Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

daft sausage
you silly English folk and your funny words lol.

I'm so happy that you liked your gifts! I'm also happy (and sort of disappointed) to know that i won the smallest boob competition lol
Lmao. Well im elated at the fact ive got big jubbilees :-D theyre not particularly humongus but in comparison t yours they're prize winning pumpkins! ;) pmsl.
Im well chuffed with em man! You dont even understand how much i love them all!!!!!!!! (the gifts that is... Not me baps :-p )
I will never ever ever ever ever ever in a million years (except f bathing purposes) take my best friend necklace or bracelet off! Oh and job stuffs of course. Dont reckon they'd appreciate cannabis around my neck and thc on my wrist, haha. I love how you made it see through so that even if it spins around the wrong way our friendship can be known!! WHAT A GAL!!
will put some pics in AFN tmora so everyone can get well gel at our truly fabulous friendfulship shizzles :) lol.
Love ya man!! Best things I've ever received in my entire life!
24, 35, 59

My name is WhereDaWeedAt, and I have a problem. Oh wait...wrong forum ;) :roflcry:

I kid.

However I am here with a little bit of a girly update since its been a minute.
And a hot one at that.

So. I s'pose we'll go from youngest to oldest.

AutoAcid is 24 days old today. Im sure I've said this before, but I really need to order more of her particular strain. Anyone who followed my 1st journal can tell you, that when it comes to the terps of my smokeables - I love anything diesel-y and or skunk-y. And if you are also one of those people, please. Do yourself a favor. Get in on somea these genetics. Cause I'm telling you. I was impressed. On every account. And I am by no means a master grower, so I can only drool over thinking about what someone who really knows what they're doing could do with it. She smells out of this world. yielded well for a personal stash..but again- im no jorge cervantes or any other ganja guru out there lol, so im sure that it can only be improved upon. Crazy amounts of trics. And potent. Oh so potent.
I think I may need some new underoos now, lmao.

I kid...
...or do I?

ANYHOW, lol. She's rather squat in comparison to my first AA. I remember her being rather...lanky if you will. Can't remember off the top of my head if she appeared to be very indica dominant to start off or not, but this one sure does. A few of her fans are about the size of my hand...and i mean...granted Im a girl and have small little bitch hands, but still lol, they (the leaves not my hands ;P) seem like they're huuuuuuuge to me lol. For now well call her AA2 (until we come up with something better lol), has that same pungent smell to her though. and GOD i love that lol


Critical+ is 35 days old today. She's stopped upward growth at just over 15". Still not much to say for the smell but, its still early.....yeah yeah wishful thinking my ass ;P Now you all sound like my dad.

"shit in one hand and wish in the other, see which one fills up first."
Thank you Dad, for those encouraging words of wisdom, lol


