Eyes- I don't use an actual legitimate
camera lol i'm using my phone...which is a Samsung Galaxy S3 lol we've got a few digital cameras floating around here...
somewhere lol. We are like...the textbook definition of a technology takeover lmao. we do evvvvvvvvverything from our cellphone/tablet/laptop lol
but that is a pretty bitchin tripod lol.
an't wait to see the pic you settle on.
oh...so wait. lol
I'm tellin you, I'm a BOMNOM n00b in the worst way lol.
I'm supposed to pick a picture? lol doesn't that defeat the purpose of being nominated? lol like, I saw in the rules that the grower picks the final picture, but I ASS-umed, lol, that that was for once you win thats the picture associated to your grow lol...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I don't get it! lol
Need4Weed- LOL! I love that you just went on a tangent about your kids lol. I don't have any (and I'm 99% that I wont EVER have any lol) so I only get to brag about my dog....but I don't really brag about her because she's bad lol...though, I must admit, I do brag about her
sometimes lol she's just so fucking pretty.. so I will bust out my phone and show people pictures of her quicker than you can get away and not be forced to look lmao I will give them props on being able to bait their own hook, because Im 28 ...(or am i 29?....i don't fucking know anymore lol) and
still refuse to bait my own hook lol. Like...I go into ULTIMATE girl mode instantly "EEEWW GROSS! I don't want to touch the worm! And then once you hook him all his...worm guts leak out all over your fingers....*gag* " No thank you hahahahaha.