Outdoor My first all auto outdoor grow

Sure, anyone can call me Rob. :cheers:

I agree... except... I really wanted them in the ground. I've learned too late for this season, that there are better ways to get them there.

Last year when I put auto seeds directly into the ground the nights were too cold, and when they finally popped several were either eaten or trampled within the first few days. Sometimes it takes a couple of seasons to get it right. Moving forward I'll try one of the air-pot methods, that looks like the best compromise for autos. I'll also probably try more in pots. The problem there is I have a dozen going now, and I don't have room to start a dozen indoors in 3 gallon (or bigger) pots.

Instatransplant pots or airpots would suit you well...i find a 1 gallon pot is perfectly suited for 21 days of indoor growth.

Auto ultimate using insta transplant pots.

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I recently joined a growers collective and we had a gathering. Part of the festivities included plant raffles and give-aways, and I ended out coming home with three more autos! I believe they are 30 days old(!), and came in 3 gallon plastic pots. The guys in the collective who are familiar with autos say a 3 gallon pot is fine for growing them outdoors. I'm a big believer in giving the plant more soil than it can use, and letting it find its own limits so I'm playing with non-transplant options.

I've added (Fast Buds) Six Shooter, (World of Seeds) Wild Thai Ryder, and (Mephisto) Alien v Triangle to my summer selection.

05.27.18_WildThaiRyder_final-pot.jpg 05.27.18_AlienVtriangle_final-pot.jpg 05.27.18_SixShooter_final-pot.jpg
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I recently joined a growers collective and we had a gathering. Part of the festivities included plant raffles and give-aways, and I ended out coming home with three more autos! I believe they are 30 days old(!), and came in 3 gallon plastic pots. The guys in the collective who are familiar with autos say a 3 gallon pot is fine for growing them in outdoors. I'm a big believer in giving the plant more soil than it can use, and letting it find its own limits so I'm playing with non-transplant options.

I've added (Fast Buds) Six Shooter, (World of Seeds) Wild Thai Ryder, and (Mephisto) Alien v Triangle to my summer selection.

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Awesome deal!! All 3 of those strains will grow in 3 gallon pots for sure...but then again, all 3 of those strains are known to grow quite large!! Nice looking plants.
Awesome deal!! All 3 of those strains will grow in 3 gallon pots for sure...but then again, all 3 of those strains are known to grow quite large!! Nice looking plants.
Yeah, I'm very lucky this collective exists and that I was introduced to them. It's mostly been me and the internet until now, it's nice to socialize in person with other people who understand and can talk knowledgeably about growing cannabis. It would have been more fun if I could actually smoke... lot's of joints and dabs going around -- but I did my edibles and caught up eventually.

The Alien v Triangle has been my holy grail this spring, I had been unable to find those seeds anywhere (apparently I started looking about 4 weeks too late). The Wild Thai Ryder is a plant that someone else had won in the raffle, but they flew in and couldn't take it with them so they gave it to me. I knew nothing about it, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it does. At the end there were a bunch of plants left over and they asked anyone who wanted one to take one. Having two already I didn't want to be greedy and waited a while, but when few others stepped up I grabbed the Six Shooter. That's one that a friend gave us some buds to and my wife really liked it. I've got a whole lotta autos going now, should be an interesting summer.
So, as I've said, I learned about the 'cutting slots in a pot and putting it into another pot' thing too late for this season... mostly. I had three last seeds I popped so although I hope to do it right the next time, we'll see how these do with my after-the-fact modification.

By only opening the utility knife one click, I was able to cut out sections of the pot without damaging roots (or only minimally, but I did not see any roots get cut).

I put two in the ground and one into a bigger pot. We'll see how they do compared to the ones I did a more traditional and probably disruptive transplant with.

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At this point the biggest shock to these poor plants has been cold weather. Next year I'll start 2-3 weeks later.
I'm really liking your garden @Humanrob , all of it by the way! I'll have to show the wife its like her dream garden when we move up your way. How lucky is that a nice collective group get together. I'm far south of you but found my afghan auto's last year grew like made and ended up about 3 1/2 feet tall in a 5Gal outdoors. Living in a urban area I have to do pots so that if I need to take them indoors to remain somewhat stealth I can. @912GreenSkell I had not caught that tidbit about the importance of the 1st 30 days Feeding in your other articles. Thanks... GL Rob
nice tread @Humanrob . I'm new to growing and have started some plants this season outdoors for the first time. I'll be reading and following along! Must learn about strain choices for next year and need to read up on photo period plants, as I think I'm going for those next year on a guerilla grow.
I'm really liking your garden @Humanrob , all of it by the way! I'll have to show the wife its like her dream garden when we move up your way. How lucky is that a nice collective group get together. I'm far south of you but found my afghan auto's last year grew like made and ended up about 3 1/2 feet tall in a 5Gal outdoors. Living in a urban area I have to do pots so that if I need to take them indoors to remain somewhat stealth I can. @912GreenSkell I had not caught that tidbit about the importance of the 1st 30 days Feeding in your other articles. Thanks... GL Rob
Thanks! The garden started out as a labor of love, for my wife the emphasis was on love, for me it was on labor! LOL As the years have rolled by I'm more and more into it. There is always more to do.

Last year was my first year growing autos (so far I've only done them outdoors) and I had one that was 4' tall, most of them were between 2-3' tall, a couple were just a single thin stem that produced very little. I have a lot of them out this year, and most are in the ground and in the sunniest spots in the garden. The results of this grow will have an impact on my future choices.

I'm afraid to read any articles on the importance of the first 30 days... my poor girls have spend most of them in temps that were way too cold, and it'll be another week before things warm up properly. I started them like I have all my starts, in just FFOF soil... I suppose I should read up on this more.
nice tread @Humanrob . I'm new to growing and have started some plants this season outdoors for the first time. I'll be reading and following along! Must learn about strain choices for next year and need to read up on photo period plants, as I think I'm going for those next year on a guerilla grow.
Thanks, I hope something here will be helpful. I'm pretty new to autos, so it might be as much about the mistakes I make as the success I have, but that can be useful too.
I typically use local/regional organic potting soils and worm casings in my soil mix weather in ground or pot. Seems to work pretty well but you can go crazy with it if you want theres lots of info and recipes out there. I grow for my wife who is also a sativa lover so I'll be curious on how your's do and the smoke report.
Love the Labor!