Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

ever hear that katy perry song Roar?? Makes me CRAZZYY that song.

ANY-HOOSIER, dun dun dun chhhh ;)
Just so there's no confusion, a hoosier is what they call a person from the state of Indiana lol

The girls won't wake up for another 45 minutes so this update is from last night...but typed
Not sure why I never mentioned anything after germinating the AA seed, so now I dont remember what days it happened but its neither here nor there lol. She germ'd rather quickly, planted her in (what Im assuming is) a 5gal pot we got from the fella's mom. Went up to check on the plants last night, lifted my make shift humidity dome and YAHTZEE! Had a new baby =D Cutest little fucker she is too.
I shall name her Martha.
day 1

The critical+ is doing well. I'd given her the teeniest tiniest bit of fish goo a while back, but Im going to give her a shot of grow nutes (not like...a shot as in 1oz though lol), probably when they wake up. No more of that bent leaf gar-bahhhhhhhge she was doing before. I think she looks good, but IMO shes starting to look hungry, hence the shot o' grow nutes lol. She should also be sexing any day now, so fingers crossed that she is in fact a she lol
day 13

olga. le sigh.
O.L.G.A (done in a similar style to YMCA lol)

Waiting for the digital pH meter to get here (i got this one, anyone use it?), but Ima go head and say the issues she's having having nute related issues due to her pH being off. But even so, she sure is a pretty lil thing, int' she? :brow:
day 37
Nice flowering! You can just walk around your plants roaring, "Hoosier Mamma?!"
ha ha good one trap.and quik too!
That's what the wife said.....


The Oakton came in yesterday, and to be perfectly honest? Im rather shocked at the freakin simplicity of this thing vs the drops lol much to the point of IDK how I ever lived without it for so long, haha. An SO freakin accurate. I was probably feeding/watering with the pH all sorts of off, especially since the drops can be off by, what was it? An entire point? .5 maybe, in either direction? No way that shit was right. Especially seeing how I've barely given a gallon of water to critical+ in her whole life, and her run off came in last night at 5.8 where as Olga came in at 7.2. So the symptoms do line up with the pH being off in both cases Critical looking a bit N hungry and...well...the countless different things with Olga least according to this chart...there are too many lol
Aaaaaannnnd on to trying to figure out how to raise/lower the pH a smidgeon without re-potting.
Anyone with any thoughts before I kill myself trying to look it up?? lol

On the softer side of sears, Critical officially sexed today :D thought I may'v'e saw a teeny pistil last night but couldn't find me loupe.
Checked again today though, and got some pictures and she's definitely a girl lol Also gave her a measure, 5"tall, 11" across (from leaf tip to leaf tip)

Not much to report with baby acid..shes a baby...shes a tall baby though lol. I remember her being tall(er), by comparison to my others at that age. What is she? 3 or 4 days and 1.5 inches tall already? I feel like thats pretty tall for a new baby lol