Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

so i've officially dumped (ok maybe dumped is the wrong word lol) about 9 gallons of water through that stupid little critical+ plant, and put her in the hall closet lol but i'll tell you what. For a tiny little thing? This bitch STINKS lol. joke, STINKS.

Its getting warmer and warmer out, and I'm sure its only going to get worse as summer gets closer ( lol) And inside the tent it's been a nightmare...(ok maybe nightmare is the wrong word HAHAHAHAH it could always be worse, right?...) Temps have been in the mid-high 80's (in the tent, not outside lol)...and god dammit, I'm determined to not be a 'winter into spring only' kinda grower. Especially cause I have all these new badass strains/genetics to try lol.
K seems to think he knows why its been so hot, and we should be able to better maintain any heat once he fixes what needs to be fixed. APPARRRRRRRRRRRENTLY, lol, the tape he was using to keep the ducting in the vent in the wall sucks and the ducting that keeps out is the one thats exhausting the hot air from the air cooled hood. So basically, all of that hot air, is just kinda....pouring out into the room, making that room almost unbearable to be in....(Which sucks because it's my craft room...and Mz W hates being hot lol.) ALSO lol apparently raising the light has curved the ducting from the light, and apparently making it more difficult for hot air to get out? So for the last...idk how long, we've had the exhaust fan on full fucking blast, we've got the clip on fan in the tent, and a window/box fan in the doorway sucking in cold air from the hallway and blowing it in the room. In ADDITION to this, lol, The window in the room has been mostly covered in mylar (we're hood rats LOL) with just a little space for a breeze to come through...but being that its been in the mid to high 60's low 70's, there really isn't a cool breeze lol but he said he's gonna go out to home depot for some solid tape and see if there are any...attachments, if you will lol, to help this thing stay where its supposed to.

ALSO lol WAIRA, if you ever happen to find yourself at my, lol, you had said this to me earlier in this grow
>> Teeny is lookin' --stunty,... yeah, she'll bloom- ever so minutely...!
How fucking wrong were WE? lol seriously. even for being a whiny, stunted bitch, she's gonna yield.
And on a COMPLETELY different and COMPLETELY unrelated side note, lol the word whiny, always reminds me of the wonder years. Why? It looks like Winnie...Like the wonder Winnie Cooper...which reminds me, have you seen her lately? She got kinda Which also reminds me of this video clip.
:roflcry: ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...HA, lol.
I'm down to one plant in the tent. But...I'm not starting anymore until Faith is finished, for 2 reasons.

1- Humidity. I cant jack the humidity up to 80% with a flowering plant in the tent lol.
2- Light Schedule. If you can recall, I reduced the light to 12/12 a hot minute ago...and I want the new girls on at least 18/6, if not 20/4...and I feel like I remember someone telling me that since Faith was on 18/6 for so long, then moved to 12/12, putting her BACK on 18/6 would stress her out. And this poor plant has been through enough lol so I don't want to do anything thats gonna make her herm. So as it stands, Faith will be finishing alone lol

I really don't know how much longer she has to go :dunno:
Hell, I dont even know how old she is lol. Im gonna go with 83 days though since thats how long its been since I found her and put her in the tent on 1/23. But if we were gonna go from the day she sprouted a tail, that was 1/15...according to my records lol making her 91? Is my math right here? I have no fucking idea, leave me alone I'm high lmao. Thanks Fast Bud! hahaha.

Speaking of which lol. I never weighed her once she was dry, I just kinda...dove right in :roflcry: and I must say. She is fantabulous lol 'you' has been hanging in the closet for 3 days now. Now...she may'v'e been small, but god damn her buds were solid lol. She was seriously so dense, and I feel like she's just as 'wet' as when I put her in there lol she smells deliciously skunky so I'm pretty excited to try her. HOWEVER lol on account of my laziness I couldn't find the scale and therefore didn't (wet) weigh her hahaha. The scale has since been located though so i'll definitely get a dry weight.

ALSO haha, I made this fun little feeding chart for the next grow. It's not ANY stretch of the imagination but it will serve its purpose just fine lol. Every time I go to feed/water them, I find myself wondering '......did I feed last time I watered?....and....who got fed and who didnt' So I'm sure that I've under and over fed them multiple times in the course of....however long it is I've been growing now ;)
so I took another one of the street signs we had (this one was a speed limit sign lol), mixed up some blue chalkboard paint and got to it. I couldn't sand the surface so it wasnt completely smooth...and then my chalk markers kept ...not working lol
IMG_20150413_151708_resized_1.jpg so this is how it ended up looking....MEH It'll get the job done lol I'm also working on putting together the fabric LST pots....i'll have pictures once i'm done...and actually, i might make a pictorial for the DIY thread. idk. i'm getting ahead of myself lol.
I don't think it would hurt to finish her out at 20/4 light cycle. she almost done right? autos are pretty good at adapting to different light cycles. in my oipinion. I put everything I do and feed on separate calanders for each plant. you gonna show us some pics of faith?
Ok Waira. Here is your ITYS moment lol

So other than Faith being stunted, she's been a really healthy, lush green plant. And for the longest time, I didn't care WHAT happened to her, so needless to say, I wasn't testing her run off.

That is until a few days ago. I went in the tent for something, and Just about every single one of her fan leaves? Yellow...witwith about 90% of them either already fallen or just barely hangin on. And I was SO confused, because the last time I looked at her, which was only within a day or so, she was still green and healthy as ever...she did have crispy curled up leaf tips though....but i had attributed that to heat stress,(because at that time, it was getting to 90+ in the tent. The heat would be managed as soon as wenoticed it was too hot, but i figured the damage had already been done lol). So whatever, she needed to be watered (when I first noticed all her fans were dead) so I made sure that I caught the run off so I could check her pH...finally lol. Water going in was just water and black strap molasses, with pH down. Got the solution to 6.6, and I was ok with 6.6 so I gave her about 1/2 a gallon, got a little bit of run off, and so I went ahead and gave her the other half gallon and caught that run off, and it came in at 6.4..Now I know theres some math involved to figure out what the actual soil pH is, but I don't know what it is, and even if i did, I would probably still get it wrong. :roflcry: But..I cant imagine that whatever the math would turn out to be, would cause such a nute lockout, that all her fans were yellow and falling off....but maybe im wrong, Someone tell me LOL.

Please enjoy this short break while Mz. W finishes dying her hair lol
that would put around 6.3. you have no accurate 8? sounds like nitrogen deficiency to me. crispy pale lower leaves are dead 2 cents
@Faded - yeah i'll take some pictures when she wakes up.
that would put around 6.3. you have no accurate 8? sounds like nitrogen deficiency to me. crispy pale lower leaves are dead 2 cents
no accurate8 yet, but its on the list for the next grow (after Faith finishes). So all I've got at this point are my 2 Oakton pH pens and some pH drops.
And, see, that's the thing. They weren't crispy and pale. Like..legitimately, she was FINE, and then within a day or 2, all of her biggest fans were yellow and/or falling off. The tips of the bud/sugar leaves were pale, crispy and curled upward, but like I said, I kind of figured that was only heat stress. Her fans were fine, other than being yellow and falling off. I'll get some pictures and post them in a bit.
I don't think it would hurt to finish her out at 20/4 light cycle. she almost done right?

That's actually what part 2 of my last post is about.
I have NO idea if she's almost done or not lol reality, i don't even know how old she is. I was going through my journal last night trying to figure out how old I thought she was...and this is what i came up with.

I found her in the baggie already a sprout and planted her/put her in the tent 1/23/15. So from that date to today is 84 days.
BUT. She pushed out a tail at the same time as the other Critical+, and i put THAT critical+ in the tent on 1/16. so if were looking for a 'from germination' and not a 'from sprout' age, she would beee....91 days. And truth-be-told, I really don't know anything about growing a stunted plant (at least not in the way that Faith was stunted). Alls I know is that a stunted plant will lower yield and will take longer to finish.
So how much longer is 'longer' when you're working from a plant that sprouted (and I'm talking sprouted, like...she had teeny tiny leaves...SPROUTED lol) inside a paper towel....inside of a baggie. THHEEENN she was planted and joined the others in the tent lol. Like...I really didn't think she was going to take off the way she did. I'm still blown away that that tiny ass fucking, barely a plant thing, is now the fucking monster she is today. But...I really just don't know if she's close or not. Her trics are probably 30 or 40% milky (i'm really bad at guesstimating btw just so you know lol) and she's got a shit load of fat white lol

IMG_20150413_150146_resized.jpgIMG_20150413_150608_resized.jpg Just an FYI- these pictures are from the other day, i've so far been too lazy to move lmao
this is what I would do. I would give just plain water the rest of time. 1 time phd to 6.3 and the next phd to 7.0 for the next 10-14 days and see how she looks. she old enough to be turnin yellow like that. she will use them leafs nutes and they will fall off. to be honest she might not go 14 more days but I wouldn't feed no more.
Critical+ has finally come out of the closet...:roflcry:
big ole lesbo she is haha (speaking of lesbos, LOL, anyone watch that new show by Ellen DeGeneres 'One Big Happy'? Funny.)

She actually came out the other day the outsides of the buds were crispy and the stems still had a little bit of bend to em, So i jarred her up to wick out the moisture, and then within 2 hours had her back out to dry in a brown bag. Took her out of the bag last night/this morning at around 3a, and she was unnecessarily dry lol so she's been chillin with a 65% Boveda pack. since i dont have a tiny hydrometer (do they make like...sticker hydrometers? lol know how they have those strips that you can put on your forehead to take your temperature? lol I wonder if they make them in hydrometer stickers you could stick to the inside of the jar lmao. SHUT UP THATS AN AWESOME IDEA :roflcry:) once i feel like she's got enough spring in her step, if you will, lol, I'll replace the 65% with a 62%.

So the dry weight was impressive (given she was only 12" tall lol). She chumped the yield off the first 12" critical. I mean..don't get it twisted, it's still not GREAT, but better lol.
Are you itching with anticipation yet? lol are you saying to yourself 'GOD DAMMIT MZ W, QUIT BLABBING AND TELL US WHAT THE WEIGHT WAS'
Yes?? OK good.................
I'M KIDDING, I'M KIDDING. jesus, cool your jets there turbo :roflcry:
Her final dry weight ended up at 16.4, and the first critical gave me 6.91g, so at just over a half?
Sure, I'll take that, no problem! haha.

:insert break here:

lol my good buddy Faded187 asked how Faith was, which reminded me that I need to go water her.

:insert a much longer break here:

lol i have ADD, pretttttty sure lol

so ANYWAY lol. I've come back with LOTS of bud porn lol. like...lots. Hope no one minds lol
We'll kick this party off with a few 'full body shots' if you will.

*falls over lauging* ohhhhh Napoleon Dynamite :roflcry:
ok I'm really gonna show you pictures now hahahaha

