Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Indeed. Quite, quite.
Like throwin' a hot dog down a hallway!

But you've had a kid, so what does that say about YOURS?!

Like throwing a wellie down an alley way! Lol. You've heard my tales of child birth..... I'm tighter than a virgin these days ;) lmao.
:crying: :crying:

blink......blink blink........
PMLMFAO :roflcry:

hahahahha chandy.....hahah i dont even have a come back for that lol you definitely give me a run for my money, thats for damn sure lol you win this one haha

Please refer to my incessant blinking and laughter above.
Do guys typically ask other guys about their girth? lol Like just takin' a piss at the urinal you just happen to look over and go 'hey. hey bro. whats the girth on that thing? jupiter?'
note how none of the guys either confirmed or denied the urinal comment lol. someone must have gone ' SHIT! THE GIRLS! THEY KNOW TOO MUCH! EVERYONE BE QUIET!' lol

Like throwing a wellie down an alley way! Lol. You've heard my tales of child birth..... I'm tighter than a virgin these days ;) lmao.

Im in love with tshirt hell...years ago they used to have a pair of underwear that said 'TIGHTER THAN BRITNEY' lmao
so I was just reading a drama fueled thread where people were reporting each other, disrespecting each other and so forth and so on.
It's a shame that some people can be so..defensive. Don't get me wrong - I can be as well. We all can. It's human nature.
But I have to agree with the orig. poster in that whilst yes- there are sections for grow journals all over the place and yes the search bar is there for a reason. You can even refine your search by clicking 'advanced search'.
I think what he was saying was that he'd like to see the grow journals organized. And I agree.
BUT I also agree/understand from a moderators point of view why there are certain things that take precedence over organizing grow journals and the difficulty and countless hours it would more than likely take to do so.
Every cloud has a silver lining though, right?
Lets meet half way. No need for arguing, resentment, banning or any of that. Its for the birds, I'm pretty sure lol.
Why doesn't a MOD start a thread requesting that members with a completed grow or grow in progress to comment with their grow information. IE-
250W HPS- flower
250W MH/and or CFL- veg
GH Flora series, MG Rapid Start, Dyna-Gro Mag Pro, Alaska Fish Fertilizer, SeaGrow GrowMore Bloom
completed -Paradise Seeds AutoMaria 2, Paradise Seeds Auto Acid, Sweet Seeds Fast Bud
Link to journal - Continuous multi strain grow - as of 5.6.14 - Sweet Seeds Big Devil and Dr Green Seeds Critical+
link to journal -
The thread could then become a reference sticky.
Sure. You wouldnt have each and every grow from every member in the history of AFN but it would be A LOT easier to hunt down a grow similar to the one you have going. You cant type in White Widow Grow in the search bar and get that kind of specific result. Hell, just the other day I searched "Sweet Seeds Big Devil grow" and got tons of results. One of which was my AM2 grow, merely because I had a post that contained those words, not because I'd grown that specific strain (regardless of if I am now, I wasnt in that specific journal lol).
And sure, we would have to leave the completing of journals to their respective members- IE when I finally harvest Big Devil, its MY responsibility to go back and edit my post moving big devil to completed and replace her name with a new strain(s) under 'continuous grow'. a community, shouldn't we all have to work? Shouldn't everyone who uses AFN be responsible for a little bit?

The silver lining here benefits EVERYONE, noobs, vets, and mods alike. There will be a direct reference. And if you cant find what you're looking for - head to the search bar. If you somehow still cant find what you are looking for, turn to google. If google doesnt help, oh the fuck well figure it out lol That way there wont be (as many) unnecessary posts because chances are - the information is there. Right in front of you - begging for a click lol piece of the pie lol
note how none of the guys either confirmed or denied the urinal comment lol. someone must have gone ' SHIT! THE GIRLS! THEY KNOW TOO MUCH! EVERYONE BE QUIET!' lol

Im in love with tshirt hell...years ago they used to have a pair of underwear that said 'TIGHTER THAN BRITNEY' lmao

They just don't want t admit they look at each others willys the big gays! Lol.

You'll have t get a pair saying "almost as tight as Chandy" lmao!!
note how none of the guys either confirmed or denied the urinal comment lol. someone must have gone ' SHIT! THE GIRLS! THEY KNOW TOO MUCH! EVERYONE BE QUIET!' lol

Im in love with tshirt hell...years ago they used to have a pair of underwear that said 'TIGHTER THAN BRITNEY' lmao

Its all your fault... I just HAD to go check that site. Your SO bad....I like you! LOL! :smoke:

n00b- yes. yes it is. Like...we are all grown ass adults. Can we all get a handle on our lives please? lol

chandy- LOL. big gay-bo's they are. know. I have room to talk and stuff ;P
btw- you said willie....but it made me chuckle so its ok lol.
I miss you, we need to skype again soon!!

pop22 - hahahah t-shirt hell is the best. Years ago they used to have 2 shirts that made me pmlmao... and actually they may still have said WWJD and then underneath it said for a klondike bar :roflcry:
And the other one...hahahahahahahah im dying just thinking about it lol On the front it said "there are 2 people fucking on the back of this shirt" and then on the back....hahah.... it had the jesus statue from Dogma and it said "JUST KIDDING! Believe in Jesus" :roflcry:
I've got a pretty twisted sense of humor lol


n00b- yes. yes it is. Like...we are all grown ass adults. Can we all get a handle on our lives please? lol

chandy- LOL. big gay-bo's they are. know. I have room to talk and stuff ;P
btw- you said willie....but it made me chuckle so its ok lol.
I miss you, we need to skype again soon!!

pop22 - hahahah t-shirt hell is the best. Years ago they used to have 2 shirts that made me pmlmao... and actually they may still have said WWJD and then underneath it said for a klondike bar :roflcry:
And the other one...hahahahahahahah im dying just thinking about it lol On the front it said "there are 2 people fucking on the back of this shirt" and then on the back....hahah.... it had the jesus statue from Dogma and it said "JUST KIDDING! Believe in Jesus" :roflcry:
I've got a pretty twisted sense of humor lol
I love willys!!! The word..... And actual willys! :-D We do need some more skype in our lives! I miss your face!! :)
I've had some family shit t be done and the kid was in hospital all yesterday :( Hes all good now. Got virus induced wheezing but they give him an inhaler and hes loads better now :) Hes gota have 5 puffs every 4 hours with 10 breaths between each all the while with this mask type thing on and he absolutely hates it! Have t pin him down t give it to him and he cries his eyes out :( poor lad. Only f a few days though and then hell be fixed.

.....although some may say its my revenge for all the havoc he caused during child birth ;) Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skype tomorrow then my dear? :D