Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Day 8 and 32 with a pretty solid question, IMHO lol

not too much to update on.

Olga is rather large, but I honestly feel like she's tapped at 22.5".

MAYYYYBE she'll get a little more height to her, but I doubt it. A gentle rub of her stem gives off an awesome smell, so Im excited for her to start stinkin' up the closet =D She's also getting her first trics <33 haha I feel like an actual mother, embarassingly bragging about buying my daughter her first bra to the sales person.
"Oh! My little girls becoming a woman!"
20140610_202850.jpgI am seeing the slightest bit of nute burn on her tips. At least...Im assuming its nute burn lol. Im not sure how, but I guess maybe she just really didnt need grow nutes when I gave em to her. *shrugs* It's just a tiny bit of pale-ness on the tips, so I dont want to say I'm not worried about it, just that Im not letting it stress me out? smh. idfk lol cause I also feel like I see some N deficiency in some of her fans? Or perhaps the start of a potassium def. and not nute burn?
.... high......
It makes me curious about the dynamics of growing in a 5 gallon pot, with respect to feeding/watering.
So far, she's needed water every 5-7 days. She's been watered 4 times, fed twice -- 1st feed was 1/4 strength grow nutes, 2nd feed was 1/2 strength grow and 1/4 strength bloom.
When I do water or feed it usually takes about a gallon, before I get run off, which is when I stop.
So being that i don't have to water as often as Im used to (because of low humidity and smaller pots) does that mean.....ok. hypothetical here lol.
Plant A is in a 2 gallon smart pot planted in an environment with a steady 26% RH, where plant B is in a 5 gallon bucket with the RH at a steady 46%. Plant A needs to be watered once every 2-3 days. Plant B needs to be watered every 5-7 days. Both will be fed on a regimen of water, fertilizer, water, fertilizer. (This sounds like a fucking math problem lol. if train A leaves the station at 5pm going approx. 60mph....:roflcry:) So if both plants are 30 days old, and (remember, this is all hypothetical lol) both plants start receiving nutes after the first week. So lets use this month as the example, because its easy lol. So lets say they were all born the 1st. then the 8th was their first feeding. then the 11th is water, lets say the 14th was feed, the 17th water, 20th feed....thats already 3 feeds for plant A. Plant B ALSO gets nutes on the 8th, but then won't need water again until the 13th, at the earliest, then another feed on the 20th, making Plant A one feeding ahead of plant B.
What do we do to remedy that situation?
Not water until I see run off and force the need to water more often?
Would you feed plant A at 1/4 strength and maybe feed plant B at 1/2 strength since it will be fed less often??
:smoke:.....still high....

haha okay BACK TO BUSINESS YOU! This is a place of WORK, not your tom foolery!

Critical+ is doing pretty thinks lol I try not to get paranoid buuuut...I smoke entirely too much to not be paranoid sometimes lol


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Personally, I would raise the RH to match the other so my feedings are synced. It's easy enough to raise the RH and plants prefer higher than that, esp during veg. I've been at around 45-55% throughout. Those plants look a little N deficient to me but I could be crazy. I don't worry about tips unless they're turning brown, but light green could be early indication of low-N. Ask your doctor if Nitromaxitoxamide is right for your plants :-P
So...the random attached picture with no explanations from last nights update...haha.

For whatever reason, the scotch tape I used when I snapped olga's main stem was like...falling off. So I just took it off all together. Not sure if that was the greatest idea in the world...and you can see why. When I taped her, she wasn't fully upright, it was a rough tape job since all i had at the time was the scotch tape and I was trying to not get it stuck to any of the leaves on my way down to the break. I just wanted to make it a band aid of sorts and make sure she wasnt....dangling.
Well now she's got no band aid. But I'm wondering if I shouldn't put something back on her.
Reason(s) being, I don't want any thing of any sort to go down that hole.
When I harvested AM2, I noticed that her stems were hollow. I'd never gotten bud with hollow stems before. ever. in 13 years of buying weed in different parts of the country. e.v.e.r. so what do i do?


Turns out (at least according to the bit of reading up I did), hollow stems are mainly a sativa/sativa dominant thing, and it's a good thing because the stems are what transfer water and nutrients up through the plant. So assuming all of that is true and correct, it makes me wonder if I don't want to cover that hole back up...grr kinda looks like a butthole, dont you think? :roflcry:
When I accidentally snapped the top off my og kush the hole down the centre of the main stem was big enough to get a pencil in
So...the random attached picture with no explanations from last nights update...haha.

