New Grower My first auto grow

Here's a little update on the ladies, they all seem to be wanting to stretch,
Northern auto on her 18th day.
cherry bomb [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] on her 14th day.
cherry bomb [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] also on her 14th day.
cherry bomb [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] on her 14th day, this is the one that stayed a bit small but she's starting to perk up now.
Here's a diagram of a light I'm thinking about building around an old bicycle wheel, the ideas there I'm just not sure how it would work in reality. Any input would be great. Thanks for reading and sorry for the bad drawing haha. There's also a picture of the wheel I'll be using just for reference.

Looking good m8 im in for the long run I wanna see how the cherry's end up been thinking about picking some up.
:slap: for first grow underway best of luck hope the girls grow big and strong!

Come one Come all to the one and only TWG's 1st ever auto grow. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks mate, the cherry bombs are a good strong strain I'm not sure mine will be the best example as they are my first proper grow and I've only got 1 not so good ufo led over 4 young plants in a 80x80 as I've had problems with light orders but I've got one in transit as we speak so should be here soon and we'll see if they perk up but they're nice and strong they're putting all they're growth into growing tall trying to soak up the light.
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Right so I've came to the conclusion that I'm getting a lot of stem/height growth due to my light being so weak (ufo led roughly about 60-70w) so they're stretching trying to soak up light, hopefully my new light should be here within the next couple of days, I ended up getting a 1000w led at a price I couldn't refuse and this is 272 true watts so hopefully the ladies should thrive with this until I get the funds to build my cob. Anyhow here's a quick update on how they're doing, I've been struggling getting it warm enough to dry the pots, they are 11l, in hindsight I should have opted for the 8l but I'll have a better heater by the end of the week for inside the tent so I should be able to solve the problem pretty simply. Here's a few pictures. :) .
20th day for the northern auto..
cherry bomb day 16, this one was the small one the runt but she's doing good.
cherry bomb [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] day 16
cherry bomb [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] day 16, this one is about the same height as the northern auto now she's really stretching.
Quick update on the ladies. After a bit of training last night they perked up towards the light, since then I've had to tighten them down a bit more but I haven't got no pictures yet, these pictures shown are of each plant this morning around 6 hours after tie down.
Northern auto day [HASHTAG]#22[/HASHTAG]
cherry bomb [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] day 18
cherry bomb [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] day 18
cherry bomb [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] day 18
My new 1000w led has now arrived with a true rating of 285w, I set it up straight away and switched it on so the ladies have now got about 350 true watts over them coming from 1 x ufo led and 1 x 1000w led, I'll get some pictures up soon the new light has only been on for 40 minutes as I wrote this and I can already see an improvement.
My new 1000w led has now arrived with a true rating of 285w, I set it up straight away and switched it on so the ladies have now got about 350 true watts over them coming from 1 x ufo led and 1 x 1000w led, I'll get some pictures up soon the new light has only been on for 40 minutes as I wrote this and I can already see an improvement.
I just added a 250 w mars hydro 96 along side my 600w mh