Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

This is currently the only picture I have of olga's leaves that shows what i'm talking about...i'll take more later after they wake up though... It is mostly her lower fans that are starting to show this...splotchy yellowing. the yellowish/pale tips are all over her though. I did, actually just give her some SG so hopefully, *fingers crossed* that will rectify whatever is ailing her. *shrugs*
Yea- i figured she was pretty much done growing. I havent done a whole lot of searching around here for any Big Devil grows, but Im growing #1 and all of the grows I seem to have found are for Big Devil XL and #2....can you think of any off the top of your head that you know of? You know I like to have something to compare to lol. And I would love to know what strains were crossed to make big devil. sweet seeds themselves don't even say. All it says is this -
"A feminized automatic strain of high stature, in response to the demand of our customers requested more porte.Hemos autoflowering selected this gene which reaches a height of 1m. 1.5 m. Good production of compact and resinous buds. Incienced and fruity with hints Skunk."
I love google translate btw lol Incienced:clap:
and waira- i keep telling you that that baseball crap is just gonna rot your brain, idk why you wont listen to me! lol
You have a fun thread going now
Are you saying my first thread wasnt fun?!?! IM OFFENDED!!!!! ;) lol Waira, thats where we met! how could you?! lol
I wish there were a tool to measure the girth of your vag lol cause I would totally buy it. Did you know though, that there is a such thing as 'vagina tightening cream" ? lmao, i shit you not, google it lol. Chandy, I'll send you some in your care package hahahahahah ;)
You men have it easy man. You get to pee standing up (yes Ive tried and no it didnt end well LOL), you don't have to shave your legs or your armpits, don't have to get your periods, you dont have to go thru labor...AND you can easily measure your unit lol. Its just not fair.
HA! And actually, I recently came across this and feel that every man should be forced to do it before they go around getting their little end wet lol. -

I love willys!!!
I love Free Willy! hahaha you ever see that movie? Good ole Michael Jackson..le sigh.

the saying 'plug it up' not only makes me snicker, but makes me think of Carrie...from the 70's, not the new one lol
-Waira-Are you saying my first thread wasnt fun?!?! IM OFFENDED!!!!! ;) lol Waira, thats where we met! how could you?! lol

Innit man! Cheeky lil sausage he is :-p lol.

[/QUOTE]I wish there were a tool to measure the girth of your vag lol cause I would totally buy it. Did you know though, that there is a such thing as 'vagina tightening cream" ? lmao, i shit you not, google it lol. Chandy, I'll send you some in your care package hahahahahah ;)[/QUOTE]

Thanks mate :) Waste o money buying one... id just borrow someone elses. Not like id need t use it much... just before and after ;) haha.Thats very good of ya mate, been meaning t get some tightening shiz. Dya work if it works for bumholes cus im in desperate need...... its looser than a hippos yawn!! Lmao!!!

You men have it easy man. You get to pee standing up (yes Ive tried and no it didnt end well LOL), you don't have to shave your legs or your armpits, don't have to get your periods, you dont have to go thru labor...AND you can easily measure your unit lol. Its just not fair.
HA! And actually, I recently came across this and feel that every man should be forced to do it before they go around getting their little end wet lol. -

They do indeed! Shaving is bullshit! They also got the better deal in the orgasms department. And blow jobs. Id love t have a blow job. Bet its well nice! :kiss: lol.

.....and no man can truly know labour until theyve ripped their perineum from ball sack t halfway up their bumhole!!!!!! Baaaad times! lol

I love Free Willy! hahaha you ever see that movie? Good ole Michael Jackson..le sigh.

the saying 'plug it up' not only makes me snicker, but makes me think of Carrie...from the 70's, not the new one lol

I love free willy :) What a whale! Dudes a leg (like ledge not a limb, lol). Not a clue why your on about Michael Jackson though?... Did he do the voice o the whale or sutin? haha.
I love free willy :) What a whale! Dudes a leg (like ledge not a limb, lol). Not a clue why your on about Michael Jackson though?... Did he do the voice o the whale or sutin? haha.

you're the worst fan everrrr lol
MJ sang the theme song!!

I just remember the harmonica songs... im rockin out til MJ the now though :-D
im rockin out with MJ too....cept this one is smokin' and not singin' lolol

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im rockin out with MJ too....cept this one is smokin' and not singin' lolol
update from yesterday

Big Devil is on day 34 and the Critical+ is on day 10 - both counts are from seed, and all pictures are from last night.

Yesterday afternoon I decided to germ my last Auto Acid seed. She was my favorite of all 3 of the strains Ive harvested thus far. Nice stinky, sticky, and most importantly- potent bud. This time though, Im going to grow her in a 5 gallon too so she gets good and big. Had dinner at the boyfriends parents' house and his mom wanted to show us her garden, and while we were out there, started talking about potted plants. Moral of the story here, lol, is that she ended up having quite a few big pots laying around, that she was more than willing to pawn off on me lol. More awesome bud + Free shit = a happy Mz. W :smoke: It will be interesting to see if this one grows the same as the last.
Speaking of the boyfriend, hes continuously ordering stuff I have 'saved for later' in the amazon cart lol. I keep trying to tell him that anything for the plants, is all 'saved for later' because I havent done any reading on it yet. This time, he got one of the nutes I wanted to look into before bringing up actually buying it. Advanced Nutrients Overdrive...which I believe is more of an additive than a nutrient? (I mean..its obviously a nutrient lol)Anyone have any experience with it?

