Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

PICTURE UPDATE:Thanks Happy, that is exactly what I am doing. I upped it to 450 today and put the pH at 5.8. I am still not seeing any signs of burn so I think I will probably get them to where they need to be in a day or so probably around 500 PPM's. Here are some more pictures. The plant in the first picture is growing like a monster and I can already tell the side branching is going to be ridiculous.

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Thanks Faded!

UPDATE: I upped the PPM's today to 495 and saw just the tinest bit of nute burn on the smallest plant so I am right at the limit of where the ladies can handle nutrient wise. Also I have adjusted my pHing regemin in that I am now starting each cycle at 5.5 instead of 5.8 the reason is two fold. There are a couple nutes that are more available at a lower pH like Phosphurs(I have some purple stems) it also allows me 2 days before I have to pH again. It takes about 48 hours for it to go from 5.5 to 6.3 or so. All of the ladies are getting back to a nice darker green, even the one that was the palest is getting her color back. Again note to self start feeding earlier like day 3 or 4.

Also on another note these ladies are going to be beasts! Each internode has another set of side branches forming so they are going to be very very bushy and from what I can tell they should have lots of budsites. I can see how and why this is a heavy yielding strain. They are also starting to develop the slightest smell of disticnt Haze. I also have what appears to be 3 of each phenotype 3 indica dominant and 3 sativa dominant. So I am happy about that as it gives me a perfect split.

This is really where things start to get fun because the growth is so rapid I can almost see the progress before my eyes. I am really loving these autoflowers, they are just growing so fast I love it. I hope everyone else enjoys watching as I do growing. I am also getting a better camera sent to me that should be here in a few days so better pictures to come as well :) Happy growing everyone!
PICTURE UPDATE: Day 15 and the ladies are doind wonderfully!15 001.jpg15 002.jpg15 003.jpg15 004.jpg15 005.jpg15 006.jpg

They are all back to a healthy green and all the leaves are happy as can be, I also discoverd that one of my air pumps had gotten unplugged so they were only running on half the pumped 02 for a couple of days. Since I plugged it back in and got the Nutes to where they should be(500 PPMs) I have seen things start to really ramp up. I will probably need to put the carbon filter on here in the next couple of weeks because the smell is getting stronger every time I open the room! Sending mad grow Karama to all of my fellow AFN growers!
Looking great Derek you are doing DWC You should be able to pull of more weight them me bro. Your plants are looking stellar at day 15 I am at day 9 as of the 14th mine really picked up in the last 24 hours. I am sending you Karma:karma Cloud::Hookah:
PICTURE UPDATE: Thanks for stoppin by Fairly, sorry I have not been on in the last couple of days I have been sick. These ladies have absolutly SOARED in the last 3 days I mean it is insane. These are going to be some big plants for sure, so without further ado. 19 001.jpg19 002.jpg19 003.jpg19 004.jpg19 005.jpg19 006.jpg19 007.jpg

The last is a pic of the awesome side branching that has already started, that is Betty she is going to be a monster if I can keep her alive and thriving like this. Feeding them and plugging in my other o2 pump has given them everything they need. There is a small bit of CalMag spotting, I think it was due to not being fed til day 8 because it is on the oldest leaves, I am probably going to go ahead and get some CalMag + tomorrow and try to get it handled beofore it becomes too big of an issue. Even the purple stems have cleared up and are now just all green and happy like they should be. Thanks everybody for watchin a long with me and my little babehs :)
Oh and the last picutre is a side shot of Betty just showing off her side branches, I am glad that they haven't shown sex yet because if they wait just a couple more days I think I may be able to get back the few days I lost due to not feeding them fast enough.
What temps are you running at Derek? And they are looking amazing bro you have the veg feeding schedule dialed right in. This is going to be a blast to watch. Keep up the great work bro
Derek, they are indeed looking top shelf! So, you reckon that spotting is cal mag? I have an auto Jack seedling doing the same thing.. Yours are def getting ready for some vertical acrobatics, Brother!
:karma Cloud::karma Cloud::karma Cloud:and more :karma Cloud: to you, Dude. For health AND growing :)
:Sharing One: