Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

updates day 24, 22 and ?

so the girls are getting along just famously.

I went a little hog wild when I was watering the plants. And what I mean by that, is stilts really wasn't that thirsty, but i gave her a little bit anyway....and now she looks very sluggish because she drank too much lmao
IMG_20150210_151320.jpgIMG_20150210_150122.jpg...idk why the pictures are sideways...cause they arent sideways on my computer...hmmm...veddy curious lol. Well. My apologies folks, you'll have to turn your head, lol.

Now. We've gone through this before. Waira- Im sure you can recall.
Holes in the leaves.
Where it really looks like something is just munching right on through them. But there's been no sign of bugs. First time it was chalked up to trauma to the leaves when it was young. But, this plant has been through no trauma. Lived a quite happy
24 days actually lol. So wtf is going on here?,--
IMG_20150210_150237.jpgIMG_20150210_150305.jpgIMG_20150210_150316.jpgIMG_20150210_150523.jpgIMG_20150210_150455.jpg <-- this one is quite disturbing.
But other than that, she looks pretty good, I think.

Teeny. Teeny, Teeny, Teeny.
So little yet becoming a young woman LOL. yep. She is 2.5-3" inches tall and has one teeny tiny little pistil. *sniff* why is my 8 year old dressing like a slutty 20 year old?!? sounds like a Maury show... lol
alright, alright.

I did it, it was me.

The plants are doing main reason for posting, however?
NUTE least I'm pretty sure anyhow lol.

Seems as though when I gave Stilts the extra water she didn't need, she really didn't need the nutes either lol. It's not bad nute burn by any means, but I noticed it. And actually, it looks like FastBud may have had a teensey bit too much nutes as well. But, even less so than stilts. Its very minor...but I was reading somewhere that nute burn will start at the tips of leaves, but will eventually take the entire leaf. Is that true? And if it is, how do I stop that from happening?? Flush? If it's not going to fuck up my entire plant, than i don't forsee flushing doing anything for them....provided I don't feed em for a while, that is lol.

I decided on a whim, to go ahead and do some LST on Teeny. I figure, why not? It's not like she is going to yield anything (worth talking about anyhow), so if I mess it all up, who gives a shit? lol

FastBud is growing ..... a weed. DUH DUN DUN CHHHHHHHHH lol I need there to be a drumroll emotocon btw lol ummm...i was just googling if theres a name for the drum sound after a joke, and its called a rimshot?!? lmao funny. Anyhow, lol shes starting to bud up nicely. She's still growing though so I havent made the switch to flowering nutes as of yet....but im sure i'll have to soon.

Sorry again that my pictures are sideways...i have no fucking idea why, cause they show up correct on my computer....:dunno:

what i believe to be the burn on stilts -
IMG_20150212_200858.jpgIMG_20150212_201039.jpgIMG_20150212_201051.jpgIMG_20150212_201237.jpg not a real good angle/picture, she's about 8 1/2" tall.

Fast Bud

IMG_20150212_201859.jpgIMG_20150212_202018.jpgIMG_20150212_201121.jpgIMG_20150212_201442.jpgso you can see shes about 4"with her top tied down.

And thats my story lol
ha! rimshot. :roflcry:
girls are looking good btw lol i dont think thats nute burn sometimes new growth looks weird but they grow normally. idk tho i suck at these calls..
Yoo wherdaaaaweedatttt.... mzz Double U got it.. . :) that little teeny weeny 4 incher is awesome. You should do a "guess the weight contest when she's done.

Pm me the winning number first of course, but it will still be fun for everyone else still :cool:
:Sharing One: Hey there GF!! You, are are a silly billy- :Gary:why would I be mad about that? ....I'll work on an order very soon, promise! know I've been preoccupied lately,...
....aaaAAAhhh, yeaaahhhh,....:pimp: break me off a piece of dat junk!! A fine, ripe ass is to be admired by all,.. and felt up my a lucky few! :roflcry: --
..whenever I wear leggings, I cant stop feeling my own ass lmao.
:yoinks: auto-groping?? Sexually harassing yourself?? :WTF: :brow: Mz.W, isn't there another word for all that...? LMAO!! LOLOL kill me sometimes! Very cheeky, luv... :niceshot:..ooOOooo, you were hittin' that?! :roflcry:

>>> ...looks like physical damage to me,... even a hard crease/bending when young may eventually tear and distort as the leaf grows,... 1st pic is classic tear damage, no bug makes munch-marks like that,...maybe K dropped a lighter on her or something! :slaps: LOL! See the fiber shreds in the last pic? Ditto,...
... Teeny gettin' sex-ay!! :clap:'s are such a hoot,'ll still get a few g's or so, likely,...
... yup, that's some mild nute' burn alright,... toasty-tips (yellowing) are a sure sign,...just ease off conc. for her, and a good watering to dilute things for now,... remember, different strains will have different tolerances for this,... she looks good otherwise,...They all do! FB is crowning up nicely too- :d5: --- is she from breeder Fastbud? I grew a Pineapple Express and Grapefruit-matic from them, both are very good! PE didn't get the pineapple aromatics I wanted, she's Head Shop aroma totally,...***.... Gahhh!! --baaad pun :no: - LOL!-- got crackers for that cheeze?! :roflcry:....great find on the rimshot though! ...wonder if I can get Admin. to pop it into the menu here...?
:hug: check ya later GF!!
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as do I my friend, as do I lol. I actually used to date a girl that had awesome back dimps....and actually, i have a picture of them lmao It's not weird to ask your girlfriend if you can take a picture of her back dimples, god wtf lol.
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Wow. Your girls lookin fantastic w. Plants dont look bad neither. Lmao
LOL @ Faded. Once upon a time, back in the long long ago ( +rep for whoever can tell me what episode of South Park thats from lol) they used to be bodacious girls, I can't lie lol. uhhhhhhhhhhhm holy shit. I want to make my signature a pair of giant knockers (they can have clothes on them, god I'm not THAT bad.....haha) that says 'Check out my BODACIOUS girls...' and link it to my grow journal. ahhhhahahaha- I feel like I'd be AFN banned if I did that though lol and no one wants funny would that be? LOL
LOL @ Faded. Once upon a time, back in the long long ago ( +rep for whoever can tell me what episode of South Park thats from lol) they used to be bodacious girls, I can't lie lol. uhhhhhhhhhhhm holy shit. I want to make my signature a pair of giant knockers (they can have clothes on them, god I'm not THAT bad.....haha) that says 'Check out my BODACIOUS girls...' and link it to my grow journal. ahhhhahahaha- I feel like I'd be AFN banned if I did that though lol and no one wants funny would that be? LOL
Had to come in to comment that if I remember correctly its the one where there's no adults cuz they call the cops on them for the ragging pussies concert lmao, miss south park I'm going to have to watch it now, old memories :D