Olga has become the old cat lady on her porch down the block. AKA she's 59 years young today.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Haaaapppppyyyyy bbbiiiirrrrrrrrrrrthhhhhhhhhhhhdaayyyy...yea ok im done, lol.
Seed bank says 9 weeks from germination. 9 weeks is 63 days. Were on day 59. So with another 2.5-3 weeks before she's done, I figure I'll hit her with the overdrive a few times, for prolly a week and a half, in between some relatively heavy watering to ensure she doesnt taste like poo, haha.
Lmao. Well im elated at the fact ive got big jubbilees :-D theyre not particularly humongus but in comparison t yours they're prize winning pumpkins! ;) pmsl.
alright. you've earned yourself bragging rights, i'll give you that. HOWEVER lol don't hate on my tiny pumpkins lol. You know what they say, anything more than a handfulls a waste ;)
Im well chuffed with em man! You dont even understand how much i love them all!!!!!!!! (the gifts that is... Not me baps :-p ) I'm super happy that you liked them. I was afraid that you were going to be like ".....I got excited...for this?" lol I'm sorry that the majority of the stuff I sent you didn't fit =/ That was biggest fear; was that you were going to get all this stuff, that I killed myself trying to make perfect lol, and not one bit of it would fit so my efforts were for nothing as it would all just sit in the back of a closet collecting dust lol. Example- a few christmases ago, I got K a shirt that said "If I can build a computer, I can make you cum" (pmlmao) and he's NEVER worn it.
I will never ever ever ever ever ever in a million years (except f bathing purposes) take my best friend necklace or bracelet off! Oh and job stuffs of course. Dont reckon they'd appreciate cannabis around my neck and thc on my wrist, haha <--- Thats the exact reason I wasn't wearing mine when we were on skpe and you were all "WHERE IS YOURS?!?" lol. Monday-Friday I work...and while majority of my customers smoke weed, sell weed, and/or know I smoke weed would appreciate it, but my bosses think Im oblivious lol. - I love how you made it see through so that even if it spins around the wrong way our friendship can be known!! WHAT A GAL!!
you know what that is, don't you? Its a SHRINKY DINK!! mmm..actually. you in the UK might not know, being that you didnt know what AIM was lol. so a shrink dink is a sheet of plastic. You can print on some of them, others you have to color/draw on. Then you cut out whatever you drew/printed and pop it into a toaster oven. cook it. and watch it shrink. haha- here I found some kind of shrinky dink commercial -
so when you cook em they go from a thin flat sheet of plastic that you colored a design on, to being 1/3 of the original size and 9x thicker. They're a lot of fun, haha. The magnets (the mcdonalds one and the 'yes we cannabis') are shrinky dinks too. that im thinking about it, A LOT of it is lol Theyre stupid expensive though, so any No.4 plastic works lol.
will put some pics in AFN tmora so everyone can get well gel at our truly fabulous friendfulship shizzles :) lol.
Love ya man!! Best things I've ever received in my entire life!
fabulous friendfulship shizzles. thats right. lol Im super happy that you liked them. I wish it wasnt so freakin expensive to send stuff to you, cause I still have stuff I made for you that either wouldn't fit in the box or would've taken me over my allotted 4lb limit lol.
This is going to sound like the strangest request but, those shoes that dont fit? lol sniff the shoe laces LOL. just trust me here. You could even tie them and then sniff your fingers, which in itself sounds dirty lol just sniff the fucking shoe laces, will ya?!? LOL
28, 39, 63

Just a small update from last night cause Im bored.
And yes. AFN must suffer for that ;)

AA is 28 days young today, and I must say, she's a B.E.A.S.T. She's about 17.5" and I shit you not when I say, she is- from leaf tip to leaf tip - 2 feet wide. My first AA (2 gallon smart pot) could only wish to be even half the size as this one. And she's still a baby in comparison to her harvest - so she's only going to get bigger. I wish I knew exactly how big that pot is. Olga is in a 5 gallon lowes bucket but it's a lot taller than this one. Ima say its gotta be a 5 gallon too...maybe even 7, i'm not sure. But it's working out well. I've gotta move her to the HPS side soon..just gotta figure out how to do it. Olga is at her seed bank harvest date today, so i was planning on giving her another 2.5 weeks. Was gonna give her her 2nd taste of overdrive today, and then just water until I chop her. Problem with that is she's so damn tall in comparison to the other 2 (especially critical+) that the 2 youngest will stretch like crazy cause the light would have to be so far away. I reckon I could just round up all of the warm spec CFL and switch out the bulbs in the CFL ballast until I harvest Olga.
idk..I'm too high to try and figure anything out right now lol so here- look how preeeeeeeeeeeety :niceshot:

lookit that big ole biddy ;) oooooooooooomg there it is. Bertha the Big ole Biddy! ahahahahahaha sold.

not trying know...toot my own horn or anything, buuuuut...some of those pictures are suh-weet lol
Looking great in there! That AA sounds like something I might have to try one of these days..

Keep up the good work, looks like you got things under control.. the bud shots look awesome :Sharing One:
I aint hatin man... i used t own a pair myself... i have big love f little bossoms... and big ones! lol.
Tbh mate even if the shoes did fit i dont think id be reppin em on the mean streets of crewe.... id get my head caved in! lol. The rest fits sound though :) Girl you cray!! This stuff has pride of place in various positions round my gaff and on my person. Aint no way no how this shizzles aint getting seen by the masses... and by masses i mean Js family cus there is no one else :( ......except you and your uber cool nice things :-D What more could a gal need? :)
Your shrinky dink link aint working my friend, thing i did see them on an advert a few months back though.
Cant believe how ridiculously expensive it is t ship here... or that youre holding out on me. The things i could of done with them gifts... whatever they may be :-p lol.

So i sniffed the shoelaces and im getting nothing.... its not a trick is it??!!

My mate told me t lick my phone once t see what it tasted like... and i did like a fool!! Hed only been rubbing it round his extremely sweaty ball sack when id been out f a fag! :-o Twat!! Cant believe i fell f it. A moment of weakness.. which hopefully hasnt turned in to 2!

I really hope i havent just inadvertently sniffed yours or your fellas orifice juices :( That would be a very mean trick t play!! Although you are on the better kind of strange so id like t think that you dont roll like that homes.......... do you? lol.
I aint hatin man... i used t own a pair myself... i have big love f little bossoms... and big ones! lol
Tbh mate even if the shoes did fit i dont think id be reppin em on the mean streets of crewe.... id get my head caved in! lol. lol ok fair enough...though lets be real with each other here. IDC who you are, unless you have some crazy go go gadget eyeballs, random passers by arent going to know what they say...except for maybe that giant word CANNABIS on the back of the one lol The rest fits sound though :) Well no one is going to see your shirts then eiter, cause they've got more to do with drugs than the shoes lol Girl you cray!! This stuff has pride of place in various positions round my gaff and on my person. Aint no way no how this shizzles aint getting seen by the masses... and by masses i mean Js family cus there is no one else :( ......except you and your uber cool nice things :-D What more could a gal need? :) more uber cool nice things? lol
Your shrinky dink link aint working my friend, thing i did see them on an advert a few months back though.*gasp* at this very moment, im ashamed to call you my bestie! you said, and i quote, "shrinky dink link" and made no comment of your rhyming ability, hahahaha
Cant believe how ridiculously expensive it is t ship here... or that youre holding out on me. The things i could of done with them gifts... whatever they may be :-p lol.
lol. well...I actually looked it up on the USPS website and it's A LOT cheaper...half the price actually, to send something First Class mail then it is to send it Priority...which is how I sent it cause I wanted you to get it super quick lol. So I'll probably end up sending you another at some point lol
So i sniffed the shoelaces and im getting nothing.... its not a trick is it??!!
My mate told me t lick my phone once t see what it tasted like... and i did like a fool!! Hed only been rubbing it round his extremely sweaty ball sack when id been out f a fag! :-o Twat!! Cant believe i fell f it. A moment of weakness.. which hopefully hasnt turned in to 2!
I really hope i havent just inadvertently sniffed yours or your fellas orifice juices :( That would be a very mean trick t play!! Although you are on the better kind of strange so id like t think that you dont roll like that homes.......... do you? lol.
yes. that wouldve been a really mean trick...a brilliant one, but a mean one lol. No I told you to sniff them, because I didn't buy them that color lol. I dyed them. with kool-aid. lol and when i put them in the box, they still smelled delicious lol.
Hey man. Wolud you stop replyin like that... i damages my eyeballses!! lol.

It aint the drug stuff, its the giant word 'die' on the back of one of the shoes! Walking down the street flashing 'die cannabis' is defo not sutin thats on my list of things t do before i die, esecially not in this town! lol.

Some rhymes just dont need pointing out... it was too cool. Some may say... "the best rhyme that ever wert!"... Dont know who them some are but theyve gotta be somewhere, law o averages and all that shiz :-p lol.

YAY!! :-D Feel even more special now knowing ive received priority mail.. only usually get that from the bailiffs ;) haha.

OMG Kool-Aid!! I want some o that in my next package!! My mate went t america once and brought some back with him, was well tasty! Cant believe ou went as far as t dye the laces.... iz it cuz u iz 2 kool f skool or sutin? lol.

In other news......
Ive been told I have t tone down my shit :( Apparently its too x-rated f peeps t handle and your thread has been deleted :( (sorry mate) Whats sexy about dirty bath water is beyond me but clearly some small minded folk have found it offensive and i might lose some reps.?

Whatevs man! Dems guys is whack!!