so i've officially dumped (ok maybe dumped is the wrong word lol) about 9 gallons of water through that stupid little critical+ plant, and put her in the hall closet lol but i'll tell you what. For a tiny little thing? This bitch STINKS lol. joke, STINKS.
Its getting warmer and warmer out, and I'm sure its only going to get worse as summer gets closer ( lol) And inside the tent it's been a nightmare...(ok maybe
nightmare is the wrong word HAHAHAHAH it could always be worse, right?...) Temps have been in the mid-high 80's (in the tent, not outside lol)...and god dammit, I'm determined to not be a 'winter into spring only' kinda grower. Especially cause I have all these new badass strains/genetics to try lol.
K seems to think he knows why its been so hot, and we should be able to better maintain any heat once he fixes what needs to be fixed. APPARRRRRRRRRRRENTLY, lol, the tape he was using to keep the ducting in the vent in the wall sucks and the ducting that keeps out is the one thats exhausting the hot air from the air cooled hood. So basically, all of that hot air, is just kinda....
pouring out into the room, making that room almost unbearable to be in....(Which sucks because it's my craft room...and Mz W hates being hot lol.) ALSO lol apparently raising the light has curved the ducting from the light, and apparently making it more difficult for hot air to get out? So for the last...idk how long, we've had the exhaust fan on full fucking blast, we've got the clip on fan in the tent, and a window/box fan in the doorway sucking in cold air from the hallway and blowing it in the room. In ADDITION to this, lol, The window in the room has been mostly covered in mylar (we're hood rats LOL) with just a little space for a breeze to come through...but being that its been in the mid to high 60's low 70's, there really isn't a
cool breeze lol but he said he's gonna go out to home depot for some solid tape and see if there are any...
attachments, if you will lol, to help this thing stay where its supposed to.
ALSO lol WAIRA, if you ever happen to find yourself at my
ever, lol, you had said this to me earlier in this grow
>> Teeny is lookin' --stunty,... yeah, she'll bloom- ever so minutely...!
How fucking wrong were WE? lol seriously. even for being a whiny, stunted bitch, she's gonna
And on a COMPLETELY different and COMPLETELY unrelated side note, lol the word whiny, always reminds me of the wonder years. Why? It looks like Winnie...Like the wonder Winnie Cooper...which reminds me, have you seen her lately? She got kinda Which also reminds me of this video clip.
:roflcry: ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...HA, lol.