Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

IDontSmoke - I do. like a chimney lol ;)

I just gave AA a hit of the sea grow last night.
Checked on them this AM when I got up and the temp was at 78...finally lol cause last night when I was going to bed I stopped to check the temp and it was 84 =/ I guess it wasn't warm enough outside to have the AC kick on and stay on for any length of time so thats why it was getting too warm in there. But hopefully we've figured it out and it will stay @ 78 :)
:coffee2: Okay, cuppa snob-coffee in hand, and I'm good for about 15 min. before post-dinner sleepies take me down-- LOL! ...Hey, where's dessert?!
...Ima poke through each post, and comment as I go,... >> *sniiiiff* Hay?....:no: I don't like where this is going,... FML- :roflcry: I'm coming up with lots of possibles, but which one did you mean? Personally, I like SFP- shitfuckpisss! :cuss::thumbs: ..... Gaaahhh!! That bitch of a machine! (LMAO!! you say bastard, I say bitch,... but who's the sexist one, really...?)... Ah man, all yuk's aside, that's a crappy break MzW,... it's amazing, just how much difference lowRH/highT can make compared to ideal conditions,... the two combined can suck the moisture out of the buds stooopid fast; ideal is about 70F/50% RH, over several days...there's a whole series of chemical reactions, break downs, that need to take place fairly slowly as the tissues start to stress and shut down... making a huge difference in aromatics, and smoke smoothness; one thing that happens when dried too fast is the loss of aromatics,.. potency isn't that badly affected, and the moisture can be restored, but the terpenes driven off by rapid evaporation are gone-gone! There should still be some locked into the resin though, unless they were utterly roasted! (I gather not, fortunately)... nice save with the Boveda packs, GF! Smart thinking to have that on hand... Well, that was a while ago, how does Maria smoke? :brow: Likely, some jar-time will improve her smoke and aromatics some....
>> :drool: the ladieshzz are looking- *heh heh heh!-- giggady-goo!*
:rofl: -- AA, gawd, check the pube's on her!! -all hairy chick names are what the colas should have, like Peppermint Patty, Meg, Gretchen, Olga, Billie,...:KISS: :wiggle: LOL! .... BTW, she's fox-tailing like crazy! Depending on the kinda buzz you like, she can be taken very soon,.... FB looks to be just starting some fox'ing; watch those new hairs popping up at the top of the little calyx clusters,... when those start to stretch and stack up, that's fox'ing,.... I do see what looks like smooth green casing of a immature seed tucked in there,... who knows what happened to the dangle-berries?! :hump: **ding ding** ooop! time's up! BBall is on- :smoke: :roflcry:-widowed again, luv! I gotta try some fresh harv' myself, of the purple ML cross,...I'll have some pics up at a plas thread, not sure which yet, but I'll let ya know, okay? Catcha later lass, say Hi to Chander's for me too! :pighug:
:coffee2: Okay, cuppa snob-coffee in hand, and I'm good for about 15 min. before post-dinner sleepies take me down-- LOL! cuppa snob coffee, haha Im a bit of a coffee snob myself, however dont own a coffee pot so it's rather hard to find a good snobby k-cup lol ...Hey, where's dessert?!
...Ima poke through each post, and comment as I go,... >> *sniiiiff* Hay?....:no: I don't like where this is going,... FML- :roflcry: I'm coming up with lots of possibles, but which one did you mean? Personally, I like SFP- shitfuckpisss! :cuss::thumbs: ..... Gaaahhh!! That bitch of a machine! (LMAO!! you say bastard, I say bitch,... but who's the sexist one, really...?)...waira. sir. you know i'm stoned throughout 90% of my day and you know im not the brightest crayon in the box so this should come as no surprise to are you talking about?!? lol you've confuzzled me. Ah man,all yuk's aside, that's a crappy break MzW,... it's amazing, just how much difference lowRH/highT can make compared to ideal conditions,... the two combined can suck the moisture out of the buds stooopid fast; ideal is about 70F/50% RH, over several days...there's a whole series of chemical reactions, break downs, that need to take place fairly slowly as the tissues start to stress and shut down... making a huge difference in aromatics, and smoke smoothness; one thing that happens when dried too fast is the loss of aromatics,.. potency isn't that badly affected, and the moisture can be restored, but the terpenes driven off by rapid evaporation are gone-gone! There should still be some locked into the resin though, unless they were utterly roasted! (I gather not, fortunately)... nice save with the Boveda packs, GF! Smart thinking to have that on hand... Well, that was a while ago, how does Maria smoke? :brow: Likely, some jar-time will improve her smoke and aromatics some....It was very unfortunate. the temp was ok where it was drying just that damn humidifier randomly stopped working *since been fixed* otherwise, I honestly feel like I wouldve had near ideal conditions. How does she smoke? *shrugs* meh, lol A lot of the reason I never did a smoke report on her is because it wasn't a perfect grow by any means and I don't wanna be the lol who posts a smoke report bitching and moaning about how the yield sucked, tatsted like shit, barely potent and so forth and so on. Because I dont want to discourage anyone from giving it a grow (dun dun dun CHHH lol) themselves when the odds lay more on my inexperience as a grower for the reason and not the strain. And you, Bots and I have talked about the terpene thing and we already know that I need to smoke A LOT more of a strain that doesn't have a similar terp. profile as Sour D or Headband. That skunky fuel-y je ne sais quoi lol AM2 doesnt have it, so it doesnt do it for me. But the boyfriend likes it and the few people I've given some to like it. Dont get it twisted, (dun dun dun chhhh BAM! AGAIN lmao) they didnt come back and rave about it but the general response i've gotten is that its not bad. So that just further proves the the theory that terpenes have much more to do with medicinal effects/high and more research needs to be done lol.
>> :drool: the ladieshzz are looking- *heh heh heh!-- giggady-goo!*
:rofl: -- AA, gawd, d check the pube's on her!!i quite literally laughed out loud when I read this lol and Quaggie always makes me giggle lol speaking of Family Guy, are you on a smart phone or have a tablet? If so, download the family guy game and send me stuff :roflcry:-all hairy chick names are what the colas should have, like Peppermint Patty, Meg, Gretchen, Olga, Billie,...:KISS: :wiggle: LOL! ...soo...side show freak names LOL BTW, she's fox-tailing like crazy! Depending on the kinda buzz you like, she can be taken very soon...really? lol AA is foxtailing? you think?? I don't see it at all on her. Her buds have always been sort of...light/airy looking.That was until the day after I gave her a hit of that 4-24-24. she fecking LOVED it, I kind of couldnt believe how much weight it looked like shed packed on those buds over night. Points for Waira lol also umm wow lol I just did a date difference calculation from the day she broke soil to today and its been 90 days. So paradise says 75 days from germination, tack on an extra 2-3 weeks yea, she should be ready any time now...i suppose I should stop feeding her lol i did NOT realize I'd had her this long. .... FB looks to be just starting some fox'ing; watch those new hairs popping up at the top of the little calyx clusters,... when those start to stretch and stack up, that's fox'ing,yea no. still dont see it on AA lol fb I can see starting.... I do see what looks like smooth green casing of a immature seed tucked in there,... who knows what happened to the dangle-berries?! :hump: **ding ding** ooop! time's up! BBall is on- :smoke: :roflcry:-widowed again, luv! I gotta try some fresh harv' myself, of the purple ML cross,...I'll have some pics up at a plas thread, not sure which yet, but I'll let ya know, okay? Catcha later lass, say Hi to Chander's for me too! :pighug: I absolutely will! we had our first skype yesterday and it was a lot of fun =D

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Big devil sexed officially, with the teeniest pistils, barely visible without my loupe, about 4 days ago.
She is now exploding lol
Just for sheer size comparison of a 3 gallon to a 5 gallon-

This is AM2 @ day 20..
and this is Big Devil on day 18.

Its a bit re-dick if I do say so myself lol.

Fast Bud and Auto Acid are currently mentally preparing to die, lol Fast Bud will be chopped later today whilst Ms. Acid will be alone in the dark drying out for a bit. I had to flush her pretty good since she just had that hit of Sea Grow 3 days prior...I didnt necessarily WANT to do it this way but I didn't want to leave her in the room with the brand new flowering plant...BECAUSE....are you ready for this? Hold on to your hats....
ARE YOU BLEEPIN' KIDDIN ME?! lol It's the only bunch I found, but god damn man lol Either AM2 is a bigger slut than we ever imagined or she's just hollering that she's done lol But Im not taking any chances lol she really is done anyways, may as well just flush really well and chop her. She's even got a good amount of amber on her so its time. lol IMG_20140524_200952~01.jpgIMG_20140524_201015.jpgIMG_20140524_201033.jpgIMG_20140524_201047~01.jpgIMG_20140524_201130~01.jpgIMG_20140524_201313~01.jpg

Fast Bud is so pretty lol Im relatively sad shes gotta go lol however in the same breath, im excited to try her lol
Wow Girl!

