Outdoor My first all auto outdoor grow

Subbed. I’m a first time grower of autos as well. Good luck bro!

Thanks! Autos seems to have their own set of rules. I've had photos that I put out early that had some sort of early trauma, like one time I had a really bad batch of soil, but there was time to correct that and for them to recover, and they ended out producing nicely. Autos are different, some of the things that make them great are in other situations their limitations. I feel like my outcome this time will at best represent about 70% of their (outdoor) potential. From another angle in a real world sort of way it might represent a reasonable baseline expectation for future grows.

Usually in this part of Western Oregon it's like someone throws a switch in early June and summer arrives, and it basically doesn't rain again until mid-to-late September (getting increasingly intense after October 1st). According to the current weather report, it looks like this year that will happen 06/15.
Thanks! Autos seems to have their own set of rules. I've had photos that I put out early that had some sort of early trauma, like one time I had a really bad batch of soil, but there was time to correct that and for them to recover, and they ended out producing nicely. Autos are different, some of the things that make them great are in other situations their limitations. I feel like my outcome this time will at best represent about 70% of their (outdoor) potential. From another angle in a real world sort of way it might represent a reasonable baseline expectation for future grows.

Usually in this part of Western Oregon it's like someone throws a switch in early June and summer arrives, and it basically doesn't rain again until mid-to-late September (getting increasingly intense after October 1st). According to the current weather report, it looks like this year that will happen 06/15.
Yeah good point on growing autos, their shorter time span leaves less room for error if something happens. But then again we wouldn’t want nature to make things too easy for us now would we ;-)
Yeah good point on growing autos, their shorter time span leaves less room for error if something happens. But then again we wouldn’t want nature to make things too easy for us now would we ;-)
True enough. :cheers: :)

I put out a lot of autos this year, I don't need them all to be big producers. So it's fine that they end out smaller, I'll focus on the quality comparison part and not the size potential part of this experiment. I'm still getting used to the idea that there is a whole segment of the cannabis world that can be grown bigger indoors than outdoors.
I'm just past the 30 day point since the first group popped, and right on schedule they are starting to show the first signs of flowering. I'm totally not used to autos yet, I was waiting for them to get a little bigger and then I was going to top them. I don't recall if I've mentioned this, I top them because of worm issues -- it's really hard to control the moths/bud worms and they tend to go for the tallest bud, so if I let my autos form one main cola there is a good chance I'll lose it to worms. At least if I top it and the plant divides that energy, I'll get some and the worms will get some since they rarely hit all of the buds on any given plant. As a side note I do usually spray with a combo of Neem, BT, and Organicide, but only until the first signs of flowering -- and the last few weeks have had so much rain that I got one spraying in early and I'm sure it washed off, and didn't have another chance to hit them.

At any rate, the plants are super small, maybe 6-12" tall, and already starting to flower. We had some warm weather in May and I was fooled into thinking summer was arriving, and then it went cold and wet and stayed there, totally stunting the plants. Next summer -- if I do this again -- I'll start popping seeds June 1st and then be putting them outside mid-June. The current weather report shows decent weather starting around June 15th, and then a few days later it will be in the 90's. The weather has been really weird the last few years (or at least that's as long as I've been growing and paying close attention). If there is any normal left, this will probably be the last rain for a couple of months.

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I have no idea how this will affect the plants -- to be held back by cold and then slammed with hot weather. It shouldn't stay that hot for long, and the rest of their flower time should be in strong sun. I guess they'll do what they do.
hanks! Autos seems to have their own set of rules. I've had photos that I put out early that had some sort of early trauma, like one time I had a really bad batch of soil, but there was time to correct that and for them to recover, and they ended out producing nicely. Autos are different, some of the things that make them great are in other situations their limitations.

Very well stated bud!! That is it exactly.

Because of the extended photo veg time, if you make an error on a photo it can be corrected, while a serious mistake on an auto will cost you in the end result in a major way.

But....master autos(in your climate), and the results are exceptional. I certainly found that growing autos has definitely made me a better photoperiod plant grower.
The first plant is a 6 week old Six Shooter that was started indoors and had a pretty healthy childhood, the second is a 5 week old Sky Stomper that was born into a cold dark world... (the third is a Dark Devil). Most of this crop was put outside too early and has that shape with one main stem and not much side branching. I'm curious to see how they'll do when the sun finally comes out, I'm hoping they start putting some energy into filling out more.


