:stylez rasta smoke:

Awww,...thanks luv, you a good'un too!...took a shine to ya from day one-- LOL!... it's that utter lack of personality and outgoing-ness, right?! :roflcry: You know, I'm happy to help!
>> You girlies are looking fine and dandy, my friend -:thumbs: Stilts filled in and stabilized well,... FastBud- ditto! ...Leaves look great on all, really,....new growth leaves will show some uneven growth at times, just they way things go when the cells are rapidly dividing! They usually even out at maturity, which may take several weeks,...***... yes, it's not just a time thing, but a stage of maturity,... Teeny may need to add a couple more nodes before pistils show up, despite her age,... For a dial-in run on your all-new set-up Mz.W', you and K are doing a great job!

-love for the butt cheeks comin' at ya! ****.....Okay, what's all this about the pH meter???... :smoke: Ah! It doesn't calibrate itself automatically, you have to adjust it
manually once in calib. mode, pushing whatever up/down button that model has, and setting it to 7.0, then entering it to stop the calibration process,...most all of them are the same like this,... So, if it's saying 7.4, click the down button until you get to 7.0, then hit whatever the set/enter button is on your model (might be the calb. button again?), and that's it! that's calibrating-- telling the device it's in a "perfect" 7.0 solution,...Rinse the solution off, and get busy testing.......Now the solution doesn't last forever, but putting it the fridge will preserve it for many weeks,... that, and keeping it anally clean! And not contaminating the calib. soln.,... A pure DI/RO water rinse every time, and even then, over time, a film of stuff will form over that bulb thing,... there are cleaning solutions out there, or ask/look up what the company rec's for cleaning,.. gotta be super careful not the mar the surface of that bulb thingy,... also, the storage solution is important to use, never with just water or nothing at all! Mine has a little sponge at the base of the cap,.. a few drops of the storage soln. goes in, just enough to keep the parts moist in there,... ***... Whoa! that's quite the nute' stash GF,...LOL! More, is not necessarily better! ...what brand is in the black jugs? It's easy to get overwhelmed, and talked into trying specialty supp's and such,... which is why some folks like to use a single brand's line-up, to keep it KISS,.. and chose other supp's carefully, avoiding redundancy...AN make fine products, but boy, they bank $$ on that rep' too,... overpriced, IMO, as the buffering components are not unique to AN line-up! I still highly recommend their Bud Factor-X though,... that stuff WORKS! :banghead: And, you can get it in smaller volumes, like 4oz? Still spendy, but it's used 1-2 ml's at a time, so it goes a long way,... read up on it! :Sharing One: