Lovely ladies there Mz. W! I have to say you and Chandy are rather entertaining... Only read the last two pages and y'all had me crackin' up!
And I thank you for thatLovely ladies there Mz W!....Who makes this Auto Acid you rave so much about?
what is with everyone reminding me of Dane Cook lately?! lolDamn I wouldn't have made it through childhood without Kool Aid! Stuff is great and always gives a nice mustache of assorted colors as well.. We never measured the sugar, just dumped a shit load in, it's great fuel for kids (and adults) too
:Sharing One:
haha, well then its my very unfortunate duty to tell you, that YOU my friend have missed out lol we are both highly entertaining on our own. Put us together and fuh-gedda-bout-it! lol
We first bonded over a young woman named mary jane, who had a stretched out uterusit's quite literally, a long story lol if you are feeling rebellious (DUN DUN DUN CHHHHH) you can type 'the story of AFN' into the search bar and take a look at what im talkin' about if you care to lol you wont be let down lol
Well thanks to Monsanto that's probably why they have 91 flavors... Is one called "Agent Orange" or "Lemonade Yellow #5"
Chandy I would guess the taste of Jamaica would be the taste of cannabis or red stripe... Well could be dreads as well and I don't wanna know what dreads taste like... But im guessing better than that phone you were forced to lick...