Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Bunny Poop! Getchyer Bunny Poop!

lol how fucking adorable is this?!
Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmmm! I loves me some bunny poop! I prefer the dried over fresh, though. Less of that grassy taste...
Day 69 and 67

my pictures would be so much better if i could keep steady...I need a tripod...and a real camera haha

I think they look great..super frosty too.I hear ya bout the shaking and no tri pod..for like 20 or 25 bucks instead of an expensive tripod,you can try a staff,they work really well too.adjustable to a cpl feet or three and to six i think..:Sharing One:
just a thought..

So I took the plants out of the tent today to water them and I wanted to clean the glass on the air cooled hood. And I'm looking at Fast Bud and start thinking about the up and coming harvest.

A good majority of her fans have yellowed and died off..there are a few still hangin on though..and most of her bud leaves have either yellowed already or are starting to yellow. I've read it probably 1,000+ times, but, I went back and read Muddy's thread on Harvesting by the leaves. And I'm lookin at the pictures attached to the thread, and I'm noticing, that theres still a fair amount of green hangin out on that plant. Now when I look at fast bud, I feel like I see more yellow on her than the one in the thread. But the one in the thread has NO fans where fast bud still has some hangin on. I havent seen any amber trichs on her...but i might not. She's 10 weeks today....and we all know patience is not a virtue of mine lol, so im really thinkin' about takin her down lol
fast bud looks about ready.if it was mine, I'd probably take her now. the choice is yours doll
Day 73 - HARVEST

Fast Bud = Harvested.

The tent & setup has damn near payed for itself already lol.

ok - mayyyyybe I'm still a far cry away from $650 BUT, definitely the best haul to date.

After all was said and done, and she was trimmed up the way I liked her, the final wet weight?

210 g.

I'm fairly certain that 93.7% of you have significantly larger harvests every single time you take down a plant..but....STFU lol I'm impressed with my 210 wet grams lol
:hug:'ello, luv! ... How ya been? All's going well enough I hope,... :smoke:...Still grinding away at home here, much to do, and time's no longer on our side,...more on that later via PM,... I'm half asleep already, so pardon my brevity! Let's see,...

>>:no: K-cups!!-- an environmental waste product straight from Hell's Landfill itself!! :firedevil: :roflcry: ... time to go full snob, and do the fresh grind and cup-brew thing with cone filters! And Acme Coffee Roasting Co. beans, best I can name anywhere- :bow: :thumbs:..yes, they ship,... Otherwise, Starf*cks Sumatra is pretty good, and there's a couple other co.'s that make very good stuff, for pre-ground stuff,... I'll have to ask my bro' what they were, as I've forgotten,...
>> yeah, those bigger pots can get very uneven in moisture sometimes, particularly when you're not hefting them often enough to gauge things,... water tend to start to follow a easy pathway through the soil when dry pocket form,... solid drenching on occasion, and using a water spreader/wetting agent will help prevent this...:slaps:- now ya know! LOL!

>> :Cool bud: The Chander's!! ....good to hear you spoke with her and had the usual bawdy times! ...hope she's doing great,... give the cheeky lass a nice Hello and :pighug:for me, next time, would you?

>> ...not a mushroom fan at all, but I must say that stuffed cap looks delish', especially the innards! :drool: ... that Chocoley place looks like a fine source for da goods too,...right up your,..uhh,.. (snicker-snort!)-- alley!! :hump:

>> :d5: Your first run in this tent is going very good my friend, I am impressed and proud of your good works! This is no small challenge when you're a newer grower, the leaning curve is steep, and with plenty of pitfalls,... And I love the fun and amazing surprises when they happen-- like Faith! Who knew??!
not a clue where the pH is, honestly, I haven't cared enough with her to check lol.
SHUT UP! Don't you question my methods! lmao.
--> :yoinks: :slaps:-- Oh Oh!! ..okay, Ima just let that pass, reserving the ITYS finger wag for later, in case there's trouble! :WTF:.... FB is frosting like cray-cray Mz.W', latest pics are true HD trich' porn!! :porn perv: -you're getting Mad Fox(tail) syndrome, which we'd like to see dialed back some,... I'll ask around, as I'm not sure what's behind this, beyond some general strain tendencies,...***.... Faith and Stilts look great too! :clap: "Bailers Booya"-- not a burnt tip, or spot to be seen,... nice work on the LST, BTW... **(oooohh, you ruthless be-yotch!! That Orange ball of goodness?!-- fuggedaboutit!! -my stomach is literally growling at the sight! :drool:..yeah, we must talk turkey here soon,..:brow:)**... Bunny turds-- sounds like something you'd come up with! I'll just bet your mind is already working that angle,... something along the line of Rocky Mountain Dessert Oysters..? :roflcry: .....***..... The more i see, the more I lean toward what the trich's are doing Mz.W',... so much variability with leaf yellowing, and we see plants all the time with plenty of green fans, but trich's ripe to perfection!... That, and your desired level of narco-buzzage... recall, that ambering is a sign that the THC has begun to degrade into CBN, which is notorious for it's couch-lock effect,... AND, as the buds age, ambering will increase,.. auto's tend to not hold up as well over time as photo's with this too,... Milky trich's are prime time for THC content, is the general concensus I find,....
...looking forward to you getting the Mephisto girls going my friend!! They are as fine of genetics out there as there is, well proven right here too! ...Oh.. And Happy Harvest too!! :pighug: :slap:woooo! nice cheek heater there :crying: