Great pics, thank for posting them! :Sharing One:
So many pics!! How did you get em all on without killing yourself!!??.... Im ready t get the noose out by the time ive done 5! lol.
haha I actually had to edit the post to add the rest of the pictures, cause you know after you upload them you've got an hour to 'use' them or they get deleted...but other than that, I never really have any issues posting pictures. It is however grossly tedious annd redundant.
10 at a time, insert in line, 10 at a time, insert in line, 10 at a
Pretty though, right??
I DID NOT KNOW THAT!!!!! No wonder my pics always disappear!..... Usually it takes me about 3 days t finish my posts! (Tis my curse f being such a brilliant parent, partner, lover, friend and all round brilliant person) pmsl.
Bloody beautifull man! The fleurs not me....although it has been said
Have you seen my pic of me holding the main cola of my northern lights like a baby and feeding it a bottle? In a word...... Heartwarminglol.
Shows you how much attention i pay, lol.hahahaha ohhhh chandy. Yea, on the upload box that comes up, underneath the pictures, where you would hit the arrows to switch pages, it says 'Uploads not utilized within one hour will be deleted'. As to WHY it does that, lol, you're lookin at the wrong person, alls I know is it does lol
I have NOT seen that it here or on FB? I'll just stalk around until I find it ;P