Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

yo derek ovbly some nice pics would be good, but you living and your babies come first i say no need to go out of your way for a camera the one you have is all good.
yo derek ovbly some nice pics would be good, but you living and your babies come first i say no need to go out of your way for a camera the one you have is all good.

What he said.. :thumbs:

Breathe, my friend. :Hookah:

Big Green Vibes for your wee babies! :Sharing One:
Hi Derek, thanks for stopping by my grow.

I've only just read your first post so had to immediately post a reply without reading the rest of the thread.

25L per hour is not enough oxygen by a long way, that's not even enough for your lungs (if, by oxygen, we mean the air that is 78% Nitrogen ..).

You want at least 600L per hour.

I'll carry on reading the thread now, i hope someone else has pointed this out !

All the best,

Hi Derek, thanks for stopping by my grow.

I've only just read your first post so had to immediately post a reply without reading the rest of the thread.

25L per hour is not enough oxygen by a long way, that's not even enough for your lungs (if, by oxygen, we mean the air that is 78% Nitrogen ..).

You want at least 600L per hour.

I'll carry on reading the thread now, i hope someone else has pointed this out !

All the best,


600L's WOW! I have 2 air pumps, 1 75L and 1 25L I am going to get another pump most likely. I have grown with a BUNCH of o2 pumped in and what I found is that the more o2 that is pumped in the harder it is to keep the pH stable. I am probably going to get another 150 though because I think they could handle another stone(making a total of 3 airstones in each bucket). As of right nowit has enough o2. I have been growing in DWC for a long time and have grown sucsessfully with a lot less before. I also believe that there is only a certain amount of oxygen the roots can take up(kinda like with nutrients)

UPDATE: I still have not gotten a camera but I will have one tomorrow for sure, I tried taking more pictures with my computer but they just look like blurry green spots. All of the ladies are doing amazing and at only 4 days above ground are already producing there 2nd set of leaves. At 10 days or when they all have fully formed 2nd sets of leaves I am going to start to feed them 1/8th stregth nutes.
Ah ok, it's only my second hydro and the figure sounded really low, but you've done it before so that settles that :)

All the best,

Hey derek brother! Soo jealous of your light set up my man! How crazy is your hydro bill? Ive been thinking about getting a 1000watt hid through a buddy but I'm nervous about being red flagged by my property management for high usage! As it stands now it is already above the avg.
my electricity bill is only 78 dollars a month :) running an HID 1kw light pulls the same amount of KW hours as a toaster that is plugged in all the time. Also here and pretty much anywhere i have lived in the US the electricity company only comes and physically reads the meters about every 3 months, the other times they just go off what the neighborhood average is.

Also I WILL be geting a camera today at 3 oclock I am just waiting on my wife to get home so we can go to walmart.

UPDATE: I finally got a camera and while still not pro quality it is much better than the previous. These are all of the ladies at 5 days old. I was hoping to have roots out the bottom of the rockwool by now but I knew that was a little ambitious. All of them have jusssstt started to produce their 2nd set of leaves and they are getting bigger by the hour it seems. All of them have caught up to the one that started out of the gate really fast.

I still have them on Plain pH'd water and white widow root helper stuff from Humboldt Nutrients which I don't know if it is working or not but it doesnt hurt them as the stuff is just microbial fungi that aid in nutrient uptake.

I am hoping by day 10 they will have their 2nd sets of leaves and I will start on a 1/8th strength nutes. Thats the plan anyway.
5daysold 001.jpg5daysold 002.jpg5daysold 003.jpg5daysold 004.jpg5daysold 005.jpg5daysold 006.jpg5daysold 007.jpg5daysold 008.jpg5daysold 009.jpg5daysold 010.jpg

And I know the pics still suck ass and until the babies get a little bigger this is the quality a 27 dollar camera gets you lol. But they are clear enough to get the idea of how big they are :)
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UPDATE: WE HAVE ROOTS!!! Yaay after just 7 days all of the ladies are showing roots out of the bottm of the rockwool cubes and a couple that are all the way out of the bottom of the net pot.UPDATEDAY7 001.jpg

Here are a couple more of the little ladies just growing right along.UPDATEDAY7 002.jpgUPDATEDAY7 003.jpgUPDATEDAY7 004.jpgUPDATEDAY7 005.jpgUPDATEDAY7 006.jpg

Again I know the pics arent that great but as the ladies get bigger the pictures will get better lol
UPDATE: I noticed today that most of the ladies were starting to turn light green, soooo we know what that means! They were hungry! I was planning on waiting until day 10 to feed but they were ready to eat at day 8(a good sign in my opinion)

So I fed them 10 ML of Humblodt Nutrients Master A and B and 1 TSB of Humboldt White Widow mychozial fungi. I have an 85 Litre system(I actually measured today) Oh and I did a rez change as well, there was a bunch of stuff that got into the water from the attic when I didn't have any growstones in the net pots. So my PPM's are at about 50 or 60 I know that is really low but I always try and underfeed and work my way up if possible, you can never go back down but you can always go up :) If they don't green back up in the next day or two I will add another 10MLs. Thanks for followin along and I can't wait until these ladies are big enough to take good pictures of