Day 21 and 19
So this is all from yesterday, because I suck and never came back and did the update lol
So, the girls are doin' good. I'm starting to question my understanding of stunted autos though, and that should surprise no one lol
The impression I've been under (mostly cause no one corrected me on it before lol), is that Teeny would show pistils at or around the same time as the other Critical+ because autos flower based on age and not light cycle.
Right? Right.
So Stilts showed me her glorious pistils on 2/3, so I
thought I'd be seeing some on teeny by now. Because they both had tap roots at the same time. One got planted and sprouted in the traditional way, and the other got left in the paper towel and then a good deal later, once it sprouted in the baggie- thats when it was planted. So I would
assume that both critical+ are the same age, no? Why is there no sticky for stunted plants, dammit?! lol
In the same breath though, I feel like I recall reading
somewhere at
some point, that the plants wont show sex until they have a node or two. Maybe thats photos? I honestly, dont know lol because that would mean that a stunted auto sexes not based on age, based on height?
whatever here, look at some pictures lol
Fast Bud day 21

<--- I love this leaf lol oh...and btw...i hate that she is so off center lol
Critical+ aka Stilts day 19

<---- so this last picture here is interesting. I don't know how to even
explain whats going on with this leaf. Don't really even know if I should be concerned about it. Its just....
Critical+ aka Teeny day ?