Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

dederwako - DING DING DING!! lol yep. that twas the episode....the wacky molestation adventure is the name of the episode btw lol

you don't haaaaaave to order anything but if you do, you won't be disappointed, lol. And yes, I know you've been preoccupied. It's why I havent come there yet and smacked you around a little hahah.

Mz.W, isn't there another word for all that...? LMAO!! LOLOL
ehmm....idk, is there? lol sexually harassing myself? perhaps, lmao. I mean...I can think of a word and it starts with M, lol, but that involves MUCH more that an ass grope, hahaha.

..looks like physical damage to me,... even a hard crease/bending when young may eventually tear and distort as the leaf grows,... 1st pic is classic tear damage, no bug makes munch-marks like that,...maybe K dropped a lighter on her or something!
LOL, I wouldn't put it past K to drop something on them and not mention it...but its more likely that I did something to them, but was high and forgot lmao.

Teeny gettin' sex-ay!! :clap:'s are such a hoot,'ll still get a few g's or so, likely,...
She is turning into quite the little sex pot lol. Yea, I might get lucky and pull a quarter off her like I did with my tiny first Critical+.

yup, that's some mild nute' burn alright,... toasty-tips (yellowing) are a sure sign,...just ease off conc. for her, and a good watering to dilute things for now
well, she had been over watered so I've honestly not watered her since..trying to let her dry out so I can start to water her for real again lol.

They all do! FB is crowning up nicely too- :d5: --- is she from breeder Fastbud?
I knowww. I cant wait to watch her flower and see what her yield is like with the stronger light/and/tent, cause she smells delicious lol Im also excited because she's actually growing like a christmas tree. I've seen all sorts of pictures floatin' around here where the plant has several satellite buds and one giant ass main cola, and none of my plants have grown like that until this fast bud. She really does look awesome lol. She's not from breeder Fast Bud....she is a product of sweet seeds :)

btw- can we call it something else? lol crowning makes me think of a pregnant ladys stretched out vag hole.
:cringe: GOD im never having kids lmao.
LOL @ Faded. Once upon a time, back in the long long ago ( +rep for whoever can tell me what episode of South Park thats from lol) they used to be bodacious girls, I can't lie lol. uhhhhhhhhhhhm holy shit. I want to make my signature a pair of giant knockers (they can have clothes on them, god I'm not THAT bad.....haha) that says 'Check out my BODACIOUS girls...' and link it to my grow journal. ahhhhahahaha- I feel like I'd be AFN banned if I did that though lol and no one wants funny would that be? LOL

This sounds like a great idea. ;D
soooo....a few things...

actually, its just one thing and some pictures...all of which are from yesterday right after they woke up lol :P

I'll preface this by saying how frustrating it is that all my plants are not the same height lol
Stilts is stretching because i've had to raise the light so much for FB..(WHO btw, grew 2" in a matter of hours. Like...I shit you not lol but well get to that lol)
It's an air cooled hood, and from what I've read you can get these things pretty damn close to your plants. But...idk I just don't feel right letting my girls grow into the light before I move it. so pretty much the whole grow, the light has steadily been 4-6 inches away from the canopy....however, the issue is, now that FB is so much bigger than everyone else, in continuing the 4-6" away from the canopy thing, that means the light is wicked far away from everyone else. I need like...a pedestal for them lol And actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I should still have those mylar covered boxes from the last grow....hmmm. And if not, there are more than enough amazon boxes here to choose from, haha..

Yes, Im afraid its true.
we are K and Mz W, and we have an amazon problem. :roflcry:

I wish my phone weren't dead or id take another picture, because its worse now...but yesterday at some point, apparently it decided it wanted to snow? And please keep in mind, that of all the states around us that have gotten snow, we have had flurries. Like...3 times.....all winter long. And none of it stuck. And personally, I was thrilled lol. I fucking HATE the snow....AND winter lol. Which btw, Im convinced that the reason I hate the winter so much, is because I was born in the winter. I was all nice and cozy and warm in my womb, and now you want to rocket me out of your vagina into this freezing shit? PUT ME BACK lol. So, it really wasn't even THAT much snow. all. But, once again...I hate the snow lol.

So ANYWAY, lol here is can see that giant fucking gap there.


so FB must be hitting her flowering stretch. She was growing an inch or so every day, pretty steadily. Yesterday when she woke up (3pm) though, she was 13", which you can see in the pictures. Then I was headed up to bed last night, roughly around 3am. On the way to our room, you pass the plant's room, so i went in to check on the temps one last time before i went to roughly 12 hours had passed, and she was 15". So from 1" a day to 2" in 12 hours? yeah, i'll go ahead and say she's in the flowering stretch lol. And she's 29 days or so old, so it makes sense. I'll try to find a camera to use and take some more pictures later on when they wake up.


And last but not least, is Teeny. Who really, when you think about it, isn't all that teeny any more lol. i mean..she's very obviously a runt, but I'm surprised with the way shes turning out.

Now, interestingly enough, I'm not sure HOW but it looks like she's got a hole in her stem? Or something?? lol Idk wtf Im lookin at here lol this poor plant man lol. First I leave her in a baggie for god knows how long, then I rip her out and plant her, and put a hole in her stem..? lol :smh:
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You were not kidding when you said you had 3 plants the same age as mine lol. Praise to Shiva the almighty!
Looking good so far :) Will be following!

What strains are they by the way?
I'm getting rid of i mean...growing the last of the seeds from my first order lol
so I have one sweet seeds FastBud and 2 dr. green seeds critical+.
but once they are done ive got some exciting new ones to try...lets see, we got -

mephisto genetics sour bubbly, lowlife auto double diesel, cOTc amphetamine, blimburn AK automatic and sweet seeds ice you'll have to hang out for them too lol :)
Day 29 and, 27

So. here we are, approaching a month.

Yesterday I did a soil flush of FB to get rid of the mineral/salt build up.
Now.. it could just be me and my shoddy (... :( Chandy taught me that word lol) eyesight, but it seems like whenever you (or rather, I, lol) flush the soil, the plant never seems to look over watered. But how is that possible when you've just run a pant load of water through your plant, but give it even a little more than what it needs when youre watering, and you've got a sad, droopy plant? How does that work?? lol I DONT GET IT!!!

So I'm thinking that the flowering stretch that FB was having, either wasn't the flowering stretch and was just a growth spurt, or its slowing down coming to a close lol. I'm tempted to go with the later though. For no real reason other than her age lol


Teeny is getting to be quite the bush lol. Barely 5" tall but wide as balls lol

And here's stilts...I don't even like her though. Shes the ugly kid in the class lol
Hey mz W, plants are looking good. I'm sure you know this already but just in case, if your watering until you have some run off, you will avoid salt build up.

Some ppl say 10% or so but honestly i just eye shit up and everything has been good so far.

let me know if you have any questions, I can google the answer for you :)
Also, forgot to mention over watering your plants happens when you water to often, without letting it dry a little bit so oxygen can reach the roots. when you flush your plant you're really not in any danger of over watering