Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

Trap man it is CRAZY! I can't believe how big these ladies have gotten. I am going to have to move my operation to a full sized bedroom on the next round of AutoUltimates. These ladies are just swelling up by the day and I think this is going to be my largest yield ever :)
You are going to have pounds of weed bro. The extremes seem to more finicky then the think different I suffered some leaf damage on both my extremes while the think different on the same schedule suffered nothing at all. I think your auto ultimate grow will be nicer looking for you. I have a feeling extremes are finicky and need some extra heavy attention when it comes to deficiencies. I was reading in the latest high times about pruning large fan leaves they say even thought they are dark green and look pretty and healthy It is important to realize that at the halfway point it has reached it's photosynthetic peak. This means that photosynthesis gradually begins to decline in the leaf and creates less sugar for the plant's nourishment with each passing day. Eventually the leaf will consume more energy than it produces. So I do not think you will hurt but help your plant to prune some energy sucking leaves bro. Just a thought
DAY 67 PICTURE UPDATE Buds with scaling in the pics and niiiiiice Root Porn: day 67 002.jpgday 67 003.jpgday 67 004.jpgday 67 005.jpg and I know the pictures are still bad under the HPS lights but it is such a pain in the arse to turn the lights off, but I will try and get in there in the next couple of days and get some good quality pictures because these ladies are looking beautiful!
You are going to have pounds of weed bro. The extremes seem to more finicky then the think different I suffered some leaf damage on both my extremes while the think different on the same schedule suffered nothing at all. I think your auto ultimate grow will be nicer looking for you. I have a feeling extremes are finicky and need some extra heavy attention when it comes to deficiencies. I was reading in the latest high times about pruning large fan leaves they say even thought they are dark green and look pretty and healthy It is important to realize that at the halfway point it has reached it's photosynthetic peak. This means that photosynthesis gradually begins to decline in the leaf and creates less sugar for the plant's nourishment with each passing day. Eventually the leaf will consume more energy than it produces. So I do not think you will hurt but help your plant to prune some energy sucking leaves bro. Just a thought

You know I never thought about photosythisis peak and leaf size, it is somehthing I am familiar with I just never thought about it. Defintly something to think about, it is really hard for me to justify cutting live healthy leaves just because I don't have the imperical data to see exactly where that peak exsists and where the point of diminishing return is. But It is somehthing I might try to devise and experiment with in the future to see if there is a way to quantify the results. I am with you though that these are finicky for sure! The mag defenicy was a beast and probably cost me quite a bit as far as yeild goes. But I think I will still hit my goal of 1500(fingers crossed anyway) but the buds are just getting huge I really have never seen colas be this big with almost 4 weeks to go its crazy!
That rootball looks WICKED. I pruned both my extremes opened up some bud sites. Are you doing the same Derek as they come to a end. You can see through the HPS they are wicked looking buds and huge bro. I can hardly wait to see them with out the light on them though.
Trapper man I promise it was literally hard for me to pick up the bucket because it is so heavy, and the mass goes all the way down to the bottom! I wouldn't be surprised if each plant and bucket weighed 20lbs a piece(I'm serious it was hard to pick up I had to have my wife take the picture because I couldn't hold it with one hand) I have never seen growth like this before. I can say I am an auto convert for life and will be growing these for a long time! I can't wait till I get the strain dialed in to reach it's full potential!
Fairly, I have not been able to reach to the back of the room to do any more pruning or LSTing after I broke that main stalk about a month ago I stopped trying to get in there and open up light space, but I will be moving my grow into a full sized room on my next run so that shouldnt be an issue. I am probably also going to try my hand at a scrog net on the next run. I really wish I would have had the space to LST these like I had wanted to because they were responding so well and I probably could have gotten another 10-20 main colas if I would have continued to train them, but live and learn lol. I just never anticipated them getting this big.