Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

thats quite the collection lol. But them ph pens are more expensive than a new set!
Yeah it was the dinafem one lol why?
My oakton pH pen is being....weird.

I have 2, but they're both doing it..I've been using pH pen 1 because pH pen 2 started to act up first and I figured, fuck it - I got another lol. Well now this one is doing it and I have no more pH pen fallbacks lol.

So this is what happens.

WHAT IS IT: Oakton EcoTestr pH 2
WHATS GOING ON WITH IT: It goes into the 7.0 calibration solution and the pH comes back being higher than 7.0...
WHAT I'M DOING: In a valiant effort to calibrate the damn thing, I take the pen from the cap and put the 7.0 solution inside the cap. I turn the pH meter on and it blinks and then it blinks pH2 and then blinks r 1.0 and I stick it into the solution. I give it a little shake and wait for it the number to stabilize so that I can hit the calibrate button, but I cant ever actually do that because it stabilizes at 7.5 - 7.6. YOU'RE IN A CONFIRMED 7.0 SOLUTION, WHYYYYYY are you coming in 1/2 a point higher than that?! raaaaaaaah lol

anyone with some input, would be fantastic, lol


so i've got the meter here next to me at my laptop because I was following the directions online in case my memory was failing...which should also surprise approximately no one lol so i just turned it on with it already in the solution and it said 7.0 so I hit the calibrate button real quick while it was steady at 7, and it blinks CAL a few times, and comes in at 7.4. Then it blinks 7.4 a number of times, blinks ENT and says 7.0 and doesnt move.
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuh im so confuseeededdddd lol

Take a soft bristled tooth brush and scrub the electrode completely. All meters have a tendency to build up alga on the surface of the electrode and will act weird when it happens. Mine generally does the same thing without the strange blinking. It won't take a good reading and won't calibrate properly.
Animatey - Well...I always use the cap lol but I clean it out after every time I use it to avoid grossness and contamination lol.
thats quite the collection lol. But them ph pens are more expensive than a new set!
Yeah it was the dinafem one lol why?

lol i know, the pH pen was damn near 60 bucks I think.

and because a lot of people have grown the dinafem critical+.
(now granted i've only grown one other prior to this) mine is not a first bean order came from Could only find one review of the place and it was positive and they took bitcoin which was a stipulation for us. So we went with them. And I got 5 free critical+ bred by dr green seeds.
I think dr green seeds should invest in a new hobby, cause his shit sucks lol.
Maybe thats not entirely fair, being I've only grown one, and being a seed from a not well known breeder, I had nothing to compare it to. sucked. lol
//end rant//

