Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

hahah. It's okay, you failed English, and I failed pre-algebra...3 times...and then i dropped out lmao
And the fun. It starts.

Breaker 1-9 , breaker 1-9.
we have a confirmed female.

yep. Fast Bud officially sexed today. Can't wait for her to start flowering...we all know how much I enjoy playing paparazzi with my girls ;)

Idk if i mentioned I was thinking LST for the current plants. But...I was lol
But then I remembered that I'm in smart pots and what a pita is was having to tape down the ties. So I got to thinking. I have enough different types resources available to me that I'm sure i could come up with something.
Being a fabric pot, attaching screws or nails to it is out of the question. As is using the walls of my tent as tie down points. So what can I attach to this pot that will be stable enough to tie down my plant with? My sewing machine is out of commission so sewing anything into the rim of the pot is out.

So. What do you think of this?

I got really into making jewelry a while ago, so I've got a shit ton, boatload of them....
jump rings.
for those of you not familiar with them, they're just little metal rings that you open and close with pliers. They come in all sorts of different sizes and shapes... They're probably used for things other than jewelry - but thats what I used them for lol
so im thinking that i could just slip some of these around the rim of the pot to use as anchors.....thoughts??

Teeny (the 2nd critical+) is getting bigger..but not much. Shes got some new growth, but as far as height, its not there I don't even know if she's an inch any stretch lol I really wonder how tall she'll end up being.
So I know that I stunted her. Thats obvious. If she were a child, she'd be the 'oops, shoulda been a cum stain' child lol. But...I know autos are genetically programmed to start flowering based on their age. So let's pretend she was left in the paper towels for a week. Does that mean that because of all of the light that she missed out on while she was in the paper towels....oh fucking well, Ima flower whether you want me to or not? lol So lets say the first critical+ (whom well call stilts from here on out lol) and teeny are the same age, since they were germed and pushed a taproot at the same time. So Stilts shows pistils, lets say, on day 18. Can I expect Teeny to show pistils around that same time as well?? That she will only get as big as the flowering stretch allows? Because this plant? is TINY lol. If it doesn't go male on me, I'm wondering if Im not just wasting my time and light and nutes on it...just because I think its cute lol. It's not a strain I care for and I've got lots of strains waiting that I do lol, so im really thinkin' about just baggin' it. :dunno:

Her counterpart, stilts, however. Doin good lol. Still tall as fuck, but I kinda...piled the soil around the base of her stem so she'd stand up and not hag out on the soil lol

so you can see that if they're the same age? I dont rightly know that it's worth growin her out, since I don't necessisarily like the end product anyway lol

And here's fast bud...known only bud lol. she doesnt have a name. The table is open for suggestions :)

Aaaand everybody say cheese!
Hey, you... mz w's knee. you too lol
If those rings don't pull out of the fabric pots they should work:thumbs:

Congrats on the girl :Sharing One:
:hug:'ello, Luv! :smoke:... looks like da boys have you covered on the soil stuff,... yup, nute's get washed out along with the acidic elements,... Ima lean on ya more about getting that Accurate 8 soil pH probe! ....stick it in, let it "soak" a minute,.. maybe push the magic moisture meter button while you're in there (yeah, it's got one!),...take a reading of actual in-pot pH,... remove and wipe clean,... :yoinks: !!! Whaaat??! I say summn funny?! :no: Give explicit directions,... get pervy interpretations- :slaps: :twist: :clap: :roflcry:.... we've had the lime talk already, right? fast it acts, what to do if the soil is really off,...?

...good idea Mz'zz! I did a similar thing with safety pins as anchors on my Grape Hash Plant, for minor LST in a fabric pot,... if you can find the perfect fit, a slightly larger plastic pot that the fabric one can slip into and still leave airspace on the sides will work for more heavy duty tying,...

>> Teeny is lookin' --stunty,... yeah, she'll bloom- ever so minutely...! If you're that blaise' about her, I'd be starting another at this point,...***... the floppy's.. that happens sometimes,... I do the same thing too! sometimes the main stem just doesn't harden enough to support the upper weight, but they grow out of it soon,... do you have a Si supp' yet? *** Wow- FB, livin' the name! They look good, GF- :d5:... well, in so far as I can tell in that damn HPS light!....makes for lousy diagnostics, BTW...:goodluck: ....gotta get back to ya about other bizz,... :brow:
looks like da boys have you covered on the soil stuff,... yup, nute's get washed out along with the acidic elements,

ok so now ive got conflicting information lol. you say nutes get washed out, but Pop said
I believe with an organic grow in soil, that you should be fine. It will take the microchorrzea a couple days to rebuild their population, but thats about it as they make most of what your plant uses from the soil content itself. im a little confused now.