For whatever reason, the scotch tape I used when I snapped olga's main stem was like...falling off. So I just took it off all together. Not sure if that was the greatest idea in the world...and you can see why. When I taped her, she wasn't fully upright, it was a rough tape job since all i had at the time was the scotch tape and I was trying to not get it stuck to any of the leaves on my way down to the break. I just wanted to make it a band aid of sorts and make sure she wasnt....dangling.
Well now she's got no band aid. But I'm wondering if I shouldn't put something back on her.
Reason(s) being, I don't want any thing of any sort to go down that hole.
When I harvested AM2, I noticed that her stems were hollow. I'd never gotten bud with hollow stems before. ever. in 13 years of buying weed in different parts of the country. e.v.e.r. so what do i do?


Turns out (at least according to the bit of reading up I did), hollow stems are mainly a sativa/sativa dominant thing, and it's a good thing because the stems are what transfer water and nutrients up through the plant. So assuming all of that is true and correct, it makes me wonder if I don't want to cover that hole back up...grr kinda looks like a butthole, dont you think? :roflcry:
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That's what she said.I.m not fond of lookingatt assholes so i'll take your word or it.All the weed I have grown have had a hollow stem satva or indica it's normal.

- - - Updated - - -

So...the random attached picture with no explanations from last nights update...haha.

For whatever reason, the scotch tape I used when I snapped olga's main stem was like...falling off. So I just took it off all together. Not sure if that was the greatest idea in the world...and you can see why. When I taped her, she wasn't fully upright, it was a rough tape job since all i had at the time was the scotch tape and I was trying to not get it stuck to any of the leaves on my way down to the break. I just wanted to make it a band aid of sorts and make sure she wasnt....dangling.
Well now she's got no band aid. But I'm wondering if I shouldn't put something back on her.
Reason(s) being, I don't want any thing of any sort to go down that hole.
When I harvested AM2, I noticed that her stems were hollow. I'd never gotten bud with hollow stems before. ever. in 13 years of buying weed in different parts of the country. e.v.e.r. so what do i do?


Turns out (at least according to the bit of reading up I did), hollow stems are mainly a sativa/sativa dominant thing, and it's a good thing because the stems are what transfer water and nutrients up through the plant. So assuming all of that is true and correct, it makes me wonder if I don't want to cover that hole back up...grr kinda looks like a butthole, dont you think? :roflcry:
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That's what she said.I.m not fond of lookingatt assholes so i'll take your word or it.All the weed I have grown have had a hollow stem satva or indica it's normal.
dunno if Im right but it sounds good a little,LMAO!"AFN smoke out" their hollow and lent towards sativas is because of their lineage and where their from cuz of genetics and climate,like a cactus holding and transfering water/food in arid climate(s).imho,Id totally get a small plug n stick that plug uhhhhhh yeah Imma say it.plug up that butt.LOL!"AFN smoke out""AFN smoke out"id actually use more of a patch actually than a plug to be honest.try to get it to fit as smooth as possible ofcourse n wrap it for a couple weeks with just something mechanical like string or thread,thin strips of tape and fasten it in place.but thats me.Im prolly wrong and it'll be healed the day after next.LOL!how big is it anywho?pencil lead?Q-tip stick er what?.....LOL!you said pluug.LOL! yeah ok Im stoned....
yep, all my plants got hollow stems too.some just bigger than others.
:hug: Hey there luvie! :smoke: .....sorry it's been a while, things have been rather busy at home, and time here, minimal lately.... LOL!- my loss! You have a fun thread going now (to'd ya) :dance2: I laughed at the family guy quotes! I got one from Peter that probably has feminists issuing death threats to McFarlane!! ... but first---