Great looking babies and SERIOUS trichs on the done ones.....NICE!

Can't wait to see chop pics. :)
le sigh.

Last night I did my 2nd tie down on Big Devil. All went smoothly until I went to see that the humidifier was still working for the FB crop. I decide hey, why don't you check the temp in the closet (since the HPS is off in there now and the AC unit is hooked to the intake I wanted to be sure its not getting too cold in there now.) Big devil was pointed back towards the light. so I get the bright idea to pull her back down. You can see where this is going, Im sure.
If not, moral of the story is I snapped her main stem. yeah. Probably snapped a good 1/2 way through. I immediately taped the break back together and today she seems to not have been fazed. Thats not to say though, that in 2 weeks she might be dead, lol. But as of this morning she is pointed more upright than she was last night, so she may bounce back. Who knows.

I did harvest FB..unfortunately no pictures at this point in time but don't worry your pretty little heads, they're coming lol. It was interesting. You know how she had that odd kind of W shape to her? I started with her side branches and after I took them I saw her main cola went all the way down to the ground. But it wasnt one big continuous cola, it was a pant load of teeny branches loaded with immature/under developed buds. I wish I'd taken a picture because it was honest to jeebus the strangest thing I've come across in my short (and limited lol) growing experience.
Update on the update lol

This is big devil. you cant really see the damage because the only tape I could find at that moment was scotch tape, lol but its there. Believe me. ITS THERE lol

FastBud crop- her yield isn't going to be spectacular but for my own personal smoke, its fine lol. alot of the super light buds I threw in a brown bag with my trim for making budder. And actually, there was hardly any trim..however the trim there IS, is LOADED with trics.

AA- you know how people say 'who pissed in your cheerios?' she reminds me of that saying lol She smells like fuel-y fruitloops, and I shit you not when I say that lol 'who dumped gasoline in your fruitloops?'
ugg my dry space is so close to perfect I can taste it.
RH is finally stable between 45-50% only slight issue is it gets a tad on the warm side. 77F is usually where it stops though. =/ been checking for mold and so far so good. Saw a few spots that looked like it could be some PM but I zoomed the pictures on my computer and it just appears to be trics. *crossing my fingers* but because we have the ac vent hooked to the intake to the grow space (which is on the 3rd floor of the house) that whole room is getting to the upper 70's. Its like a completely different world when you step out into the hallway lol ahhh cool air =P
Big Devil still seems to be doing well after that little LST mishap. Hit her with her first dose of the MG (4-12-4) and the GH Grow (2-1-6) from the flora series - both at 1/4 strength per gallon, giving a total grow nute # of 6-13-10. I firmly believe she's going to be a monster lol I also firmly believe she would've been the ideal LST tie down candidate had I not snapped her main stem so early. Im going to bust out the measuring tape tonight. I was, lol with ChandySide earlier and she had asked me how wide either the plant or the pot was *doesnt matter which cause shes basically the width of the pot lol* and I realized I had yet to measure her. so alas, when she wakes up, a measuring we will go! lol hi ho the derry-o...anyone? lol
day 19

Gave AA one last "on the heavy side" water at 8 this morning and plan on ending her life after work tonight lol :twist: I was up giving her the once over, and was getting pretty damn up close and personal with the loupe lol She smells and looks SO good. noticed a very distinct pine smell that wasnt so obvious before. but, even still lol:drool:

Ive taken FB from the dry area and moved her to a cure jar. When she starts to sweat out more moisture (her stems bend but dont snap but the outside of the buds were crusty), so once she starts wicking out that moisture, Im going to put her back in the closet, only I wont hang her up again. Initially we rigged up a screen drying rack type dealie for AM2's popcorn buds so that they sit on a drying screen/rack, so thats where she'll go for probably a day or two. her buds are so..shrunken lol I mean I know they shrink when they dry, but it's MUCH more obvious with FB then it was with AM2.she DOES though, smell AMAZING. especially by comparison to am2. ugh wheres the magic drying/curing wand?!? lol
then^^ 3 days later^^
Hey homes :-D Turns out i had read this grow.. except the last few posts... i just couldnt remember, lol. Re read it now though so im doubly in the know :-p Took me about 1% o the time it did t read the other one, lol. I have plugged a keyboard t the xbox one f optimal AFN replying times :-D Hollaaaa!... or rather J has so i dont steal his computer... that was jointly paid for ;)
Scrolling on the big screen dont half ache your eyeballs mind, lol :Sharing One: