Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

How do you like the growstones? I'm contemplating switching from the perlite I use in my mix.
I don't think I will ever use anything else, because they are porus they let more oxygen in and also provide wicking action for water. The little holes act like small capilaries and transport water very easily. I think it wold be perfect for using instead of perlite and it will probably be the norm in a few years, this stuff is really awesome.
UPDATE: I went ahead and fed the girls another 5ML's of Master A and B. This put the PPMs right at about 100 so I think this should be right on with where they are at this point. I fed 10ML's of A and B yesterday and saw a good resopnse and no nute burn so I went ahead and gave em just a little bit more because I think not only can they handle it but need it as well. All of the ladies grew significantly after getting there first feeding so let's hope this trend continues and they just get monsterous hahahahaha
UPDATE: Today I adjusted the ph and added a gallon of water. The ladies ate quite a bit yesterday. PPM's yesterday were fed at 93 and today it was 63 so they ate approx 30 ppm's of nutes yesterday and all seem to be resopding well to the food and no signs of nute burn. 1 of the plants has a kind of twisted 2nd set of leaves but I have read on several other AutoX journals that this is common so I am not too worried. All ladies have roots out of the bottom of the rockwool. Note on the next grow don't put so many growstones between the rockwool and the bottom of the net pot because it takes the roots longer to get down into the rez.
Here are a few pictures of the ladies at 10 days old
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Looking good D.:Sharing One:
Love the photo updates:niceshot:
"JM's a Hippy"looking great so far, keep up the good work
very healthy looking for ten days old that is a interesting looking medium
Thanks everybody

and @fairlynew they are growstones it is pulverized glass rock that is porus. I will never use anything else this stuff is awesome. I can't remember who but someone was going to use it istead of perlite in their soil mix next time and I think it would work amazing! I think because of its porus nature and wicking action that it is waaaay better than hydroton for sure.