>> Olga (LOL!)... her misty lensed glamor shot leaves everything to the diagnostic imagination! A more "clinical" shot, showing the leaves in question, would be most helpful,... the others pics, I don't see anything noteworthy; I do see the slight yellowing at the tips, which is generic enough to be several things,... she's a nice plant Mz.W, good branching and height! likely, the stretch phase is over, and it's all bud height from here out- :thumbs: just as well, she needs to focus her resources on other things, like sex parts! :brow: Is she getting SG bloom now? -that alone would eliminate the K defc. question... N, being highly mobile within the plant, defc. symptoms starts with the lowest leaves first, usually nice even yellowing, no spots, dead patches...a couple few leaves looking a bit pale at this stage is okay, just watch them, like indicators; if they go pale fast, then a little hit of N favored grow stuff would be fine and dandy! :grin:
>> I like the bigger pot, specifically for the boost in RH it gives; Watering to run-off isn't necessary every time, but doing so with just plain water fairly frequently is great, to keep salt build-up low... Good question about the pot size/fert's thing! I guess, it starts with what kind of root mass is in there,... roots actively seek out nutrient sources, growing towards them... now, a bigger pot will hold more nutrients, and will deplete slower than a smaller pot, kinda making up for less frequent fert'ing.. but, roots having to grow all over the place to find them may take some resources away from action above ground if we're talking small plant in a big pot; root density will affect this as well, using up nutes much faster in the closer proximity than around the perimeter of it,... the mass will only get so big too, for a given size plant... but the idea is sound for lower conc. nute's + more frequent feeding in a smaller pot,...*** dinner break! BBL- :grin:
:drool: *uuurp!* me some chile verde! Now to complete the meal, some fine Mexican coffee, fresh from the roaster yesterday,...:hump:
... lessee, where was I? Oh yeah, stoned on Morpheus Laughing (god this stuff is creeper!), and suffering from low blood sugar- LOL! ... Now, missy, I'll have you know I'm missing Giants BBall, only for you! :roflcry: *** Mz.W, I'd stake her up to support the weight that's coming soon! for the hole, don't plug it (giggady!), and risk rotting; she's adapted to it, so just avoid getting moisture down there,... (s-s-sniker!) :smoke: Hollow stems I see all the time,... like Nammy said, I haven't noticed it to be a satv. vs indica thing,... but considering how so many strains are hybrids,...:dunno:... it's like bamboo- hollow between the nodes, then solid at those junctures; they don't conduct anything liquid,... point is, it serves no direct purpose that I know of, metabolically,... physically, hollow tubes are stronger per weight than solid ones, and of course lighter,... less resource demanding as well-- no tissue to grow and support!
That's what she said.I.m not fond of lookingatt assholes so i'll take your word or it.All the weed I have grown have had a hollow stem satva or indica it's normal.
:rofl: freakin' Nammy!! We can't take you anywhere, even to a lady's thread! And who, I ask, would admit to enjoying gazing at brown cave starfish? :no: LMAO!!

>>>. :crying: [Stewie, talking to a stank-ho' at Clevelands' place]-- " So,.. is there any tread left on the ol' tires, or is it pretty much like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?!" :rofl: gotta be one of the funniest things I've ever heard! the analogy is so brilliant,... Chanders' gets it, ay? ( 'ello luv!)- LOL!- sorry I ever brought "girth" up at your thread,... 'Course, you had to put a British spin on it (while it spirals down the hallway...!- LOL)--
My tents just not big enough!! You've got quite a large grow space I hear though WDWA! :-D rotflmaopmsl!!!!!!!!
But you've had a kid, so what does that say about YOURS?!
Like throwing a wellie down an alley way! Lol. You've heard my tales of child birth..... I'm tighter than a virgin these days ;) lmao.
-- :crying: ...nothing like reading two gals rip on each others vag's.. in a grow thread!! ...and they say guys are bad,...
Do guys typically ask other guys about their girth? lol Like just takin' a piss at the urinal you just happen to look over and go 'hey. hey bro. whats the girth on that thing? jupiter?'
--:rofl: OMF-in'G!! really, you wonder this??!! Sounds like somebody has been evesdropping in a gay bar bathroom! No, sorry,...gazing at and inquirering about some random strangers wang size at a urinal is a great way to get pummeled and arrested- LMAO!! ...Honestly, do you gals ask each other about how stretchy or tight your love canals are in a public bathroom?! "ah, pardon me GF, but I couldn't help noticing the sudden increase of echoing in here after you sat down,..." ... :crying: " close the drapes, or the bugs will fly in,..."... :roflcry:,.... had enough yet? :grin: Chanders-
I love willys!!! The word..... And actual willys!
- bless you for that!!
*** Okay, I need some damn air now, I gave myself hiccups laughing! Chander's, I hope your boy is in fine fettle now, hon'! ...Mz.W too, y'all are a hoot! Try not to scandalize my good brothers Pop' and EoF too much more,... Nammy, he's to much the dirty birdy to shock anymore! :smoke: Cheers ladies!
Waira my man :-D You kill it!!

brown cave starfish? :no:

LMAO! Thats a new one on me... guess ive not looked at a bum ring close enough t notice the similarities! haha. Rippin on each others vags sounds horrific! You have t go and lower the tone dont ya ;) lol.
The problem with us lady folk is that, as far as im aware, theres no specific tool f measuring the depth and breadth of our clunges.... otherwise im sure wed all be doing it on the regular :-p If there was such an instrument reckon theyd make custom tampax too!..... And us fems would do them daft games t work out what the perfect fit penis would be! Lmao! Im gonnna stop my mind now before it goes too far! "High Team Help Me" lol.

The boy is alright.... got the diarrhoea from his medication though :-/ He stinks!! lol.

Anyways... enough of bodily fluids... time f a bacon butty :-D Hoorah! Enjoy your air :-p Peace :Sharing One: