Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

ohhhhhh is THAT what happened to my thread? lol I had a 'like' on it and went to click on it but every time it kept saying the page i was looking for couldnt be found. I figured it was my POS laptop. it does things like that.
its kinda crazy though, because when I read your reply, first thing that went through my head was 'oh no. theres going to be more comments about there being 'ladies on the forum'' lol

and speaking of rep...why in theeeee hell have we not repped each other yet? wtf, worst friends E.V.E.R hahaha guys dont have kool aid there?!?! Fa ReeALz?! lol your childhood was worse than i couldve ever imagined! Imagine. A childhood gone. Kool-Aid less.
My name is WhereDaWeedAt, and I have a problem. Oh wait...wrong forum ;) :roflcry:

I kid.

However I am here with a little bit of a girly update since its been a minute.
And a hot one at that.

So. I s'pose we'll go from youngest to oldest.

AutoAcid is 24 days old today. Im sure I've said this before, but I really need to order more of her particular strain. Anyone who followed my 1st journal can tell you, that when it comes to the terps of my smokeables - I love anything diesel-y and or skunk-y. And if you are also one of those people, please. Do yourself a favor. Get in on somea these genetics. Cause I'm telling you. I was impressed. On every account. And I am by no means a master grower, so I can only drool over thinking about what someone who really knows what they're doing could do with it. She smells out of this world. yielded well for a personal stash..but again- im no jorge cervantes or any other ganja guru out there lol, so im sure that it can only be improved upon. Crazy amounts of trics. And potent. Oh so potent.
I think I may need some new underoos now, lmao.

I kid...
...or do I?

ANYHOW, lol. She's rather squat in comparison to my first AA. I remember her being rather...lanky if you will. Can't remember off the top of my head if she appeared to be very indica dominant to start off or not, but this one sure does. A few of her fans are about the size of my hand...and i mean...granted Im a girl and have small little bitch hands, but still lol, they (the leaves not my hands ;P) seem like they're huuuuuuuge to me lol. For now well call her AA2 (until we come up with something better lol), has that same pungent smell to her though. and GOD i love that lol

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Critical+ is 35 days old today. She's stopped upward growth at just over 15". Still not much to say for the smell but, its still early.....yeah yeah wishful thinking my ass ;P Now you all sound like my dad.

"shit in one hand and wish in the other, see which one fills up first."
Thank you Dad, for those encouraging words of wisdom, lol

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Olga has become the old cat lady on her porch down the block. AKA she's 59 years young today.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Haaaapppppyyyyy bbbiiiirrrrrrrrrrrthhhhhhhhhhhhdaayyyy...yea ok im done, lol.
Seed bank says 9 weeks from germination. 9 weeks is 63 days. Were on day 59. So with another 2.5-3 weeks before she's done, I figure I'll hit her with the overdrive a few times, for prolly a week and a half, in between some relatively heavy watering to ensure she doesnt taste like poo, haha.
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DAMN! Those r some frosty nugs!

Gorgeous, Mz. Dub! Magically Delicious....."OH, YEAHHHHH" (said in Mr. Koolaid voice)
ohhhhhh is THAT what happened to my thread? lol I had a 'like' on it and went to click on it but every time it kept saying the page i was looking for couldnt be found. I figured it was my POS laptop. it does things like that.
its kinda crazy though, because when I read your reply, first thing that went through my head was 'oh no. theres going to be more comments about there being 'ladies on the forum'' lol

and speaking of rep...why in theeeee hell have we not repped each other yet? wtf, worst friends E.V.E.R hahaha guys dont have kool aid there?!?! Fa ReeALz?! lol your childhood was worse than i couldve ever imagined! Imagine. A childhood gone. Kool-Aid less.
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It wasnt me :-D
Someone posted sutin about messin with his shiz in the shower so got deleted. Good job aswell man cus ive been raging HARD!! lol. (that it not an intended pun btw :-p lol)
Ive calmed down now though after a nice PM from Waira and some CC. Life is good and all is right with the world :-D Happy days!!!
"Ladies on the forum" haha!! If there were any ladies theyre probably glad t know its not just their fanjitas that defy gravity ;) haha.

I know man, even still! Can get pretty much everything else from there here but f some reason kool-aid has never made it over the sea. I never even knew it was powder til my mate brought it back :-o figured it was just what you guys called squash ..we dont have anything like that here! God damn this country!!
One thing i never got on family guy was the kool-aid guy smashing through walls. Obviously its his thing as he always does it but never seen the adverts t get upmost hilarity from it. Not only did i have a shoddy mother but i had no kool-aid t protect me from her... im sad again now :( pmsl!!

What you talking bout Willis????? You are the bad friend as i have already repped you.
When i hear you ask?.......................:slap: WOMP THERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!! :-D ...probably the closest ill ever get t touching you ;) (<---i added the wink f extra creepiness, haha)
I know man, even still! Can get pretty much everything else from there here but f some reason kool-aid has never made it over the sea. I never even knew it was powder til my mate brought it back :-o figured it was just what you guys called squash ..we dont have anything like that here! God damn this country!!
One thing i never got on family guy was the kool-aid guy smashing through walls. Obviously its his thing as he always does it but never seen the adverts t get upmost hilarity from it. Not only did i have a shoddy mother but i had no kool-aid t protect me from her... im sad again now :( pmsl!!

What you talking bout Willis????? You are the bad friend as i have already repped you.
When i hear you ask?.......................:slap: WOMP THERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!! :-D ...probably the closest ill ever get t touching you ;) (<---i added the wink f extra creepiness, haha)

smashing through walls is indeed the trademark of the kool aid man.
oh dane cook, the level at which you amuse me lol.
I haven't actually made kool aid (for the purpose of drinking lol) in YEARS. It was more of a childhood thing for me. But yo - there are SO MANY different flavors now, its ridiculous. (I now have to google this to find out how many there are lol....aaaaaaaaaaand the answer? 6 original, 91 in total. )
Yeah... I wonder if it still tastes the same... Nothing tastes like it did when we were kids... Lovely ladies there Mz. W! I have to say you and Chandy are rather entertaining... Only read the last two pages and y'all had me crackin' up! Who makes this Auto Acid you rave so much about?
It wasnt me :-D
Someone posted sutin about messin with his shiz in the shower so got deleted. Good job aswell man cus ive been raging HARD!! lol. (that it not an intended pun btw :-p lol)
Ive calmed down now though after a nice PM from Waira and some CC. Life is good and all is right with the world :-D Happy days!!!
"Ladies on the forum" haha!! If there were any ladies theyre probably glad t know its not just their fanjitas that defy gravity ;) haha.

I know man, even still! Can get pretty much everything else from there here but f some reason kool-aid has never made it over the sea. I never even knew it was powder til my mate brought it back :-o figured it was just what you guys called squash ..we dont have anything like that here! God damn this country!!
One thing i never got on family guy was the kool-aid guy smashing through walls. Obviously its his thing as he always does it but never seen the adverts t get upmost hilarity from it. Not only did i have a shoddy mother but i had no kool-aid t protect me from her... im sad again now :( pmsl!!

What you talking bout Willis????? You are the bad friend as i have already repped you.
When i hear you ask?.......................:slap: WOMP THERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!! :-D ...probably the closest ill ever get t touching you ;) (<---i added the wink f extra creepiness, haha)

Damn I wouldn't have made it through childhood without Kool Aid! Stuff is great and always gives a nice mustache of assorted colors as well.. We never measured the sugar, just dumped a shit load in, it's great fuel for kids (and adults) too

:Sharing One:
smashing through walls is indeed the trademark of the kool aid man.
oh dane cook, the level at which you amuse me lol.
I haven't actually made kool aid (for the purpose of drinking lol) in YEARS. It was more of a childhood thing for me. But yo - there are SO MANY different flavors now, its ridiculous. (I now have to google this to find out how many there are lol....aaaaaaaaaaand the answer? 6 original, 91 in total. )

Thats brilliant... makes me think the kool-aid guy may have a touch of the paedo about him though. Breaking in t peoples houses and force feeding kids t drink from his juicy chalice.... Defo cause f concern! lol.

91 flavours!!!!!! :-o How is that even possible? They must have some reet dodgy ones! I just had a gander........ they have a jamaican flavoured one ???????? Is it possible f a country t have flavour?? Well i would presume not but apparantly so? Im Youll have t hunt me one down f the next package. Ive always wanted t taste a country that wasnt my own! lol.