Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

So here I sit.
Struggling with what I want to grow first out of the latest bean order. know. As a refresher, lol here's what we're working from -

x2 Mephisto Genetics- Sour Bubbly
x2 Cream of the Crop - Amphetamine
x2 LowLife- Double Diesel
x1 Sweet Seeds - Ice cool
x1 Blimburn- AK Automatic
x1 Blimburn- Tijiuana (feminized Photo)

Initially I thought I was gonna do Ice Cool first but the more I think about it the more i think i just dont know what I wanna do LOL. so....Im leaving it to AFN. Which 2 should I do first? and why do you think that? hahah
:slap: to who evers answer i like best LOL

In other news, my 2 remaining Critical+.... Faith and.....yoooooouuuuu,lol I don't refer to her as anything but 'you' anymore hahah.
I'm thinkin' I'ma go head and flush you, stick her in the dark for a day or two (I actually did it with FB too though I don't think I mentioned it) and chop her down. She's 76 or 77 days today, it appears that she's foxin like crazy (at least what I believe to be foxtails lol), and.....she's so small leaving her any longer isn't going to overly benefit me in a notable way I want room in the tent for 2 of the new strains hahahah.
Something else I noticed that was strange on both of the criticals..the tops of one of the buds (on each plant) looks like the leaning tower of Pisa...and Im not even kidding you lol

SEE?! lol Weird, right?! I thought it kinda looked like they started growing into something and it bent the buds..but then I thought, 'you' isn't big enough to grow into ANYTHING lol then I thought well maybe I bent them taking them in and out of the tent. Which I guess would be feasible with Faith since she's so god damned big, lol, but I even tried to see if it were possible to hit 'you' on something when taking her in and out of the tent, and...without lifting her damn near over my head, its just not humanly possible lol So idk, pretty strange IMO lol.......

It's like finding that one penis in a sea of...peni (hahaha) that is so curved, it brings a new meaning to the phrase 'how's it hangin?' 'a little to the left' :roflcry:

....I just realized Im talking about a forum full of men, who likely havent spent much time looking at other mens penises to know lmao

Aaaaaaand on THAT note, Mz. W - OUT, lmao.
and in other OTHER

Lol I'm pretty sure I'm done after this so you shouldn't have to worry about random annoying posts about my life for the rest of the day hahahah.

Shut up, you know you like hearing about it! :roflcry:

So first and foremost, I forgot to upload the rest of the pictures I took of the girls! GAH I'm a terrible parent lol

This is 'yoooouuuuu' I'm sure I didn't have to, but in the last picture I circled some of what I believe to be her foxtails lol


And here are a few of Faith

IMG_20150410_161353.jpgIMG_20150410_161451.jpgIMG_20150410_161454.jpgIMG_20150410_161458.jpgIMG_20150410_161655.jpgIMG_20150410_161700.jpgIMG_20150410_161410.jpghow funny is this haha. little teeny tiny thing stickin out off of the bottom of the plant tryina be a kola :roflcry:

And in other other OTHER news, lol I had to go to the Dr yesterday because my birth control ran out on the 28th lol. And please allow me to advise you, lol that I've never been so intrigued by a surgical procedure than I was watching them preform it on ME lol. I wish I'd video taped it on my phone, but I was so...enthralled, that I didn't even think about it lol
It's funny the things you can enjoy when you don't feel shit lol. I hadn't had one removed before, only put in on account of it lasts for 3 years lol. So going in, its like yeah whatever, it's like getting a piercing, only they numb you so you cant feel it lol. But taking it out?? That was an entirely new adventure in itself lol. Like...I'd asked how they actually take it out and he says, 'oh yeah, we just make a little incision right about here, and we kinda push it out from the top. Sometimes we'll need forceps to grab it and get it out, and then we'll slide a new one in..but you won't feel any of it cause you'll be numb." But he made it seem like this easy peasy 5 minute thing, grab it and get out lol. APPARENTLY this guy was doing his residency.
So, that 5 minute, easy peasy procedure? lol yeaaaaaaa about My appointment was at 9:40 and I didn't end up leaving until 20 after 11 lololol. So he makes this little incision right under where the implant was. And he starts pushing from the top and then decides 'oh, I think I need to go a bit deeper' so he grabs his little scalpel and makes the cut deeper. Starts pushing again, and nothing. So he grabs the forceps and shoves them into this freakin hole in my arm and tries to grab the implant. FAIL. So another dr comes in and SHE can't grab the damn thing lol (she said that they make the implant slippery for a reason..but...i have yet to see that reason lol) So FINALLY she's able to grab it with the forceps while he was pushing down to, i guess make the implant 'slide' out lol. Well then once she's got it, she passes the forceps back to him, assuming alright hes got this now. No. No he does not got this now, lol. He grabbed the forceps from her, and I swear to god, almost INSTANTLY opened them, DROPPING the fucking implant lmao. :Brain Fog..:So he's literally digging inside my arm with these forceps trying to grab this thing. And of course I can't feel anything, so I'm watching like this- :no: lol
So once the lady dr grabs it again, he gets ANOTHER set of forceps and SHOVES it on in the other side of the incision, and starts digging over there lmao. FINALLY, an hour and a half later, lol, they pull this thing out of my damn arm. And I mean...of course I went in....happy:smoke:, so in my head, I'm laughing my god damn ass off at this guy lol...I can't wait to see the bruise that THATS going to leave, hahaha. And
ow.jpgThis was 3 years ago when I got the first one put in
IMG_20150410_160129.jpgAnd this is what i have so far this time lol


