Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal


The Oakton came in yesterday, and to be perfectly honest? Im rather shocked at the freakin simplicity of this thing vs the drops lol much to the point of IDK how I ever lived without it for so long, haha. An SO freakin accurate. I was probably feeding/watering with the pH all sorts of off, especially since the drops can be off by, what was it? An entire point? .5 maybe, in either direction? No way that shit was right. Especially seeing how I've barely given a gallon of water to critical+ in her whole life, and her run off came in last night at 5.8 where as Olga came in at 7.2. So the symptoms do line up with the pH being off in both cases Critical looking a bit N hungry and...well...the countless different things with Olga least according to this chart...there are too many lol
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Aaaaaannnnd on to trying to figure out how to raise/lower the pH a smidgeon without re-potting.
Anyone with any thoughts before I kill myself trying to look it up?? lol

On the softer side of sears, Critical officially sexed today :D thought I may'v'e saw a teeny pistil last night but couldn't find me loupe.
Checked again today though, and got some pictures and she's definitely a girl lol Also gave her a measure, 5"tall, 11" across (from leaf tip to leaf tip)
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Not much to report with baby acid..shes a baby...shes a tall baby though lol. I remember her being tall(er), by comparison to my others at that age. What is she? 3 or 4 days and 1.5 inches tall already? I feel like thats pretty tall for a new baby lol

Congrats on the girl!

RE: Oakton - Uh, yeah...;)

RE: pH - Buffer your feeds with pH UP and pH Down ;) to make small corrections at a time to see where you can get it.

My soil is 6.9-7.0 dry and I feed it 6.1 then the whole time it has any moisture, it's 6.4-6.7 :) (Currently)

Or Epsom Salts (down?) and Garden or Dolomite Lime (gently up)
they sound like good numbers....powerball, yes? (:

girls are doing well, considering lol.

I've started adjusting the pH of Olga and Critical+. I read the above commemt ^^ from Trapper and the numbers he/you gave me gave me a really good starting point. I still had a few questions about if different soils will react in different ways to pH adjustments, but they weren't critical (BAZINGA!). Since Olga's runoff was 7.2 and the numbers he/you gave me were a dry soil pH of 7 (which I considered as run off in my situation lol) and buffered water at 6.1. I didnt wanna go too crazy, cause I'm not real good with numbers lol so i pH'd the water to 6.1, and the runoff was 6.8. So where does that leave me? On the next feed/water do I buffer to 6.1 again and hope its not overkill and drops the pH way down? It's unfortunate that I'm still such a noob with the whole pH thing. The entire first grow I didnt check the pH more than once, never checked the run off, buffered my water- nahhhh-sing lol. Looking back on it, Im quite surprised that they lived long enough to harvest lol.
The pH for critical was a bit low, 5.8 I believe is what it was, I buffered her water to like..6.8 or something and the runoff was an even 7. So a little overkill for the critical but 7 will create less plant drama than 5.8, no?
Baby Acid is good. Still a baby though so nothing really to report with her lol.
Did a bit of measuring today on all 3, but again - baby acid isnt much to write home about at this point lol. I didnt bother trying to take a picture of Olga though because that whole HPS thing haha, but she is 2'. On the N.O.S.E. I did get some really good bud shots of her before i plugged the HPS back in and decided to measure lol.
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Yeah, 7.0 is less dramatic than 5.8...for sure.
So evidently the pictures in my last update decided they didn't want to we shall update once more (:
Ages from youngest to oldest are as follows, lol

AA is day 18..she officially sexed two or three days ago. Was looking at my old grow journal and it seems as though she's bigger than my last time with her. She is however, just as stinky which is nice lol. Which brings me to my next issue which is she needs a name that screams 'IM A SMELLY WOMAN!' hahah. who has thoughts? lol I need to get more beans of this strain in a bad way lol. Fuel-y Fruitloops. MMMmmmmmM lol. On a complete side note, I imagine that pop22's blueberry headband will have a similar smell. MMMMMMmmmm heaaaddd baaaannndddd lol

