My feelings on it are. It works and works well but you have to watch it closely when you're at the end in a more dry environment and I had to purchase a second one in preparation for my upcoming gold glue harvest just because I dont think their trays are quite big enough. But that being said, the fact that I bought another means I love it. I would always mess up the dry compared to this thing. Is is a modified food dehydrator... in a sense, but the air flows differently if you dye the air and watch it flow.... I think there are always improvements to be made but I'd give it a solid 8/10 and has served me well and I won't go back to any other method. It is worth every penny and wish they would give good videos showing how it works online versus me having to have dyed the intake air to look at its method of action.So what's been the general consensus on these so far?
Are they really just modified food dehydrators? I guess more importantly, does it actually work?
So yes it's good, it works and I'm happy. I'll keep using mine and hope they keep producing them. Lifespan I do not know. I've done a total of 250 hours of runtime on the one I have now. Still waiting on back order for the other.