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So here I sit.
Struggling with what I want to grow first out of the latest bean order. know. As a refresher, lol here's what we're working from -

x2 Mephisto Genetics- Sour Bubbly
x2 Cream of the Crop - Amphetamine
x2 LowLife- Double Diesel
x1 Sweet Seeds - Ice cool
x1 Blimburn- AK Automatic
x1 Blimburn- Tijiuana (feminized Photo)

Initially I thought I was gonna do Ice Cool first but the more I think about it the more i think i just dont know what I wanna do LOL. so....Im leaving it to AFN. Which 2 should I do first? and why do you think that? hahah
:slap: to who evers answer i like best LOL

In other news, my 2 remaining Critical+.... Faith and.....yoooooouuuuu,lol I don't refer to her as anything but 'you' anymore hahah.
I'm thinkin' I'ma go head and flush you, stick her in the dark for a day or two (I actually did it with FB too though I don't think I mentioned it) and chop her down. She's 76 or 77 days today, it appears that she's foxin like crazy (at least what I believe to be foxtails lol), and.....she's so small leaving her any longer isn't going to overly benefit me in a notable way I want room in the tent for 2 of the new strains hahahah.
Something else I noticed that was strange on both of the criticals..the tops of one of the buds (on each plant) looks like the leaning tower of Pisa...and Im not even kidding you lol

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SEE?! lol Weird, right?! I thought it kinda looked like they started growing into something and it bent the buds..but then I thought, 'you' isn't big enough to grow into ANYTHING lol then I thought well maybe I bent them taking them in and out of the tent. Which I guess would be feasible with Faith since she's so god damned big, lol, but I even tried to see if it were possible to hit 'you' on something when taking her in and out of the tent, and...without lifting her damn near over my head, its just not humanly possible lol So idk, pretty strange IMO lol.......

It's like finding that one penis in a sea of...peni (hahaha) that is so curved, it brings a new meaning to the phrase 'how's it hangin?' 'a little to the left' :roflcry:

....I just realized Im talking about a forum full of men, who likely havent spent much time looking at other mens penises to know lmao

Aaaaaaand on THAT note, Mz. W - OUT, lmao.
I would do the ice cool definetaly. oh and its to the right, not the left. I never told you that.lmao
oh and its to the right, not the left. I never told you that.lmao


And yea I think the ice cool will definitely be one of them, but i need one more.
ok. I've decided. Joining the tent will be the Sweet Ice Cool and Lowlife Auto Double Diesel.
Girlfriend ... you so craaazzzzyyy! Reading your thread is an adventure in comedy. I mean your discussing man parts and coyly end the post and then you start right in on the next like nothing happened. I'm laughing so hard my boys have got to see what's so funny. So then you start in on this birth control story and from the 1st incision I'm picturing in my head where exactly the incision is and believe me, I'm feeling for your girlfriend as I have had incisions in, shall we say, sensitive places. Then you talk about them digging in your arm and I remember that there is a device they put in women's arms, I guess it was the foreceps that through me, lol. Anyways, I vote for Amphetamine, but only because I want to grow it too. So my reason is selfish. Whatever you decide, I'll be following along .. Peace!
It was actually going to be Amphetamine...anything that promises a "racy" type high is always up there for me's funny, because with weed being the exception, i'm a speed junkie lol.
......okay maybe speed junkie is a bit of an overstatement, lol so I'm a ..... a stimulant enthusiast lmao. Most people I know go for xanax and perkocet..I say fuck that- gimmie some blow-caine or some adderall lol.

I guess it was the foreceps that through me, lol.
not the duck bill, vagnia forceps silly lol, the science-y scissor-y tweezer-y type forceps lmao.

yeah, its called nexplanon. It's this little...match stick type flexible rod that spits out hormones and gives you the comfort of no babies for up to 3 years lmao.
I know right ... Imagine my horror as I read that the intern was having so much trouble and then the other grabs her foreceps and there both start having a go at it ... :rofl:
hey w? hows about callin it OG EBONY N IVORY TRUFFEL.whens the deadline or should I say when will my free 12pk arrive.lmao
faded- LMAO! Idk why but I like...never saw that comment hahah. OG EBONY N IVORY...thats good lol but K will bitch lol he didn't even want me to call them OG truffles because apparently 'og' is a weed term that everyone knows is weed related lol. so i'm sure he wouldnt let me call one ebony and ivory lmao. I do kinda like it though, because its a song, like "the blue velvet" which is also a song hahah
Stimulant enthusiest lmao...that's my