Critical + is day 29 and growing strong HA! That was FUNNY! lol Today she stands at 14.5". Noticed earlier that her lowest set of leaves is dead/dying off. Haven't given it much thought though because A- I know that its more or less normal and B- because the rest of her looks so damn good/healthy. Not too much scent to her at all..yet. Since I know nothing about the strain all I can go by is the breeders info..breeder says that this strain should be grown indoors using a carbon filter from start to finish and I have yet to see why. Even a rub of her stem only gives off a sort of...plant-y fresh cut grassy sort of smell. But fingers crossed that the longer she flowers she'll actually start to smell know. weed. lol
Olga is day 53..She smells very similar to how AM2 smelled. And...I cant even really explain it. Sweet maybe? who knows. she sure is frosty though :)
Hey breadbin. I like your flowers :-D

lmao. you called me a breadbin. :roflcry:
Im at like..99% that that just made my day lol I wish AIM was still cool...were you ever big on AIM? I'll tell ya, I had more AIM screen names than the man in the moon, and breadbin would absolutely be one of them lol

but thanks biddy:)
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lmao. you called me a breadbin. :roflcry:
Im at like..99% that that just made my day lol I wish AIM was still cool...were you ever big on AIM? I'll tell ya, I had more AIM screen names than the man in the moon, and breadbin would absolutely be one of them lol

but thanks biddy:)
You art now and forever fort shall be by breadbin.... And sister from another sister! :-D IDST!!!!!!! (Not you IDS... I mean if destroyed still true :-p lol) Not a clue what AIM is.. Is it like msn? Dont mock me if im wring... I had a cheapskate mother who deprived me of these things!! Lol.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS ive always wanted to be someones breadbin!

I really didnt have a clue what IDST meant until you said it...silly gamers ;) lol
AIM? Really?! I guess that was a US thing. but yea- its pretty much MSN. Except run by AOL...which was a dial up internet service (Americal On-Line = AOL) which had its own messaging service but you could only chat with other AOL members, and AOL was fricken expensive back in the day, so I never had it. I can actually remember bugging my parents for years to get AOL so I could chat with my best friend of the time. Never happened though cause we were poor, lol but luckily they came out with AIM which was AOL Instant Messager so people who didnt have AOL could still chat with people using it. Plus it was free which was an added bonus for us poor folk lol

oh. and NO NO NO! it's not sister from another sister...that makes me feel like my mom was a nun and then my nun mother got knocked up....(clearly by immaculate conception because of that know..nun thing lol..I smell another story coming on...hahaha) and then I had a sister from another sister.
you however are my sister from another MISTER.
AKA- I had a mom that was a whore *which is 1,000% true btw lol* and she got knocked up by a guy that wasnt MY dad lol so that in turn makes you my sister from another mister lol....though now that i've written out both scenarios, immaculate conception on a nun sounds a lot better
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS ive always wanted to be someones breadbin!

I really didnt have a clue what IDST meant until you said it...silly gamers ;) lol
AIM? Really?! I guess that was a US thing. but yea- its pretty much MSN. Except run by AOL...which was a dial up internet service (Americal On-Line = AOL) which had its own messaging service but you could only chat with other AOL members, and AOL was fricken expensive back in the day, so I never had it. I can actually remember bugging my parents for years to get AOL so I could chat with my best friend of the time. Never happened though cause we were poor, lol but luckily they came out with AIM which was AOL Instant Messager so people who didnt have AOL could still chat with people using it. Plus it was free which was an added bonus for us poor folk lol

oh. and NO NO NO! it's not sister from another sister...that makes me feel like my mom was a nun and then my nun mother got knocked up....(clearly by immaculate conception because of that know..nun thing lol..I smell another story coming on...hahaha) and then I had a sister from another sister.
you however are my sister from another MISTER.
AKA- I had a mom that was a whore *which is 1,000% true btw lol* and she got knocked up by a guy that wasnt MY dad lol so that in turn makes you my sister from another mister lol....though now that i've written out both scenarios, immaculate conception on a nun sounds a lot better

LMAO!! I meant sister from another mister ya daft sausage! What dya take me for?....... My incest sister!! haha. My actual sister that is.... not you. or a nun. or your mum. or my old dear. Bunch o whores, the lot of em!! haha.
If you had been told by your pretend nun mum that you was immaculately concepted and was the son of G man (the other one, lol) from birth would you believe it?
I thought about telling jack the same thing... just t see if he believed me... J put a stop t that though!! lmao!!
daft sausage
you silly English folk and your funny words lol.

I'm so happy that you liked your gifts! I'm also happy (and sort of disappointed) to know that i won the smallest boob competition lol