Big Devil is definitely having some issues. Why can I not turn out a completed grow without issues? This is BA-LAWG-NUH lol.
20140612_211057.jpgnow what in the world is this?? Ive searched for bugs but have found 0.
20140612_210720.jpgnot worried about the lowest ones since I know that its normal for them to go south rather quickly.

I'll tell ya what though. She sure is gonna be a pretty one...she's already pretty lol

Im real nervous about this Dr.Green seeds Critical+ Auto Fem....for a few reasons.
First and foremost, Im nervous since it seems that no one in the history of the world, has documented a grow for this strain by this breeder. Idk how easy or hard it is to make feminized seeds, i'm not a breeder lol. so Im also worried that its going to be male; and that I wont catch it in time and it will ruin any other girls I have. I'm also worried because her growth seems...twisted. And I dont even really want to say twisted, because its not...its more...bent. And it could just be genetics, IDK, because again - there isnt a documented grow of the strain. anywhere. lol This plant also, appears to be having problems. The mix of the soil(s) is the same, just in different ratios. So its entirely possible that this pot has less FFOF than Big Devil, which could inevitably be the reason the critical looks like its lacking N already. Input? Anyone? .......please? lol OH COME ON, I SAID PLEASE! :smoke:
20140612_212008.jpgas neat as this looks, lol Ima go head and say its not normal lol
I haven't used Overdrive myself but I have used other bloom boosters and the word of the day is moderation. You can burn your plants easily, especially with autoflowers. But that big shot of P & K can really fatten up the flowers if you get the dosage right. You've got a ways to go before needing it so there will be plenty of time to read up on it.

Not sure what's up with that chewed up leaf. Is there a fan rubbing two leaves together?

I don't know what all the fuss is about the Critical+. :dunno: Don't you know some girls who were an awkward mess in middle school but had all the boys by graduation? Maybe there are a few quirks but there's a long way to go. Of course sometimes the awkward mess grows up to be the crazy cat lady at the end of the street, but we're thinking positive here! But while we're on the subject, what's your pH in that pot? Seeing some twisty bits is often an early sign of pH drifting out of range...
Looking good though?! What day is the critical at Mz.W?

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Looking good though?! What day is the critical at Mz.W?
Dazed - Thanks :) She was on day 10 from seed yesterday when i took the pics, so technically, she's on day 11 lol, but we'll just play it safe with 10 ;)

Sir Botwin -
I haven't used Overdrive myself but I have used other bloom boosters and the word of the day is moderation. You can burn your plants easily, especially with autoflowers. But that big shot of P & K can really fatten up the flowers if you get the dosage right. You've got a ways to go before needing it so there will be plenty of time to read up on it.
Really? You can burn em with an NPK of 1-5-4???
Not sure what's up with that chewed up leaf. Is there a fan rubbing two leaves together? know...i'm not sure that it's the fan causing the problem (IF that is the problem lol) but the rubbing of two leaves made a light bulb go off. I wasnt exactly planning on Big Devil (or as I like to call her Olga, lol) getting as big as she is. (Its not an issue by any means. Because like the bf and many others have said, we can always hang the lights from the ceiling if need be.) And with the summer heat rapidly approaching here on the East Coast, I opted for NOT using our homemade CFL ballast for anything but taking pictures of the girls (if you can recall my grow set up, I was using one side of the closet for veg with the blue spec. CFL and the other side was used for the flowering girls with the HPS). Well it seems that with the thermostat needing to be set lower and lower as summer rolls on and having the AC vent linked (with ducting) to the intake, we've more than managed the heat. I think the warmest I've seen it in there is 76F. So I could absolutely be using the CFL ballast, but I decided I would run the Critical+ on the same side as the HPS. Critical has got one big ole dual spec. CFL over her, plus whatever she gets reflected to her from the HPS, as Olga is right next to her.
20140612_212159.jpg20140612_212201.jpgso the light bulb was, i suppose she could be rubbing against Critical's pedastal. She (olga) was a lot closer to it.
I don't know what all the fuss is about the Critical+. :dunno: Don't you know some girls who were an awkward mess in middle school but had all the boys by graduation? Maybe there are a few quirks but there's a long way to go. Of course sometimes the awkward mess grows up to be the crazy cat lady at the end of the street, but we're thinking positive here! But while we're on the subject, what's your pH in that pot? Seeing some twisty bits is often an early sign of pH drifting out of range...
lol Andy. Dont you know that those awkward girls never would've had the boys by graduation, if the awkward girls didn't have a bunch of beautiful stuck up asshole girls to look up to? lol aka- when I dont have anything to compare my grow to I've got nothin. Even with AM2, I at least had the seed bank's grow report...despite the truth to it, or lack there-of lol. I had something, could at least do a google search and find a newbs first grow that was never completed or commented on lol. With the critical I've got zippola. I NEED TO COMPARE IT TO SOMETHING DAMMIT lol