Thank you so much! Your attention to detail is not only inspiring it’s flat out impressive! Thank you thank you!
You're welcome, i seriously missed a bunch of stuff, like how to collect your trim afterwords (putting a black trash bag on the surface your are trimming so you can collect it, freezing the trim so you can do a hash run with hash bags etc. i need to actually add more but right now im plain old sober. I can go back and do step by step with photos on the next plant I take down but I dont have any way to take photos at the moment as my phone died which had the only camera I have besides the horrible webcam which can't quite get anything but blurry crap pictures. Plus I don't have any plants to come down until at least another 75 days. But I'm glad to do so if you remind me (My memory is shot, so please remind me because the hubby sure wont remember

Really wish I bought more trays already. I woke up early this morning and did some chop chop on the Blueberry. I got everything in except the main cola. I left the colas as large as I could but cut them down enough to keep from having any wasted space and packed the dryer full without pressing down on anything. Filled the shot glass and turned it on.
I found that out the first time I bought the dryer and left the colas as big donkey dicks. I also noticed once I had them dried, when you leave them as big colas with main stems attached you get more of a chance of a hay like smell, or a grassy smell versus weed because there's not only more stem left, but there's more chlorophyll left over inside of the leaves you can't trim because it's stuck in between the whole formed cola. When you break down those colas into smaller sized buds, you get to those pesky leaves you didn't know existed and can trim them out and use them for hash or as a last resort smoke that's still super high cannabinoid level even if it has no terpines. I'll use the leaves for hash, or for baking. I will make cannabis flour from the leaves sometimes and just substitute a small percentage of baking flour with the cannabis flour I made with the finely milled sugar leaves in some of my recipes. Sometimes I'll throw them into a mushroom bulk substrate for my scolertia to have some extra nutrients and some THC for a fun little extra kick to the truffles.
Anyway, I had actually preordered extra trays both for my new dryer and for the one I had now. I figured sending an email and getting a reply of "no" would be the worst that would happen, but they said they would oblige, and I got my extra trays. Definitely get the extra trays when you buy a dryer.
I have an Auto Ultimate I just started in DWC and im worried I'll need a few more. On average I can fit 20g dry per tray when I break the buds down, I'm aiming for 500g+ on this auto ultimate so knowing my luck I'll end up needing 3 more because ill yield about 700g. These things are great, but there needs to be a bigger unit available. That's where I'm now getting to the point of having an issue. I love the product, and I use it. But, as I stated before, when you grow more than a few plants, you need more than 1 of these. Great for small growers, but when you're trying for a once and done for the year, it isnt as straight forward.