Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Lmao..full body shot!!! That movie is the bomb...she still gots lots of white hairs huh? That's where I'm at with my xxl right now.I don't know if I should feed again or not.if I do then I know I have to go another 2 wks plain water. If yours is still Makin white hairs maybe you should feed again, or get a couple opinions at least. I don't know,it's to early and I'm super ripped right now.lmfao. and I'm not lifting weights
lol thank you both for the rep.

@Faded- I like your sleeves, they're real big.
:roflcry:The first time I saw it I was but the second time I watched it, I too was ripped and its been downhill since then ahaha. I actually used to have a Napoleon Dynamite pen and whenever you would push the little button so you could write, it would say a different quote from the movie lol. I loved when Kip went ' JE---HEEEEZE' whenever i went to write something ahaha

she still gots lots of white hairs huh?
she does. I tried telling you that lol
Im wondering though...that if because she was stunted, her leaves are dying because she's old enough, but shes just not mature enough, if that makes sense. IDK...I'm gonna hit up Waira I think. That man could tell me that he found a flying purple bug on one of my buds, and I'd believe him lol. "WHAAT?!?! OMG WHERE?!?!" lol
Mz W = ultra gullible lol. But I do almost ALWAYS take his advice over someone I barely know lol. And NO I'm not referring to you I'm just talking like if someone who is new to growing/the forum told me what i should do, Id listen to what Waira said first lmao.

OH. Faded.


Lol.too funny.yeah w.I think you should hit waira up.prolly should feed.them truffles look crazy bomb ass.yeah!!!!
:hug:Hey there luvie! your PM,.. did you miss my post back on page 39, couple weeks ago?.. :slaps: (-yeah, been busy with the sad business of closing down and selling dad's house, on top of everything else!... not good times...)... In fact, there's a couple peep's coming by shortly to have a look around here, so I'll come back later today and comment,... short version, she looks to be tapping deeply and rapidly into her fans for N... likely a big final push on the buds, and she's probably low on in-soil reserves... not that you should be loading up on her at this point, like Faded' said,... but if she still has lots of clear trich's, she still has a ways to go, a week-ish...? Nothing to be done about the fans... as for any further feeding of anything, that's a toss up depending on what you see in those trichs today, and what rate of change you've observed over the last few days or so,... to gauge how long you have until harvest, including a cleanse period,... she'll look like hell regardless, but we want you have nice ripe bud that's clean smoke, so have a look for me and report back on the trichs,...I'll dig deeper when I come back later, then we'll toss a plan out there for ya! :smoke:
so i've officially dumped (ok maybe dumped is the wrong word lol) about 9 gallons of water through that stupid little critical+ plant, and put her in the hall closet lol but i'll tell you what. For a tiny little thing? This bitch STINKS lol. joke, STINKS.

Its getting warmer and warmer out, and I'm sure its only going to get worse as summer gets closer ( lol) And inside the tent it's been a nightmare...(ok maybe nightmare is the wrong word HAHAHAHAH it could always be worse, right?...) Temps have been in the mid-high 80's (in the tent, not outside lol)...and god dammit, I'm determined to not be a 'winter into spring only' kinda grower. Especially cause I have all these new badass strains/genetics to try lol.
K seems to think he knows why its been so hot, and we should be able to better maintain any heat once he fixes what needs to be fixed. APPARRRRRRRRRRRENTLY, lol, the tape he was using to keep the ducting in the vent in the wall sucks and the ducting that keeps out is the one thats exhausting the hot air from the air cooled hood. So basically, all of that hot air, is just kinda....pouring out into the room, making that room almost unbearable to be in....(Which sucks because it's my craft room...and Mz W hates being hot lol.) ALSO lol apparently raising the light has curved the ducting from the light, and apparently making it more difficult for hot air to get out? So for the last...idk how long, we've had the exhaust fan on full fucking blast, we've got the clip on fan in the tent, and a window/box fan in the doorway sucking in cold air from the hallway and blowing it in the room. In ADDITION to this, lol, The window in the room has been mostly covered in mylar (we're hood rats LOL) with just a little space for a breeze to come through...but being that its been in the mid to high 60's low 70's, there really isn't a cool breeze lol but he said he's gonna go out to home depot for some solid tape and see if there are any...attachments, if you will lol, to help this thing stay where its supposed to.

ALSO lol WAIRA, if you ever happen to find yourself at my, lol, you had said this to me earlier in this grow

How fucking wrong were WE? lol seriously. even for being a whiny, stunted bitch, she's gonna yield.
And on a COMPLETELY different and COMPLETELY unrelated side note, lol the word whiny, always reminds me of the wonder years. Why? It looks like Winnie...Like the wonder Winnie Cooper...which reminds me, have you seen her lately? She got kinda Which also reminds me of this video clip.
:roflcry: ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...HA, lol.
Funny DAB FACT Danika had a crush on me :P In Cali Met her on the set of Win Loose or Draw LOL I was 14 or so..She is perfect ..Hot Math Nerd !

DAM THAT PLANT LOOKS GREAT ! YOU ARE KILLING IT ..BOM FOR SURE!..DAM to win the bom on your first would be BOM LOL:kusht::slap:
:stylez rasta smoke: Okay, reeling in some back posts here,... :help:

>> ...from that strain list, hands down SB and IC! Have you seen the porn of these two here? :porn perv: :bone:--Word, GF! ...I can attest to IC myself- it's outstanding across the board... it's sweet citrus/fuel aroma is addictive, smooth tasty smoke (room smells amazing after a few hits), and very potent,... classic Sweet heavy trichome coverage, and wasn't a fussy auto to grow at all,... As for the Lowlife bean-- :goodluck: ....dubious gear- "My 2 cents" .... certainly wouldn't bump SB off for it! ..folks seem to be liking the Coc gear though,... and IC hits heavy, so if "uppy" is what you want,...
It's like finding that one penis in a sea of...peni (hahaha) that is so curved, it brings a new meaning to the phrase 'how's it hangin?' 'a little to the left' :roflcry:

....I just realized Im talking about a forum full of men, who likely havent spent much time looking at other mens penises to know lmao
....figures, you'd come up with that analogy! :slaps::roflcry: hey, you want to see some seriously confusing gender anatomy?-- look up female hyenas... :brow: :yoinks: you'd say, "shut up!-- you know you will now,..!" ... :xlaugh: freeeeaky!!
>> :no: :pimphand: -- oh man, I don't know how you put up with that imbecile flailing around inside your arm!! Seriously Mz.W', I'd have made something of a scene, slapped the forceps outta his hands, and demanded some qualified practitioner take over,... I'm all for teaching and experience, but past a certain point, it's time to hand the job off to competent hands,... and send him back to the cadaver arm for more practice!'d it look the next day or so? First one looks like they knicked a vessel....

>>> :Haha:love the OCD chart!! :clap: --actually, documenting what you do and when, along with occasional side notes, is very helpful,... short term and long, particularly when trouble pops up! I have an idea,.. find a calendar, fill in the boxes and text, then scan it so you can make copies and keep the records as well,...

>> here's a good advise tidbit I found on run-off testing, along with GA6's pH estimation calc.:
.... get that damn Accurate 8 soil probe, and a TDS/EC meter, and you will rule over pH with a mighty hand! ... your ph was in the low 6's from what you reported, not at all bad, but drifting toward that,... heat wave only accelerated things; I saw in the pics on the 10th that the leaves were starting to pale out,... don't adjust your water for now,.. I forget- you using tap, or store bought water? I'm wondering about your (snicker!) hardness, and pH buffering capacity....we've had this lecture before, right..? ...and the calibration and cleaning one on caring for the meters? Did you bomb the quiz? :WTF: ....wait--what whaaat?! you best be joking about that purple flying bug,...:no: --only one fits that description, and it's rare as hell, but devastaing if established! Pith boring beetle--small, kinda oblong, metalic sheen, long antennae...? If they get inside the stem, and crap babies out, it kills the everything above it as the conductive tissues get destroyed,.... :poof:...god, is that why she yellowed so damn fast!?? :face:

**** :Haha::rofl: :rc:*** ,...................... I know "Swivel" :My Arse..: "Swivel".... couldn't resist!! **** ... thank you my friend, for your trust and kind words! :pighug:... pay it forward was what Jm and Muddy told me, after all the hours of help and consults they've offered me,... I'm still on the fat part of the learning curve too! If I don't know something, I'll ask who does,... DubV is a top guru as well, as is A4,...crazy-ass EoF is chock full of good stuff as well! Next time I grow, I'm going organic, if not TLO, and will be hanging off the ears of the above peep's all the way! You should try too sometime,...their collective reports on all quality measures, shelf life, efficacy, etc. have been superb!

>> So, awaiting Faith's trich's report, Faded mentioned, if there's lots of immature pistils around, and clear trich's, there's likely enough time still to give her one last mild feed, maybe evn with a half-grow/bloom blend,...indeed, that yellowing can happen very fast! My Lamby's started sucking green fan up, dry-to-falling off in 3-4 days... :slaps:..'course, they were under big crowding stress, but still.... Let us know what you see Mz.W! Did you find yourself a anice 8-10X magnifier for quick, easy trich peep-age?

As far as the trics go, you know (at least you SHOULD know lol) that I'm no good at judging the trics. Of course I try (and I do have 10x,20x and 30x jewlers loupes), but I am FAR too shaky (even sitting) to get a really good, clear view of what im lookin at. I feel like I remember you telling me at one point that clear trichomes don't have a (HA) head and cloudy ones do? Something to that effect? Maybe? No? Am I makin' shit up again? lol
so going by that statement, they're almost all cloudy. But if were going off what I can see when I use the loupe? ...I think they're mostly cloudy? lol like...i really don't know lol. I posted a good deal of decent tric shots from various buds, and at least TO ME, they still appear to be mostly cloudy.

My newest question though, is regarding her being stunted.
WTF does that mean? lol
Only thing I know about stunted autos is that the plant won't live to its full potential. Yield wont be as high and growth will be stunted ... Thats all i know.
But...what about everything else? Because she's old enough to be finishing, but still has A LOT of white pistils. And I know pistils change color based on maturity So assuming that AGE and MATURITY are NOT interchangeable terms (regarding growing), is it possible that she's OLD enough to be dying but not MATURE enough to have all of her pistils changed? And if she's NOT mature enough, I would assume that the trics are also immature. No?

.... get that damn Accurate 8 soil probe, and a TDS/EC meter,
It's coming, its coming jeez lol. We ordered it (the accurate 8) yesterday. I told you we'd be getting one for the next grow! lol I really hadn't planned Faith taking off the way she did, and don't necessarily care for the strain - so I wasn't worried about her OR the smaller critical.
.......................Wait wait are you telling me i need a $60 pH meter AND a TDS/EC meter? lol I don't even know what one of them DOES lol whyyyy do i need one? and if i NEED need one, lol, can I get away with a cheap one like this? lol

As for the Lowlife bean-- :goodluck: ....dubious gear-
adjective du·bi·ous \ˈdü-bē-əs also dyü-\
: unsure or uncertain : feeling doubt about something
: causing doubt, uncertainty, or suspicion : likely to be bad or wrong
—used ironically in phrases like dubious honor and dubious distinction to describe something bad or undesirable as if it were an honor or achievement

Dubious. Got it. My new vocab word of the day lmao....SO WHAT I HAD TO GOOGLE DUBIOUS STFU lol.
So now that I've got dubious in my repertoire :roflcry: -
REALLY? No shit....I wish someone know....given me some warning before I ordered them lol. All I really knew about them was that I've seen lowlife grows all over the place lol. What exactly is DUBIOUS about them? lol

love the OCD chart!! :clap:--actually, documenting what you do and when, along with occasional side notes, is very helpful,... short term and long, particularly when trouble pops up! I have an idea,.. find a calendar, fill in the boxes and text, then scan it so you can make copies and keep the records as well,...
I was actually gonna go out and get a composition book and log it all that way. And I still might.... Buuutt...I wanted to make blue chalkboard paint lmao.

I forget- you using tap, or store bought water?
It varies lol. But it only varies when I forget to fill up the water jugs at the tap and the plants need water so i have to go to the store lmao. So more often, they get water from the tap thats sat out in a jug like this with the cap off so things know...evaporate lol As for water hardness, idk what any of this means, but this is what the water report for where I live says:
Contaminant: Hardness Units:ppm as CaCO3 SMCL[16]:N/A Average:101 Lowest:48 Highest:130 Average:110 Lowest:58 Highest:126

So today is either day 89 or 97 for Faith, haha...
Why the gap? Well. She sprouted a tail on 1/15 making her 89 from germination and on 1/23 I found her baggie, saw she had sprouted IN the baggie, and put her in the tent making her 97 from sprout lol. Maybe even older, who knows how long she was actually a sprout inside the baggie lol.

So I took her out to water her yesterday, and I kinda gave her a once over to kinda...gauge this whole...leaf situation, and whether I should feed once more, or not. I noticed a good amount of green/pale green that had been hiding behind the bigger fans, so I went ahead and fed her. Still has white pistils (though they're getting fewer and far between) and green? OK, I'll feed her. She got 1 tablespoon of molasses, 1 teaspoon of overdrive, and 1/4 teaspoon of sugar daddy (and the sugar daddy was only because I knew it would drop my pH and the molasses and overdrive only gave me a 6.7 pH).

Then I took her back to the tent, and switched on the blue CFL so I could attempt to gander at the trics and take pictures. And now I REALLY wish I'd busted out the loupe BEFORE I decided I was going to feed her and just given her water, cause I'm seeing some suspect shit lol


you can see a few suspect shots in those pictures, but here they are, pointed out lol
So I see what I believe to be immature seed and in that last picture, I'm not real sure WHAT that is lol. could be a leaf, could be nanners...idrk. I didn't even notice it until I was looking through the pictures, and I'll be damned if I knew where on the plant this picture was taken lol.
The most most fucked up thing I saw, was here in this photo. IMG_20150421_170139.jpg and upon zooming in, this is what I saw.........HOLYSHIT.jpg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?!??!? They're heeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee lmao :roflcry:

BTW, on a complete side note - went to the movies over the weekend and saw this trailer....Never saw the original cause Im a baby (in the way of age not scardey cat baby lol), lol, but ima see this one hahah
I think feeding again was a good thing.I bet that overdrive makes them buds swell up good the next couple days.I love that shit...Hey. Guess what? My truffles be here tomorrow.can't wait