Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

Well I am going to watch with enthusiasm derek keep up the great work
UPDATE: Today I upped the PPM's to 200 which I think is right at where they need to be, over the last 3 days I have gone from 50 PPMs up to 200. The babies are eating about 50 PPMs a day right now and between all 6 are drinking about 1/4 gallon of water(some of that is also from evaporation) and they seem to be LOVING the food, they were very hungry. I should have started to feed at about 4 or 5 days. So I may have stunted them a little bit, but it is better for it to happen now so they will have time to recover. Plus it wasnt anything too bad the leaves just got a little lighter green than I like to see. But the chlorphyl seems to be coming back and one of the ladies has literally doubled in size overnight. I will probably try and take a couple pics of that one just so everyone can see lol
PICTURE UPDATE: Here are the ladies at day 12, all look great and back to a good green color after getting some much needed nutes to the little lasses. I have gotten the PPM's up to about 400 with my pH ranging from 5.9-6.3 over the course of 24 hours. There is one plant however that is still showing signs of nitrogen def, so in that bucket I have upped the nutes to 425 PPMs and think I may bump it up even more if the green doesnt start to darken up(it really is kind of baffling) all of my buckets are daisy chained together so I can recirculate when I want and they can be individual buckets as well(kind of lol) any way without further ado here are the ladies at 12 days above ground.

The nitrogen def lady is in picture #2 day12 001.jpgday12 002.jpgday12 003.jpgday12 004.jpgday12 005.jpgday12 006.jpg

If anyone has any ideas on what I could do to get the dark green color to come back in lady #2 aka Marge. Thanks in advance
Looking good!

Sorry I can't give any advice...not my medium/method. :)
Thanks Trap I am sure I will get it figured out, but it really is kind of strange. My first thought is that the pH is off but everything looks good there. I think I am going to get a new pH pen though because mine is one of the cheapo ones from china. That still wouldn't explain why one plant out of six is showing nitrogen def and all the others are fine. Hmmm
Only thing I can think of is that the pheno is different and is more N hungry or something
physically wrong with the roots (or the position of the roots in the res.) that's disallowing uptake.
Yeah I am thinking it is a different pheno, I am just wondering if the nute requirements can be that different from pheno to pheno. I have lots of experience growing but I have only grown maybe 5 or 6 different strains and for most of my grows(80% or better) have been 1 strain,DP's original blueberry. So my knowledge of the variances between phenos is not all that vast.

I guess I will try and up the PPMs again tonight and see if she is just hungrier than the rest. It really is a stumper though
Kids are looking good D.:Sharing One:
I'd suggest getting your PH down to 5.8.
And if you could cover the top of your buckets with mylar or white plastic to reflect the heat coming form your indoor suns.
I bet the heat is causing your PH fluctuations.
Thanks Ronin, I am waiting until the plants get tall enough to clear the net pot before I put the mylar under them. I am going to go with 5.8 as well when I pH them today. I have been letting it natuarally swing from 5.9 to 6.3. I upped the PPMs yesterday for all of the ladies to about 400. I think they could actually take some more. I still havent seen any signs of nute burn so that is good, All of them excpet the problem child have come back to a nice green color. I think I might have to start checking the pH every 12 hours instead of every 24, I also know that with the 1000 liters of air per hour that are being pumped in effect pH stabilization.

I have only been checking the pH every 24 hours because it is giving me a good "swing" range which I am trying for the first time with this grow. With all my other grows I just tried to keep it between 5.8 and 6.0 steadily. I may go back to that theory if the problem child doesnt get back to a healthy green. She looks a little better color today but still not to the lush green she should be.

I will try and take some decent pictures today so ya'll can compare them and see if it is indeed getting better.
Keep pushing the PPMs dude... give them 425 today or tomorrow for a day or two, then 450 for couple of days, then 475... like that until they're all dark green.