Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

I have found that if u want to defoil.. wait until flowering has started.. and at the end of stretch.. So that u dont stun the growing cycle.
Defoil the fan leaves that are shading healthy bud sites.
I have found that if u want to defoil.. wait until flowering has started.. and at the end of stretch.. So that u dont stun the growing cycle.
Defoil the fan leaves that are shading healthy bud sites.

Oh trust me I know the science and reasoning behind it, I just find it difficult to do. I hate killin live healthy plant matter even if it makes a marginal difference not to, I honestly don't mind underdeveloped buds and larfy popcorn stuff cause that is what I use to make my concentrates. But if you are comfortable doing it by all means more power to ya
Why do you have a hard time killin the males lol, those I have no problem killing. I just find it hard to defoliate because as soon as I go to snip the branch I just cant help but think about all the little cells that will not longer be photosynthesizing. Now there is a point where if the fan leaves get too big they have a point of diminishing return, basically meaning that the leaf is too big and it is actually working to hard to photosynthesize. But I still can't ever do it lol, and I am most likely in the minority on this one because I know a lot of folks defoliate and have great results. But I am stubborn I guess or paranoid about doing something to stress the plant out, things like that.

Have you ever defol? I don't know a known grower here that hasn't done it to autos, I do every one damn near no effects of done properly....
Nope never done it really, I LST the shit out of my plants like crazy style. On this grow I had maybe 5% popcorn buds so while I TOTALLY understand why people do it but again it just is a personal preference that I want to try and create a 0 stress environment and that includes cutting anything green off. It is kind of like a vegan doesn't want anything that meat has touched, that is weird and there is no science behind it but its what they do
How long you been growing for? I'm new little under a year still, so lots to learn still but I've done both, top, LST, I've also done nothing. Lst, topping was my biggest plant at 170g dry. Not topping now though I got a few monsters hidden that are loving life. Both have had minor LST and defoliation though.
How long you been growing for? I'm new little under a year still, so lots to learn still but I've done both, top, LST, I've also done nothing. Lst, topping was my biggest plant at 170g dry. Not topping now though I got a few monsters hidden that are loving life. Both have had minor LST and defoliation though.

I have been growing Cannabis for more than 10 years and I have my degree in Botany as a result of loving to grow Cannabis and LST has always been my favorite because it is more loving and gentle to the plants. I literally love them like they are people and I would never want to hurt a baby while it was growing you know
I have been growing Cannabis for more than 10 years and I have my degree in Botany as a result of loving to grow Cannabis and LST has always been my favorite because it is more loving and gentle to the plants. I literally love them like they are people and I would never want to hurt a baby while it was growing you know

No pun intended, but when I got issues I'll hit you up. :worship:
If i didnt have to go work id get into a debate ha ha.see all this talk of autos dont do this dont so that.how wrong u all are.;)ur right about the strain dependant bit.but everything else no lol;)i do all that to my autos.topping lst .supercropped.heavy defol lolipop my autos everytime with monster results.;) il show u im.my current grow as time goes on.have a great day;)