Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Day 12, and...uhhh...10...and ehm.....?

Mother of the year award. Right here. Doesn't even know how old her damn kids are! lol
10 is a complete and utter guess lol And I have no idea how old to say the one is since I forgot about it for so long and THEN planted it after it was "born" lol

We're having some issues with the tent. (FYI- lights come on at 3pm and go off at 8am)
We can't seem to get a handle on the temps...but its not too hot, its too cold.
So when the lights are on, the temp goes up to 82. So then we started closing the heater vent in the room, and temps went down to 80...which whatever, 78 is what were shootin' for, so 80? not horrible. But the the lights would go out while we were asleep, and the temps would drop to 60. which, if we were running 74F during the day, would be ok. but thats now a 20 degree drop in temps..and we only want 5-10 right?
Well so then we started opening the window in the room and closing the vent. Which put temps right at 78 so we thought we had it figured out.
Lies. All of it.
Since the lights go out while we're still asleep (K doesnt wake up til 9:30-10 o'clock cause he works from home and um...i don't work lol) and with the window open, temps would plummet to like 53. ummmmmmmm NO BUENO.
So thats pretty much where we're at right now.Trying to maintain steady temps by opening and closing the window/and or/the heater vent...which is clearly not working lol. The plants dont seem to be suffering, but god only knows what time is gonna bring lol. Plus- Im worried about growing in the summer months. We started this pretty late to be 'winter season only' growers...and anyway- isnt that much of the reason people get a tent to begin with? To be able to control the climate??
well...whats the cheapest answer? lol Without going balls out and spending 600 bucks on an ac unit and then getting all the shit to wire it up to a timer and whatever else would have to be done lol

SO. The plants.
They're doing....ok I suppose haha. They look healthy but are like...falling over haha.

So the Critical+im thinking HAD to be planted to close to the surface. She's been disgustingly tall since her first day out of the ground, and she has now toppled over under the weight of her own leaves. Could just be a different pheno I suppose since Dr Green Seeds said it gets tall...but....i doubt it lol I know I could stake her up, but im thinking i'll just put more soil around the stem cause its easier and doesnt require spending money hahah. All of the pictures were taken yesterday btw.

Mz. W is frugal, not cheap lol you can't really tell, but most of her stem is laying on the ground lol
So How stunted do you think this baby critical+ is/ is going to be?
Her first set of leaves (the ones that come after the cotyledon) are SO small, and she's WAY under an inch tall, so Im starting to wonder.
Fast Bud is also ...leaning. Idk wtf is going on with these plants lol. I think they're just begging for some bondage ;) You kinky, kinky girls.



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put a pencil or something and prop her up till her stem thickens up
Questions, questions...

Dear AFN,

My name is Mz. W, and I'm writing to ask a favor of you. I'm counting on the wealth of knowledge and fantastical insight of your members, to help me with this question I have.

I ran 5 gallons of pH'd (6.5) water through approximately 5 gallons of Roots Organics Soil, in an attempt to raise the pH. And it worked, though now I'm wondering, whats the difference between leaching and flushing the soil? I.E - will I need to start feeding the (eventual) plant sooner because i washed away nutrients? Does being an organic soil make a difference?

I would like to know, not only for my personal knowledge base, but for the health of the girls that are soon to inhabit this soil. Thanks to all you wonderful people who respond.
Kind Regards,
Mz. W

no really.please answer my question, lol
Mz.W on the Temps my Temps lights on 95 lights off 60 ish that's 35 degrees temp change I say don't stress about it and close the window it's winter for god sake :rofl:

And for ph if it was me I'd add some dolomite lime and water it in a little between 1 tsp and 1 tablespoon d lime per gallon of dirt
Well, someone who knows more than I will come along, but I believe with an organic grow in soil, that you should be fine. It will take the microchorrzea a couple days to rebuild their population, but thats about it as they make most of what your plant uses from the soil content itself. A top dressing with an organic fertilizer would certainly be worhwhile. Jobe's is the easiest to find, I used it before I switched to Grow More's organics.
Flushing,leeching,is basically the same.Iimagine you flushed some organic mater out so youmight have to feed a little earlier than normal.
oh good folks of AFN, you're too good to me.

Sniper- hey, maybe i like to heat the outside!? lol
if it was me I'd add some dolomite lime and water it in a little between 1 tsp and 1 tablespoon d lime per gallon of dirt
re-read this sentence, mainly the part I have bolded......
WHAT?! LOL maybe its me and this bowl I'm hitting,, that sentence makes absolutely no sense to me lol.
But I'm trying to avoid adding DL since, for it to really be effective you have to let it sit and stew for a hot minute. And I've given my plants heat stress before, so I'm like...terffied lol
:rofl: i do my damnedist to keep the cold outside but to each there own
you could always just get up and shut the window at lights off since you do have a job you grow the weed :rofl:

Maybe it's this iso hash but it reads fine to me it says just top dress the soil with d lime and water it in
Use between 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon of d lime per gallon of soil

D lime is pretty safe it won't raise you soil above 7

I wouldn't suggest it unless I've done it :grin:

Hell right now I'm using 1 teaspoon of hickory wood ash as my source of K and I just add it to the top of the soil and water it in

everyone want the perfect grow environment few can really achieve it luckily cannabis is a weed and can grow in extreme environments
Maybe it's this iso hash but it reads fine to me it says just top dress the soil with d lime and water it in
Use between 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon of d lime per gallon of soil's possible that I'm a grammar nazi. It's also possible that the ISO is causing you to hallucinate. In which case, its probably not entirely what you thought and you may wanna see a doctor. LMAO ijs. Cause thats not what it says. At all. lol It says, and I quote -
"And for ph if it was me I'd add some dolomite lime and water it in a little between 1 tsp and 1 tablespoon d lime per gallon of dirt"
So whats that saying...other than add dolomite lime? lol It's like you either threw in a few extra words for the hell of it, or you started a thought and didn't finish it- without punctuation its hard to tell ;) lol It's the 'in a little' thats throwing me off lol just doesnt go there.

A. "If it were me, I'd add some dolomite lime and water;
you can add 1tsp to 1tablespoon per gallon of dirt."
B. "If it were me, I'd add some dolomite lime and water after a little bit. Y
ou can add 1tsp to 1tablespoon per gallon of dirt."
C. "If it were me, I'd add some dolomite lime and water in a little between 1tsp and tablespoon per gallon of dirt"

If this were a test, which would you pick? lol Which makes the most sense? I get A & B, but C? Not so much. Coincidentally, the current debate is over C, lol.

Snipe, I <3 you, I mean no harm, lol

D they all say the same thing ....................... ...................

:rofl: there is all the periods I should have used today :rofl:

It's ok mz.w I failed English class every year can ya tell ?