lies. not ended.
ALSO lol you know how breeder finishing times and stuff should be taken with a grain of salt? Well EVERYTHING about what dr green seeds says about the plant? lies lol. ALL OF IT.
:stylez rasta smoke: :pighug: Awww,...thanks luv, you a good'un too!...took a shine to ya from day one-- LOL!... it's that utter lack of personality and outgoing-ness, right?! :roflcry: You know, I'm happy to help!
>> You girlies are looking fine and dandy, my friend -:thumbs: Stilts filled in and stabilized well,... FastBud- ditto! ...Leaves look great on all, really, growth leaves will show some uneven growth at times, just they way things go when the cells are rapidly dividing! They usually even out at maturity, which may take several weeks,...***... yes, it's not just a time thing, but a stage of maturity,... Teeny may need to add a couple more nodes before pistils show up, despite her age,... For a dial-in run on your all-new set-up Mz.W', you and K are doing a great job! :slap:-love for the butt cheeks comin' at ya! ****.....Okay, what's all this about the pH meter???... :smoke: Ah! It doesn't calibrate itself automatically, you have to adjust it manually once in calib. mode, pushing whatever up/down button that model has, and setting it to 7.0, then entering it to stop the calibration process,...most all of them are the same like this,... So, if it's saying 7.4, click the down button until you get to 7.0, then hit whatever the set/enter button is on your model (might be the calb. button again?), and that's it! that's calibrating-- telling the device it's in a "perfect" 7.0 solution,...Rinse the solution off, and get busy testing.......Now the solution doesn't last forever, but putting it the fridge will preserve it for many weeks,... that, and keeping it anally clean! And not contaminating the calib. soln.,... A pure DI/RO water rinse every time, and even then, over time, a film of stuff will form over that bulb thing,... there are cleaning solutions out there, or ask/look up what the company rec's for cleaning,.. gotta be super careful not the mar the surface of that bulb thingy,... also, the storage solution is important to use, never with just water or nothing at all! Mine has a little sponge at the base of the cap,.. a few drops of the storage soln. goes in, just enough to keep the parts moist in there,... ***... Whoa! that's quite the nute' stash GF,...LOL! More, is not necessarily better! ...what brand is in the black jugs? It's easy to get overwhelmed, and talked into trying specialty supp's and such,... which is why some folks like to use a single brand's line-up, to keep it KISS,.. and chose other supp's carefully, avoiding redundancy...AN make fine products, but boy, they bank $$ on that rep' too,... overpriced, IMO, as the buffering components are not unique to AN line-up! I still highly recommend their Bud Factor-X though,... that stuff WORKS! :banghead: And, you can get it in smaller volumes, like 4oz? Still spendy, but it's used 1-2 ml's at a time, so it goes a long way,... read up on it! :Sharing One:
Hi mz W :) I love that you have 84 bottles of nutes on your bathroom sink lol most girls are into make up. .....your critical looks great, i effed one of those up before but it was a freebie so. Good luck
GrowBeast - lol well, that's the plant's bathroom lol yea my plants have their own bathroom, you wanna make somethin of it? lol my make-up is reserved for the half bath downstairs ;) though I must say - I never really got into make-up much. When girls are first starting to get into makeup, i was getting into other girls and didn't care lmao. As you can see from my profile picture, eyeliner is it lol.
.....your critical looks great, i effed one of those up before but it was a freebie so.
Thanks, yea she doesn't look too bad. Ive only grown one before, and since it was from an unpopular breeder I had nothing to compare it to/didn't have any other grows saying "Dr. Green Seeds says this, but don't do it" lol so I of course, got paranoid and took everything the breeder said, to heart- if you will. AKA - Dr Green Seeds says don't plant in anything bigger than 5litre pots because the plant will grow out of your control. So I listened. planted in a 1.5 gallon pot and the plant was TINY. They said that you absolutely have to use a carbon filter with the strain because of her smell....and mine hardly even smelled like weed lol So, first try I was horrendously unimpressed lol well see how this one goes.

WAIRA!!!:hug:you haven't said anything to me since I yelled at you for not ordering any Kreations from me, so i thought you weren't going to be my buddy anymore because you didn't want to tell me to fuck off you weren't ordering anything LOL. Because I dont necessarily mind that you don't order anything, it'd nice lmao. But I still want you to be my buddy!!!
Stilts did start to fill in nicely. i piled some soil that was already in her pot around the base of her stem to stabilize her, and since then she's been doing well. The black jugs came in the technaflora recipe for success starter kit that came with the tent kit- it's BC Grow, Boost, and Bloom.

love for the butt cheeks comin' at ya!
ok, so im gonna talk about butts and get minutely vulgar for a second here lol.
You know what one of the BEST things is? Ass Lines. LOL and no not this line - :My Arse..:I mean that curved line at the bottom of your butt cheeks. You know, the one that allows you to grab a full palm full of ass cheek? lol this is PRRRRROOBBBBBABLY TMI, but whenever I wear leggings, I cant stop feeling my own ass lmao. And now that I'm on the subject of sexy parts on women (lmao) back dimples. fuck my life, lol
this is absolutely 110% NOT me but, bitch has got it all. ass lines AND back dimples? Fuhgeddaboutit, lol
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Lol i agree 100% mhmmm... ass lines... hell yeah. Gotta say you have good taste in women. lol
Love those thumb rests :) (dimples)
Love those thumb rests :) (dimples)

as do I my friend, as do I lol. I actually used to date a girl that had awesome back dimps....and actually, i have a picture of them lmao It's not weird to ask your girlfriend if you can take a picture of her back dimples, god wtf lol.