f/45-50rh. Now I'm in the 60-65rh. Backing off humidity is easy for me.
NLS/FFHF Supersoil.
3 gal fabric pots.

Plants are always thirsty. I'm watering 24-36 hours. Approx 1/2 gal each. Been using weight of pot as a ref. If light, I use cheap moisture meter. Soil read dry until I reach bottom 1-2", then reads on the low end of moist. That is when I water. I've been top watering 50% and bottom 50%.

Is it better to water before or after lights out? I have conflicting views on this. First couple of days since switching lights from 24/0 to 20/4, I watered an hour prior to lights out. They were :woody:. Yesterday I watered after lights came back on. Leafs were wilted, but recovered QUICKLY and looked as good as they have within 2 hours. Again, babies were My initial response is to water prior, but I ask about plant in the dark with a wet pot. With the rate at which the fabric pots shed moisture I don't think it will be an issue.

I explain my thought processes cuz I want my "rabbi's" to understand that I am a student who doesn't want to be given a fish, but would rather learn to fish...... I give a lot of thought to every decision.
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I don't see it making a difference one way or the other as to when you water. Water when you see they need it.

NLS/FFHF Supersoil.
3 gal fabric pots.

Plants are always thirsty. I'm watering 24-36 hours. Approx 1/2 gal each. Been using weight of pot as a ref. If light, I use cheap moisture meter. Soil read dry until I reach bottom 1-2", then reads on the low end of moist. That is when I water. I've been top watering 50% and bottom 50%.

Is it better to water before or after lights out? I have conflicting views on this. First couple of days since switching lights from 24/0 to 20/4, I watered an hour prior to lights out. They were :woody:. Yesterday I watered after lights came back on. Leafs were wilted, but recovered QUICKLY and looked as good as they have within 2 hours. Again, babies were My initial response is to water prior, but I ask about plant in the dark with a wet pot. With the rate at which the fabric pots shed moisture I don't think it will be an issue.

I explain my thought processes cuz I want my "rabbi's" to understand that I am a student who doesn't want to be given a fish, but would rather learn to fish...... I give a lot of thought to every decision. View attachment 1290201