Ima lean on ya more about getting that Accurate 8 soil pH probe!
yea yea yea accruate 8, got it lol. i put it in the amazon cart, so we'll see if K gets it or not lol. Chances are though, that he'll come to me and be like, "babe. why do we need a $60 soil probe? Cant you check the soil pH with the run off and or a slurry test? Cant we get one of these $10 soil probes?" lol so I need some damn good reasons why we need this lol. Because as it stands - i'm with him. why do i need a $60 soil probe when i can check the pH with the run off and a or a slurry test lol sure its a whole lot easier but...why spend more money if its not imperative? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO. ahaha

Yea man, Teeny is SO small. I told my thoughts about baggin it to K and hes like..'well..lets give it a few more days' lol ..............for the purpose oooooofff? lol So I get the feeling that he really wants to get a handle on the temps before we start growing the beans we just got.
I get that the plants will pretty much grow regardless, but we're aiming for top shelf with these new close to top shelf as we can get anyway lol. And in order for that to happen, we need to figure out how to regulate the temps inside the tent. K said he knows what needs to be done to make it work for us, something about a fan with a thermostat or something. But said that wont come until the next grow. AKA he wants to pay off the credit card first lol. Which, i mean, is fine considering he just shelled out 600 bucks for the tent kit lol. so we'll just have to baby sit the temps this grow and open/close the window and/or vent accordingly.
..good idea Mz'zz!
Thanks..woulda been if i could get the jump rings through the fabric lol. The rim is thicker than the rest so i needed something...pointy. i also considered safety pins, but didnt feel much like hunting them down so i went with the next closest thing to me, which happened to be fish hook earrings lol. I mean...when you think about it, its pretty brilliant lol. they have that little hole where you can slip your string or whatever youre using through and tie. Plus they are sturdy, but easy enough to bend so you can twist it to make sure it doesnt come loose from the pot.
mz w's phone is dead....feckin piece o junk..
but i would just like to report, stilts? Pistils.
teeny still shows no signs yet, but it cant be too far away.
Update days 19, 17 and....whatever lol

all right.
I seriously need you to answer something for me.....


mz w, stop you're killing me.

Teeny is growing...very little and very slowly, but she is lol. If K wants to keep it around, then hey, fine. but when it comes down to it, it's not getting much bigger. period. I dont care for the strain. So Im not even going to waste my nutes on it....because its not like I have an entire armys worth of nutrients or anything, ;)
I held a cfl over the plant for the pic in the middle lol unfortunately i've got 0 coordination and just couldnt do it lol

Fast Bud.
Fast bud, fast bud, fast bud.
Where did I go wrong?

ok maybe its not my fault, i dont really know. it was mostly for dramatic effect lol
She's looking a bit.... gangly, if you will lol
Lot's of weird shit going on with her leaves, and I'm not sure if thats due to an error of my own, or its just the plant know. planty, hahah. :dunno:
You all tell me what you thinks goin on here.

she just looks....sad.
I suppose its entirely possible her pH is fucked; i did a slurry test but used tap water, and the soil came back at 6.8 before i planted. and shes only gotten 6.5-6.8 water. That claw leaf is throwin me too, cause its like...the only one lol sooo...i really dunno. if she doesnt kick the bucket, i guess we'll see what develops- haha.

Stilts..whom I suppose I really shouldnt call stilts any more since FB has an inch on her lol. She is all stem though, fb isnt. she's also got some weird shit goin on with her leaves....I have hereby named it 'gangly leaf disease' lol
Hi lovie! :Sharing One:...not sure what Pop meant either,.. you're not running an organic grow, are you? (Organic nute's, teas, etc,...) And yes, I imagine the soil herd get smacked around some in any case, but also any flushing will remove anything soluble in water-- nute's, tannins, salts,... I'm not sure what creates the acidity in these soils to begin with,...tannins are acidic,... part of FF soils issues have been with atificially "aging" part their composts using urea--? breakdown, or cooking, can be incomplete,... wondering about ammonium/ammonia ions (NH4+/NH3)...NH4 releasing that last H+, forming NH3 + H+, and H+ is acidity!... Anyway, no confusion necessary,... point was, having stripped what good stuff was in there, some extra nute's put back in would be a good thing, pH'ed correctly that is! If the soil is around 6.5 give or take a couple, you're good,... water should have some hardness to it-- ppm's CaCO3-- to give it buffering capcity, and of course adjusted after adding all nute's when fert'ing,... more on the neutral pH side, if the soil is still a bit too acidic,... Tell my brother K to trust me on the Accurate 8 investment!... it has a built in moisture meter too, which is handy... no more f*cking around with run-off BS and hassle, get real in-soil measurements w/o the error sources inherent with run-off testing! It's faster, easier, and more accurate, it'll pay for itself before long... The cheap-o ones at garden centers are total crap, BTW,...
>> To make the holes in the pot sides, a hot wire will do great, otherwise, the pins poke right through,...:thumbs:

>>> Mz. W', can you get me some normal light pics? That HPS light is terrible for diagnostics,...color rendering is FUBAR,...and color is a big clue often,... :smoke:..then, we'll what's up here!