Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

yeah i think i just spent another $300us almost on nutes I can do without it for sure,Im just glad these ones have givin me something decent back,the mrs can only be kept calm for so long without seeing a return and ive been explaining for many months haha
and on a downer note ,yeah totally agree with that which is one of the reasons i switched forums,to much big headedness not enough growing I also didnt like some of the info admin where feeding to hydro people since most of them grow in dirt and are passing that info off as hydro info even when it dosnt even apply at all in some cases or to Autos for that matter LET alone Dwc so yeah i just wish i had of started here is all it would have saved me many issues. i even went through a full grow asking for help and my wife of all people figured out my res temps were bad! haha so yeah it would have saves alot of time and cash coming here first ;) thanks again bro :)
Yep I know exactly what you mean, this is by FAR the best place for getting really specific info on your specific type of growing. I am a DWC nutcase and a Dutch Passion freak so this is the best spot for me for sure! If you haven't gotten a chance you should check out @Mr ganjamoto's AutoUltimate grow that yielded 1000grams off one plant indoors with DWC and LED's. That is what I am talking about, he showed the true potential of what an autoflower can do
Sorry for the loud response lol, the main thing with autos because they have a much shorter lifespan do not respond well to FIMing,Topping,Supercropping or any other high stress method of training, they simply don't have the time to recover. That is also why you don't want to transfer autoflowers because any type of stress is just basically yield you can count as lost. The only method for training autos in my opinion is LST or SCROG.

As for your question about better than original results for all strains, simple answer is yes
In total agreement
Cool I was watching other grows on u tube saying basically the same thing. i was going to run out and get some carboload for the Au but if its not going to make much of a noticeable dif i wont bother with it. cheers that's two things cleared up ;) haha cheers
Go for molasses it's the same thing filled with carbs but better and cheaper peice
Yeah i'l pass on the molasses what I'm doin is working i'l probly buy a bottle of bud candy to test out later on just for kicks.
DO NOT TOP AN AUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of people do it though, its all about timing and what strain your growing. Some growers have major success from topping autoflower's, I defoliate very heavy in attempt to get more tops, however, I wouldn't do it with a 60 day auto, its very strain dependant for me. Super grow by the way :thumbsup:
I have recently seen some folks trying to top autos and they will branch out and give you more bush, but it is a high stress technique, and from everything I know about autos is that the do not like stress, that is why you don't want to transplant them and things of that nature. If you are going to try and train your autos, the common excepted practice is to LST them. Also if you defolitate to much then you are essentially taking the part of the plant that creates photosynthesis, therefore hindering its ability to grow.
Like i said its very strain dependant,would not do it on every auto, plus tactical defoliation worked on my GSC from fastbuds very well, I dont rip everything off, its more about location. Also can slow some strains down allowing for more vegetative growth but yes on other strains it could cause the plant to the flower early from stress. I also did it on my Alien v Triangle with great success. Everyone's got different ways of growing, especially with autoflowers due to being mainstream for only a short period time, grow styles and do's and dont's are still developing along with the strains.