New Grower Aaaand I'm off. First grow. Organic soil with Mephisto beans

@Illini4life The top 1/4" or so seems to dry out really fast, but if I brush a little to the side it seems pretty moist. I've been go the point where the bag seems light and dry, but I can wait an extra day next watering to see.

I should have the tubing for the compost tea bubbler in a couple days. Will add a mix of nature's pride and worm castings to the top when I water next.

Thanks for all the tips!
Yeah give the girls a day or two more to dry out between waterings. You want those roots to search for that water, expanding the root ball in the process. The surface will dry quite quickly, sometimes the very next day, but we're concerned about what's going on deeper in the pot! Proper wet dry cycles are crucial!

Also for the temps you can use about any heater. Most of these tents are heat resistant so you can get just about any heater you can fit in there with reason! I used a tower space heater before and it worked great! You could try turning exhaust down a bit? Idk if you have that ability but if you stop pulling heat from your light it might get your tent a little warmer. Also saw you are only running at about 30% power. I would crank that up to like 75% or 80% if you haven't already. This will also produce a bit more heat with the increased wattage. Good luck and keep it up!

Fed them compost tea for the first time last night about an hour after the light came back on.

Looking good @Belle
One month down... and here comes the month of buds :woohoo1:
Week 6:

I think I've got my lighting figured out. I believe them being stunted so bad was due to heat stress.

Things seem have to have normalized. I did a good flush and then let the dirt dry out quite a bit. The tips are still burnt a little, but it hasn't spread. I think I'm doing a better job at keeping the soil moist without overwatering.

I fed them water, compost tea, and then 1/3 the recommended dose of NP bloom. I cleaned up the smaller buds and lower leaves last night. Double grape is such a runt. I don't think I'll get a bowl out of her.

Day 44: About 25% of the pistols on the CG have turned color. Lots of trichomes everywhere. I don't have a loupe yet.


If I have a nutrient that says to feed them X per gallon weekly, is it better to feed it a little at a time throughout the week or all at once? Or does it not matter?

Is checking trichomes with a jeweler's loupe the best way to tell if a plant is ready? CG is at 44/45 days. It's a cross of 2 Mephisto strains 60-70 days and 65-70. I'm guessing I have another 3 weeks at least on this one. Does that look about right?


A phrase I've heard is "fertigate weakly weekly" so a little bit of nutes once a week and the rest of the time just water,
Many people here suggest to go by the 'nute water water nute' routine so adding nutes every third watering,
Gives the plant some time to use them up as well as wash out the un-used stuff
Happy growing :goodluck:
Week 6:

I think I've got my lighting figured out. I believe them being stunted so bad was due to heat stress.

Things seem have to have normalized. I did a good flush and then let the dirt dry out quite a bit. The tips are still burnt a little, but it hasn't spread. I think I'm doing a better job at keeping the soil moist without overwatering.

I fed them water, compost tea, and then 1/3 the recommended dose of NP bloom. I cleaned up the smaller buds and lower leaves last night. Double grape is such a runt. I don't think I'll get a bowl out of her.

Day 44: About 25% of the pistols on the CG have turned color. Lots of trichomes everywhere. I don't have a loupe yet.


If I have a nutrient that says to feed them X per gallon weekly, is it better to feed it a little at a time throughout the week or all at once? Or does it not matter?

Is checking trichomes with a jeweler's loupe the best way to tell if a plant is ready? CG is at 44/45 days. It's a cross of 2 Mephisto strains 60-70 days and 65-70. I'm guessing I have another 3 weeks at least on this one. Does that look about right?

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I'm a fan of low dose and more feeds. It's easier to mix up solution in my opinion at a lower dose and just use that to feed throughout the week. It's convenient and keeps things simple, no switching back and forth, eg feed - no feed - feed, or whatever combination. It's just water with my feed solution for that stage and go. Had marvelous girls last round who got fed every watering from about 2.5 weeks on. It's all in what works for you! Just my two cents as always!
Hey Belle, sometimes the tiniest plants pack the biggest punches. I had a little strawberry nuggets plant last year that I called ‘one joint’. She did end up producing several joints of some very very tasty buds.

I am confused though, bro. You mentioned that this is is an organic grow with some amendments. But then you say you have nutes that say to feed weekly. The schedules sounds more like bottled nite schedules than something I would associate with organic soil growing. Help me understand by sharing what those weekly nites are that you plan on using. Remember with organic growing, you aren’t feeding the plant, but the microbes in the soil. If that is the style you are growing in, you never want the soil to dry out, as the microbes need a constant moisture level to thrive. and when they thrive, the plants will also.

If you are feeding bottled nutes, then the soil moisture really doesn’t matter, and you can let it totally dry out between feedings, as the plants will have all they can handle with the next feeding. Think of it as an IV for the plant.
Hey Belle, you are doing well for your first grow. I had a funny plant she was stunted and turned out to be the largest plant , that was my first ever grow lol. If the girls have another reach in early flower. As Iriee said, the little ones can be potent, i had a bad grow with all plants small, turned out the 4in1 ( put them all in one jar) turned out to rather strong

I couldnt get my organic soil, this time but they mentioned what i could add to it and give little doses and then used bloom later one