Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Just some day 54 bud porn...because I can :)

I have no problem, i swear it lol
FB Day 54

And Faith is...big lol IMG_20150316_182303.jpgIMG_20150316_182333.jpg
Day 63 and 61


OH MY LERRRDD! lol when did my plants get so...old? lol


yeah, I pretty much have a video reference for everything lol. But really, I feel like time has like...flown by lol In 2 weeks (give or take), I'll be cutting down Fast Bud. Her fans are really showing signs of the life being sucked out of them, trichs are gettin pretty milky, and new pistils are few and far between. So her time is rapidly approaching. RAPIDO I say! lol

I love how in some of the pictures you can see Faith, just towering over everyone else in the tent lol
IMG_20150324_152502.jpgIMG_20150324_152358.jpgIMG_20150324_152412.jpgIMG_20150324_152425.jpgIMG_20150324_152439.jpg just doesnt feel right calling her stilts anymore lol

In other non plant related news lol business is starting to pick up..sort of? lol
I made a Krumms Kreations FB page, and thats gotten me a fair amount of attention lol. One person said this -

She gave me two free samples, too! I'm so excited to try all these! It looks amazing and is way more than I anticipated. The chocolate covered bacon and chocolate covered pretzels with bacon on them look amazing. And I cannot wait to eat the chocolate covered BBQ potato chips. Ughh I'm like in shock right now. I think she designed the sweet and salty sampler especially for me.

lol so that always makes you feel good. Also made a new cookie truffle - "The Orange Cream Dream". It legit, tastes just like a creamsicle. Baller. lol
wow faiths colas are badass. and holy shit dude!! that orange cream dream looks just crazy delicious. great grow mz w
do u have a bakery or something lol? shoot us a link
JAYAR - I wouldn't call it a bakery per se ... but if by bakery you mean, somewhere to get delicious muh - fuhin treats, then sure, its a bakery :smoke:

Faded- Thanks for reppin' Krumm's Kreations in my off time, bro lol. Tryina get more than your 20% afn discount, eh? I get it lol well played. The orange cream dream, or as I like to call it the OCD (hahaha), is rather re-donk lol That vanilla cream center? Fuckin forgeddaboutit. I eat that shit straight, right outta the tub lmao. its so fucking tasty. I'm thinkin about taking the OG truffles up a notch, and stuffing them with a vanilla cream center and dipping them in cookies and cream chocolate...idk what to call it though open to suggestions!

And actually....idk if anyone would be interested, but throw some names at me and the name I pick will get a free 12pak? lol
hey w? hows about callin it OG EBONY N IVORY TRUFFEL.whens the deadline or should I say when will my free 12pk arrive.lmao
wtf....? lol

So just out of curiosity, I wanted to check out what was said about Dinafems Critical+, cause I've never actually looked into it.

So its not on the dinafem website ( and idk how much legitimacy this other site has...but, ima just go head and say that is run by...morons? lol

Their strain review is CLEARLY labled DINAFEM CRITICAL+, but the review itself is almost verbatim the strain review of Dr. Green Seeds Critical+, lmao. like....really. If you're gonna have a strain review, why not make know...a legitimate review? lol Because the review on for Critical + says absolutely NOTHING like what this says lol absurd.

Dr. Green Seeds

The Daily Smoker